Vi har firat Förintelsens minnesdag och påmints om den ondska som tog sig uttryck i att omkring 6 miljoner judar dödades i Europa för ungefär 80 år sedan, bara för att de var judar.
Förföljelsen och hatet mot judarna fortsätter ännu i dag, också i Europa.
Men samma ondska tar sig uttryck också i förföljelse av kristna. Enligt Open Doors årliga rapport (World Watch List 2019) har närmare 250 miljoner kristna utsatts för allvarlig förföljelse under det senaste året.
Enligt rapporten dödades under året som gick 4 305 kristna på grund av sin tro och 1 847 kyrkor attackerades. Siffrorna baserar sig på bekräftade fall, vilket innebär att mörkertalet kan vara stort.
Open Doors säger att i de 50 länder som listas i WWL är den totala befolkningsmängden 5,07 miljarder. Av dem uppgår antalet kristna uppskattningsvis till 736 miljoner (14,5 procent). Av dessa 736 miljoner kristna anses fler än 245 miljoner (33,3 procent) vara utsatta för allvarlig, mycket allvarlig eller extrem grad av förföljelse, enligt den gradering som används i WWL.
De förföljelser som kristna utsätts för är alltså allvarliga och omfattande.
Över 4000 kristna dödades på grund av sin tro, var finns reaktionerna i den "kristna" västvärlden? Har någon hört politiska ledare kräva ett omedelbart slut på förföljelserna?
Har det ordnats demonstrationer och protester mot detta dödande?
Tyvärr är den "kristna" västvärlden väldigt tyst och försiktig när det gäller att försvara kristna som förföljs, främst i de muslimska staterna men också i andra stater som Indien och Kina.
När det gäller islam så arbetar de muslimska staterna hårt för att man i västvärlden inte ens skall få kritisera islam.
Någon liknande verksamhet från "kristna" stater känner jag inte till. En verksamhet som kräver att kristna i muslimska stater skall respekteras.
En av orsakerna till detta är antagligen att jag måste sätta "kristna" stater inom citationstecken. Europa består ju inte egentligen längre av kristna stater utan av stater som starkt påverkats av kristendomen. För många är kristendomen inte längre viktig, bara en religion bland andra.Kristna som lider i främmande länder betraktas inte som bröder och systrar. Det anses tydligen inte vara viktigt att försvara dem på något sätt.
Risken för att det avkristnade Europa helt kommer att glömma bort de kristna som förföljs är uppenbar. Samtidigt är risken stor att man kommer att ge efter för de muslimska staternas krav och mer eller mindre förbjuda kritik av islam.
Den enormt stora skillnad som finns i värdegrunden mellan de muslimska staterna (som grundar sig på sharialagen) och mellan Europa (som långt grundar sig på Bibeln) borde vara en väckarklocka för alla. Muslimer kan flytta till Europa och bli relativt väl emottagna, infödda kristna i muslimska länder blir utsatta för förföljelse på grund av sin tro.
De tjugo länder där förföljelsen är värst:
Den israeliska versionen av vad som händer
- Denhär bloggen förmedlar nyheter om och från Israel och kommenterar nyheter som de finländska medierna förmedlar till oss.Kanske någon blir medveten om den vinkling av nyheterna från Israel som förekommer. Verkligheten ser ofta annorlunda ut än den bild som TV och tidningar förmedlar. Bland annat genom att läsa israeliska tidningar får du en bättre bild av vad som händer i Israel. (se länklistan)
- Här finns Israelnyheter på Facebook
måndag 28 januari 2019
söndag 27 januari 2019
Antisemitism inom den palestinska myndigheten
PA Antisemitism alive and kicking on International Holocaust Day (PMW)
The PA's antisemitic ideology can be summarized into the following 5 categories:
1. Jews are inferior to all other people
2. Jews are Satan's representatives and responsible for all evil in the world
3. The evil of the Jews exists in their nature and in their genes and is not repairable. The bad Jewish character traits made it unbearable for other nations to live with them
4. Allah punished the Jews through other peoples who fought them - including Hitler - but throughout history the Jews have not learned and have not changed or atoned for this
5. The extermination of all Jews is necessary for the good of all humanity
Läs mera här!
