Fyra palestinier som senaste vecka besökte en den judiska bosättningen Efrat utanför Jerusalem för att delta i firandet av Lövhyddohögtiden arresterades av de palestinska myndigheterna.
Männen hölls fängslade i fyra dagar men frigavs söndag kväll.
En palestinsk säkerhetsofficer säger att allt samarbete med bosättare är olagligt, samarbete med fienden.
Efrats borgmästere Oded Revivi, som var värd för tillställningen uppmanade de palestinska myndigheterna att frige gästerna. Det är absurt att de palestinska myndigheterna betraktar det som kriminellt att dricka kaffe med judar, sade han.
PA releases Palestinians arrested over sukka visit (The Times of Israel)
"...A senior Palestinian security official said Sunday that “any Palestinian cooperation with settlers is viewed as violating the law, as he cooperates with the enemy.” He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not permitted to discuss the matter.
Efrat Mayor Oded Revivi, who hosted the gathering, called on the Palestinian Authority to release his guests.
“It is absurd that having coffee with Jews is considered a crime by the Palestinian Authority,” he said. “Initiatives that seek to foster cooperation and peace between people should be encouraged, not silenced. It’s time the Palestinian Authority asks itself whether it would prefer to fan the flames of conflict instead of working to bring people together.”
Netanyahu on Sunday lashed out at rights groups, often vocal in their criticism of Israel, for what he said was their reluctance to condemn the imprisonment of the Palestinians.
“Where is the outrage of human rights organizations? There is none. To their great shame, they are silent,” Netanyahu wrote on Facebook. “I call on the international community to work to help free these innocent Palestinians whose imprisonment is yet another proof of the Palestinian refusal to make peace.”
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