måndag 3 april 2017

Palestinska skolböcker motarbetar fortfarande fredssträvanden

En undersökning av de nya skolböckerna som följer de palestinska myndigheternas undervisningsplan visar att de blivit ännu mer radikala än tidigare. De nya böckerna har försämrats när det gäller budskap om tolerans och fred. Skolböckerna lär eleverna att bli martyrer, att avvisa förhandlingar och de demoniserar och förnekar den israeliska staten. Rapporten kommer från Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education.
(Påminner ännu en gång om att det är Mahmoud Abbas som är ordförande (president) för de palestinska myndigheterna och han prisades nyligen av EU:s utrikesminister för sitt ledarskap och arbete för att utbilda ungdomar för fred och samarbete)


"The report provides numerous examples of radicalization. One third-grade textbook encourages children to become “martyrs” by using an illustration of pupils in the classroom looking at their friend’s empty desk, with a sign that reads: “The Martyr.”

Another example, from a fourthgrade math textbook, asks pupils to compute how many martyrs died in the two intifadas combined. The question is accompanied by a photograph of a funeral procession featuring coffins draped in the Palestinian flag.

The study further found that the struggle against Israel and its disappearance were main themes in the schoolbooks.

A political map in a third-grade textbook shows Palestine in the entire territory of Israel. While neighboring Arab countries are shown, Israel is not depicted. The pupils are asked to look at the map to find Ramallah and four other cities. The map includes many Israeli cities with their names changed to Arabic, including Tel Aviv, which is called Tal al-Rabi (Mound of Spring).

“The most troubling aspects of this curriculum involve the attitude of PA/PLO/Fatah authorities toward the six- to 10-year-old children who are considered to be expendable; and the indoctrination of these youth to the idea that all of Israel belongs to Palestine and all Israelis are evil,” the report stated."

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