The PA's antisemitic ideology can be summarized into the following 5 categories:
1. Jews are inferior to all other people
2. Jews are Satan's representatives and responsible for all evil in the world
3. The evil of the Jews exists in their nature and in their genes and is not repairable. The bad Jewish character traits made it unbearable for other nations to live with them
4. Allah punished the Jews through other peoples who fought them - including Hitler - but throughout history the Jews have not learned and have not changed or atoned for this
5. The extermination of all Jews is necessary for the good of all humanity
Läs mera här!
Förintelsens minnesdag 27 januari
Förintelsens minnesdag kan påminna oss om att ondskan finns närmare än vi kanske tror och de flesta av oss väljer att blunda för den om vi inte direkt drabbas själva.
En av Israels tidigare utbildningsministrar, Yuli Tamir, har sagt ungefär så här: Vi kommer ihåg det förgångna för att påverka framtiden, eftersom vi tror att framtiden utformas utgående från hur vi förstår det förflutna.
Enligt undersökningar verkar det som om allt fler unga skulle ha en väldigt vag uppfattning om Förintelsen och vad den innebar.
Samtidigt som man i Europa säger att man kämpar mot antisemitismen finns den representerad på hög politisk nivå t.ex i Laborpartiet i Storbritannien.
Inte på 25 år har lika många judar dödats i antisemitiska attacker under ett år som under 2018. Antisemitiska attacker överlag har ökat kraftigt under året.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day - 27 January (YAD VASHEM)
"The Holocaust, which established the standard for absolute evil, is the universal heritage of all civilized people"
One in 20 British adults doesn’t believe Holocaust happened, poll finds
Canadian millennials uneducated on Holocaust — and their elders’ response to it
2018 was deadliest year for anti-Semitic violence since 1994 – Israeli report
En av Israels tidigare utbildningsministrar, Yuli Tamir, har sagt ungefär så här: Vi kommer ihåg det förgångna för att påverka framtiden, eftersom vi tror att framtiden utformas utgående från hur vi förstår det förflutna.
Enligt undersökningar verkar det som om allt fler unga skulle ha en väldigt vag uppfattning om Förintelsen och vad den innebar.
Samtidigt som man i Europa säger att man kämpar mot antisemitismen finns den representerad på hög politisk nivå t.ex i Laborpartiet i Storbritannien.
Inte på 25 år har lika många judar dödats i antisemitiska attacker under ett år som under 2018. Antisemitiska attacker överlag har ökat kraftigt under året.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day - 27 January (YAD VASHEM)
"The Holocaust, which established the standard for absolute evil, is the universal heritage of all civilized people"
One in 20 British adults doesn’t believe Holocaust happened, poll finds
Canadian millennials uneducated on Holocaust — and their elders’ response to it
2018 was deadliest year for anti-Semitic violence since 1994 – Israeli report
torsdag 24 januari 2019
PMW exclusive: PA spent at least 502 million shekels in payments to terrorist prisoners in 2018
PMW exclusive: PA spent at least 502 million shekels in payments to terrorist prisoners in 2018
While the PA does not provide information how the 502 million shekels was allocated between the terrorist prisoners and the released terrorist prisoners, using open sources only, Palestinian Media Watch has calculated, subject to a number of limitations, these figures.
Using information obtained from the Israeli Prison Service (IPS), PMW has calculated that the Palestinian Authority paid at least 230 million shekels in salary payments to terrorist prisoners in 2018.
For example, based on the information provided by the IPS that appears in the 2 left hand columns in the chart below ("time served" and "number of prisoners") and the PA's own terrorist prisoner pay scale ("salary" column), PMW has calculated that in the month of January 2018 alone the PA paid almost 20 million shekels in salaries to the terrorist prisoners.

Additional figures calculated by PMW show that the PA also paid no less than 176 million shekels in salaries to released terrorist prisoners in 2018.
Läs hela rapporten här!
PMW exclusive:
PA spent at least 502 million shekels
in payments to terrorist prisoners in 2018
- As Israel is preparing to implement a new law that imposes financial sanctions on the PA for its "Pay for Slay" policy, PMW has looked at the PA's financial reports for 2018 which includes its payments to terrorist prisoners and released terrorist prisoners
- While the PA does not provide details of how this money was allocated between the terrorist prisoners and the released terrorist prisoners, PMW calculations, based solely on open sources, show that:
- At least 230 million shekels were paid in salaries to terrorist prisoners
- At least 176 million shekels were paid in salaries to released terrorist prisoners
- The remaining 96 million shekels covers additional salary payments and other benefits to the terrorist prisoners and released terrorist prisoners that PMW is unable to precisely quantify
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv.
