UNESCO:s styrelse röstade i dag som väntat för Jerusalemresolutionen. Mexico var det enda landet som ändrade sig och lade nu ner sin röst istället för att rösta för resolutionen. Tidningsrapporterna om röstningsförfarandet är lite motstridiga och det verkar som om Mexico meddelat att man ville ändra sin röst men västmakterna "tvingade" Mexico att inte kräva en ny omröstning. Så tekniskt står röstningsresultatet från senaste vecka fast.
Brasilien meddelade också att man antagligen inte i fortsättningen kommer att stöda liknande resolutioner. Men det uttalandet får man ta med en nypa salt. Efter en liknande omröstning i våras bad Brasilien om ursäkt för att man röstat "fel" men det hade tydligen ingen betydelse för hur man röstade senaste vecka.
Omröstningen har omgetts av en del märkliga händelser.
Tidningsrapporter säger att UNESCO:s chef Irina Bokova fått motta dödshot för att hon kritiserat senaste veckas omröstning.
Styrelsens ordförande Michael Worbs, som inte heller var nöjd med omröstningen gav inför styrelsemötet över till viceordföranden.
Mexicos ambassadör Andres Roemer lämnade i protest rummet vid omröstningen senaste vecka. Han övervägde då att säga upp sig från sin post och nu rapporteras det att han avskedats.
UNESCO ratifies Jerusalem resolution, Mexico withdraws support
UNESCO’s executive board adopts Jerusalem resolution
UNESCO chief ‘received death threats’ for opposing Jerusalem motion
Läs vad Yair Lapid skriver: How UNESCO erases history (The Times of Israel)
"...This resolution is so extreme, and its motives so offensive that it even created discomfort within UNESCO. The Chairperson of the UNESCO Executive Board apologized for it and said that regarding the Jewish connection to Jerusalem he is, “very well aware of that and personally would never deny that.” The Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, distanced herself from the decision and clarified that “Jerusalem is the city of King David.” I take my hat off to them both for their honesty but it only emphasizes the madness: two leaders of UNESCO have to state publicly that what is written in the Bible and in the history books is right, because the organization they lead argues the opposite.
I wasn’t surprised. The obsession of some UN organizations towards Israel is no secret. In the past decade, the UN Human Rights Council has passed 61 resolutions condemning human rights violations across the world, from the 400,000 murdered in Syria through Afghanistan to Iraq and other conflict zones in the world. In that same decade, the organization passed 67 resolutions condemning Israel. That isn’t a typographical error. The UN Human Rights Council has condemned Israel, a democracy that abides by international law and protects minority rights, more times than the rest of the world combined.
Other UN organizations have also taken part in this madness. In 2014, for example, the UN General Assembly had 24 condemnation resolutions and 20 of them were against Israel, while only 1 dealt with Syria. The World Health Organization condemned only one country in its last report, Israel. The condemnation focused on what the World Health Organization called “the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights.” It didn’t mention the fact that on the other side of the Golan Heights, in Syria, tens of thousands of children are being murdered and that Israel’s only involvement in health issues is that we bring injured children from Syria into our hospitals for treatment...
...A side from the fact that the resolution is scandalous, it’s also dangerous. The Temple Mount is the most sensitive site in the Middle East, maybe the world. The wave of terrorism against Israel this past year broke out because of conspiracy theories, spread by Islamic fundamentalists, that Israel was trying to change the status quo on the Temple Mount. Israel stated and explained that we have no intention of changing the status quo or impinging on Muslim rights. I’m a member of the opposition government in Israel, but on this I can testify that our government speaks the truth and stands by it, despite the difficulties.
When young Palestinians who have already been fueled by incitement against Israel read a decision like this one by UNESCO, they become convinced that the conspiracy theories are true. The next stage is that they take a knife, a gun or a Molotov cocktail and carry out a terror attack. People will die. Innocent people who have done nothing wrong will die. That’s usually what happens when irresponsible organizations get involved in complex situations which they don’t understand.
When UNESCO’s Executive Board votes to ratify this resolution those countries who abstained should cast a real vote and take a stand. They can stand for history, facts and truth or they can admit they have a problem with Jews, which is just a reminder why our people need a strong and free country."
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