torsdag 20 april 2017

Terrorister hedras i palestinska skolor

Palestinska undervisningsministeriet beslöt att ett brev från terroristen och mördaren Marwan Barghouti skulle läsas upp för alla studeranden i Palestina.
Barghouti sitter i israeliskt fängelse dömd för 5 mord. I brevet håller han fram att de fängslade terroristerna är studenternas hjältar och rollmodeller och att studier och terrorattacker går hand i hand.

PA students are read letter glorifying terror written by terrorist murderer (PMW)

At a "mass support rally" for the prisoners in the PA Ministry of Education plaza, PA Minister of Education Dr. Sabri Saidam "emphasized the education system's standing by the side of the heroic prisoners and its support for them in the battle that they are waging against the occupation." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 18, 2017]

In advance of Prisoner's Day, the minister explained the event of the letter reading at the schools:

"These events [of Prisoner's Day] will include reading the letter written by brother fighter Marwan Barghouti to the schools before the students at the morning assembly after raising the flag and playing the national anthem, and this will be in all of the Palestinian schools in the homeland and abroad. Likewise, all of the students will hold a symbolic hunger strike for an hour at the start of the school day."
[Donia Al-Watan, independent Palestinian news agency, April 13, 2017]

Även det israeliska arabiska Hadashpartiet hedrar terrorister

Party's Facebook page expressed sympathy for and solidarity with Palestinian murderers (PMW)
Text från sång:

...You are the glory of our nation
You are the leaders
And the crown on our heads
And you are the lords...

The Facebook page of the Israeli Arab Hadash party yesterday published a post expressing sympathy for and solidarity with Palestinian terrorist prisoners and their hunger strike. The post includes text (see translation below) and a video that opens with a picture that includes the hashtag "#The_[hunger]strike_of_dignity" and the pictures of four Palestinian arch-terrorists:

Abdallah Barghouti, prepared explosives for terror attacks in which 67 civilians were murdered

Marwan Barghouti, planned terror attacks in which at least 5 civilians were murdered

Karim Younes, kidnapped and murdered an Israeli soldier

Ahmad Sa'adat was the head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and
has been praised on Palestinian TV broadcasts for planning the murder of Israeli Minister of Tourism Rehavam Ze'evi

The picture of the terrorists is also shown again during the video as the following words are heard:

"Through you we will build a more beautiful tomorrow."

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