According to its own budgetary update, in 2018 the Palestinian Authority spent no less than 502 million shekels on salaries and other payments to terrorist prisoners and released terrorist prisoners.Using information obtained from the Israeli Prison Service (IPS), PMW has calculated that the Palestinian Authority paid at least 230 million shekels in salary payments to terrorist prisoners in 2018.
For example, based on the information provided by the IPS that appears in the 2 left hand columns in the chart below ("time served" and "number of prisoners") and the PA's own terrorist prisoner pay scale ("salary" column), PMW has calculated that in the month of January 2018 alone the PA paid almost 20 million shekels in salaries to the terrorist prisoners.
Additional figures calculated by PMW show that the PA also paid no less than 176 million shekels in salaries to released terrorist prisoners in 2018.
Läs hela rapporten här!
Syrien hotar attackera Ben Gurion flygplatsen
Syriens FN-ambassadör Bashar Jaafari säger att om inte FN förhindrar Israel att angripa mål i Syrien kommer Syrien att attackera Israels internationella flygplats Ben Gurion utanför Tel-Aviv.
Ryssland säger också i ett uttalande att Israel måste upphöra med sina "godtyckliga" angrepp på syriskt territorium.
Problemet är inte de israeliska attackerna, det finns en orsak till att Israel angriper mål i Syrien.
Om inte Israel agerar kommer det inom kort att finnas välutrustade iranska styrkor längs med gränsen till Syrien förutom de av Iran stödda Hizbollah trupperna längs med den libanesiska gränsen.
Dessa truppers målsättning är att förinta den judiska staten Israel.
Om man kräver att Israel inte skall slå till mot dessa trupper och försöka förhindra ytterligare vapen att nå dem stöder man i praktiken Irans planer för området.
I natt sköts det mot israeliska trupper vid gränsen till Syrien. Efter den incidenten och hotet mot Ben Gurion flygplatsen har Israel placerat ut Iron Dome luftvärnsförsvaret i Tel-Aviv området.
FN:s mellanösternsändebud Nikolay Mladenov säger att FN styrkorna på den libanesiska sidan av gränsen inte fått tillåtelse att granska de tunnlar som grävts under gränsen till Israel.
Syria’s UN envoy threatens retaliatory attack on Ben Gurion Airport
Russia says Israel must halt its ‘arbitrary’ airstrikes in Syria
UN envoy protests Lebanon not giving peacekeepers access to Hezbollah tunnels
Ryssland säger också i ett uttalande att Israel måste upphöra med sina "godtyckliga" angrepp på syriskt territorium.
Problemet är inte de israeliska attackerna, det finns en orsak till att Israel angriper mål i Syrien.
Om inte Israel agerar kommer det inom kort att finnas välutrustade iranska styrkor längs med gränsen till Syrien förutom de av Iran stödda Hizbollah trupperna längs med den libanesiska gränsen.
Dessa truppers målsättning är att förinta den judiska staten Israel.
Om man kräver att Israel inte skall slå till mot dessa trupper och försöka förhindra ytterligare vapen att nå dem stöder man i praktiken Irans planer för området.
I natt sköts det mot israeliska trupper vid gränsen till Syrien. Efter den incidenten och hotet mot Ben Gurion flygplatsen har Israel placerat ut Iron Dome luftvärnsförsvaret i Tel-Aviv området.
FN:s mellanösternsändebud Nikolay Mladenov säger att FN styrkorna på den libanesiska sidan av gränsen inte fått tillåtelse att granska de tunnlar som grävts under gränsen till Israel.
Syria’s UN envoy threatens retaliatory attack on Ben Gurion Airport
Russia says Israel must halt its ‘arbitrary’ airstrikes in Syria
UN envoy protests Lebanon not giving peacekeepers access to Hezbollah tunnels
måndag 21 januari 2019
Krig mellan Israel och Iran?
Irans politiska och militära ledare har under många år klargjort att Irans målsättning är att utplåna den judiska staten Israel.
Dessa hot har följts upp av både ekonomiskt och militärt stöd till olika terrororganisationer med samma målsättning.
Hamas och Islamsk Jihad som främst finns i Gaza men också på västbanken hör till dessa organisationer. Men störst,viktigast och mäktigast av de terrorgrupper som Iran stöder är Hizbollah i Libanon. Hizbollah uppges tack vare Iran ha en vapenarsenal som överträffar flera staters arméer och den är starkare och bättre rustad än Libanons armé. Hizbollah är också den grupp som mer eller mindre direkt tar order från Iran.
Fram till de senaste åren har Iran fört sitt krig mot Israel främst via de ovannämnda terroristgrupperna. Detta har nu förändrats. Inbördeskriget i Syrien gav Iran möjlighet att förflytta både manskap och vapen till Syrien, vilket betyder att idag finns iranska trupper i närheten av Israels gräns.
Som jag redan nämnde, Irans målsättning är klar, Israel skall utplånas. Det betyder att Israel måste vidta åtgärder för att förhindra Iran. Israel har under årens lopp främst riktat in sig på att förhindra att allt för avancerade vapen skall hamna i händerna på Hizbollah. Viktiga vapentransporter och vapenlager har bombats i Syrien innan vapnen nått fram till Hizbollah. Det är vad man allmänt känner till, vad som gjorts i hemlighet vet vi naturligtvis inte.
Situationen har nu förändrats. Idag handlar det om en direkt konfrontation (krig?) mellan Israel och Iran.
I går sköt iranska trupper i Syrien en missil mot berget Hermon i Israel som var full av skidturister. Israel sköt ner missilen och svarade på attacken med att senare bomba flera mål som tillhör Iran i Syrien. Elva personer uppges ha dött i bombningarna, både syriska soldater och iranska/shia soldater.Det rapporteras också att Israel tidigare på dagen utfört en bombning av mål i Syrien.
Irans flygvapen chef general Aziz Nasirzadeh uttalade sig efter bombningarna och sa att Iran är redo för det avgörande kriget mot Israel som kommer att innebära att Israel försvinner.
Har vi ett krig mellan Iran och Israel nära inpå oss eller har kriget redan startat?
IDF: Iranian troops fired missile at Israel as a warning against future attacks
IDF says it bombed Iran arms caches, intel sites, bases, and Syrian air defenses
Iranian air chief: ‘We’re ready for war that will destroy Israel’
Fearing Syrian border tensions could snowball, army shuts Mount Hermon ski site
Dessa hot har följts upp av både ekonomiskt och militärt stöd till olika terrororganisationer med samma målsättning.
Hamas och Islamsk Jihad som främst finns i Gaza men också på västbanken hör till dessa organisationer. Men störst,viktigast och mäktigast av de terrorgrupper som Iran stöder är Hizbollah i Libanon. Hizbollah uppges tack vare Iran ha en vapenarsenal som överträffar flera staters arméer och den är starkare och bättre rustad än Libanons armé. Hizbollah är också den grupp som mer eller mindre direkt tar order från Iran.
Fram till de senaste åren har Iran fört sitt krig mot Israel främst via de ovannämnda terroristgrupperna. Detta har nu förändrats. Inbördeskriget i Syrien gav Iran möjlighet att förflytta både manskap och vapen till Syrien, vilket betyder att idag finns iranska trupper i närheten av Israels gräns.
Som jag redan nämnde, Irans målsättning är klar, Israel skall utplånas. Det betyder att Israel måste vidta åtgärder för att förhindra Iran. Israel har under årens lopp främst riktat in sig på att förhindra att allt för avancerade vapen skall hamna i händerna på Hizbollah. Viktiga vapentransporter och vapenlager har bombats i Syrien innan vapnen nått fram till Hizbollah. Det är vad man allmänt känner till, vad som gjorts i hemlighet vet vi naturligtvis inte.
Situationen har nu förändrats. Idag handlar det om en direkt konfrontation (krig?) mellan Israel och Iran.
I går sköt iranska trupper i Syrien en missil mot berget Hermon i Israel som var full av skidturister. Israel sköt ner missilen och svarade på attacken med att senare bomba flera mål som tillhör Iran i Syrien. Elva personer uppges ha dött i bombningarna, både syriska soldater och iranska/shia soldater.Det rapporteras också att Israel tidigare på dagen utfört en bombning av mål i Syrien.
Irans flygvapen chef general Aziz Nasirzadeh uttalade sig efter bombningarna och sa att Iran är redo för det avgörande kriget mot Israel som kommer att innebära att Israel försvinner.
Har vi ett krig mellan Iran och Israel nära inpå oss eller har kriget redan startat?
IDF: Iranian troops fired missile at Israel as a warning against future attacks
IDF says it bombed Iran arms caches, intel sites, bases, and Syrian air defenses
Iranian air chief: ‘We’re ready for war that will destroy Israel’
Fearing Syrian border tensions could snowball, army shuts Mount Hermon ski site
onsdag 16 januari 2019
Ett livsöde
Lonah Chemtai Saltpeter född i Kenya håller det israeliska rekordet i löpning för damer på
1.500, 3.000, 5.000 och 10,000 meter, samt halvmaraton och maraton.
The mom who beat the odds, and the bureaucrats, to become Israel’s top runner (TOI)
Kenya-born Lonah Chemtai Saltpeter’s career was hamstrung by illness, bad luck and her adopted home’s refusal to give her citizenship; now she holds more records than she can count
1.500, 3.000, 5.000 och 10,000 meter, samt halvmaraton och maraton.
The mom who beat the odds, and the bureaucrats, to become Israel’s top runner (TOI)
Kenya-born Lonah Chemtai Saltpeter’s career was hamstrung by illness, bad luck and her adopted home’s refusal to give her citizenship; now she holds more records than she can count
tisdag 15 januari 2019
Palestinska ledare: Judarnas närvaro vanhelgar "muslimska" platser
När judar besöker sina urgamla heliga platser påstår palestinska ledare att judarna genom sin närvaro vanhelgar och orenar muslimska och kristna platser.
Israelis/Jews "defile" Muslim and Christian holy sites (PMW)
Muslim and Christian holy sites in "Palestine" are "defiled" and "desecrated" by the presence of Israelis/Jews. This hateful demonization is often expressed by Palestinians, including Palestinian leaders.
In December 2018, the PA "presidential office" stressed that Mahmoud Abbas was to have "urgent conversations" with Arab and international bodies about "the dangerous Israeli escalation," which among other things Abbas' office said is being expressed by "the defilement of the holy sites." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 11, 2018]
Every time an Israeli/Jew enters Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount plaza, the PA calls it "an invasion" and a "defilement" or a "desecration."
Muslim worshipers and guards for the Wakf Islamic religious trust protested on Monday against an Israeli policeman wearing a kippah who tried to enter the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount as part of a routine security patrol.
The protesters barricaded themselves inside the shrine after a large police force was rushed to the area, witnesses said. They demanded that the policeman remove the kippah before entering the site, triggering a standoff with police. The incident ended several hours later.
Israelis/Jews "defile" Muslim and Christian holy sites (PMW)
Muslim and Christian holy sites in "Palestine" are "defiled" and "desecrated" by the presence of Israelis/Jews. This hateful demonization is often expressed by Palestinians, including Palestinian leaders.
In December 2018, the PA "presidential office" stressed that Mahmoud Abbas was to have "urgent conversations" with Arab and international bodies about "the dangerous Israeli escalation," which among other things Abbas' office said is being expressed by "the defilement of the holy sites." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 11, 2018]
Every time an Israeli/Jew enters Judaism's holiest site, the Temple Mount plaza, the PA calls it "an invasion" and a "defilement" or a "desecration."
Muslim worshipers and guards for the Wakf Islamic religious trust protested on Monday against an Israeli policeman wearing a kippah who tried to enter the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount as part of a routine security patrol.
The protesters barricaded themselves inside the shrine after a large police force was rushed to the area, witnesses said. They demanded that the policeman remove the kippah before entering the site, triggering a standoff with police. The incident ended several hours later.
måndag 14 januari 2019
Kyrkornas världsråds Israelhat
Att Kyrkornas Världsråd är fientligt inställt till Israel är välbekant. Här en ny rapport från NGO Monitor:
The World Council of Churches (WCC) is training volunteers to promote boycotts of Israel and engage in antisemitic rhetoric, with funding from several Western governments and the EU, as well as support from the United Nations, a new report by research institute NGO Monitor has found.
...The organization also seeks to combat Christian Zionism. In a 2015 WCC event, Zionism was called “heresy” under Christian theology, modern Israelis were said to have no connection to ancient Israelites, and Israeli society was noted to be “full with racism and light skin privilege.” Their leadership also compared Israel to apartheid South Africa.
EAPPI: The World Council of Churches’ Training Camp for Anti-Israel Advocacy (Rapport)
- EAPPI, the World Council of Churches’ flagship project on Israel and the Arab-Israel conflict, has brought 1,800 volunteers to the West Bank to “witness life under occupation.” The World Council of Churches does not run similar activities in other conflict zones. By singling out Israel, EAPPI embodies antisemitism, as defined in the International Holocaust Remembrance Association’s working definition.
- Despite marketing itself as a human rights and protection program, EAPPI places significant emphasis on political advocacy before, during, and after the trip. When volunteers return to their home countries and churches, they engage in anti-Israel advocacy, such as BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns and comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany.
- EAPPI partners with a number of political NGOs in the region, including groups that support BDS campaigns against Israel and/or that accuse Israel of “war crimes.”
In 2015, Finn Church Aid noted that the Finish MFA was the primary funding source for EAPPI’s Global Coordination Project, providing €122,000 for its “Common Responsibility Campaign.” According to Finn Church Aid’s 2015 Annual report, FCA sent 10 EAs on the program with the support of the Finnish MFA. Three EAs were supported by UNICEF for EAPPI’s work on “access to education.”
In 2013, Finland granted $222,673 to the “Swedish Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (via FEAPPI/Finn Church Aid).
The Swedish Mission Council Humanitarian Framework, which is a recipient of Swedish government funding, states that EAPPI will receive SEK 6 million per year in2017-2019 (totaling SEK 18 million).
In 2013-2015, the Swedish government (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) transferred $2.5 million to the Swedish Council of Churches for EAPPI ($711,803 in 2015; $874,648 in 2014; $921,206 in 2013).
EAPPI is considered to be the “main project” of Norwegian Church Aid’s (NCA) “Faith Communities and Peace Building program in Israel-Palestine.”8 This NCA program is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Section for Humanitarian Affairs.
In 2017-2018, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided NOK 4,052,534 to NCA for EAPPI.
From 2011-2015, Norway provided NOK 13.7 million to EAPPI and its partner Rabbis for Human Rights.
Support to WCC “plus funding for EAPPI” in 2015 was NOK 2.6 million.
In addition, according to UN-OCHA’s reporting system, in 2015 the Norwegian government granted $287,323 via Save the Children to several organizations and implementing partners, including EAPPI, as well as YMCA, Ma’an Development Center, and the Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution (PCDCR).
The World Council of Churches (WCC) is training volunteers to promote boycotts of Israel and engage in antisemitic rhetoric, with funding from several Western governments and the EU, as well as support from the United Nations, a new report by research institute NGO Monitor has found.
...The organization also seeks to combat Christian Zionism. In a 2015 WCC event, Zionism was called “heresy” under Christian theology, modern Israelis were said to have no connection to ancient Israelites, and Israeli society was noted to be “full with racism and light skin privilege.” Their leadership also compared Israel to apartheid South Africa.
EAPPI: The World Council of Churches’ Training Camp for Anti-Israel Advocacy (Rapport)
- EAPPI, the World Council of Churches’ flagship project on Israel and the Arab-Israel conflict, has brought 1,800 volunteers to the West Bank to “witness life under occupation.” The World Council of Churches does not run similar activities in other conflict zones. By singling out Israel, EAPPI embodies antisemitism, as defined in the International Holocaust Remembrance Association’s working definition.
- Despite marketing itself as a human rights and protection program, EAPPI places significant emphasis on political advocacy before, during, and after the trip. When volunteers return to their home countries and churches, they engage in anti-Israel advocacy, such as BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns and comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany.
- EAPPI partners with a number of political NGOs in the region, including groups that support BDS campaigns against Israel and/or that accuse Israel of “war crimes.”
In 2015, Finn Church Aid noted that the Finish MFA was the primary funding source for EAPPI’s Global Coordination Project, providing €122,000 for its “Common Responsibility Campaign.” According to Finn Church Aid’s 2015 Annual report, FCA sent 10 EAs on the program with the support of the Finnish MFA. Three EAs were supported by UNICEF for EAPPI’s work on “access to education.”
In 2013, Finland granted $222,673 to the “Swedish Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (via FEAPPI/Finn Church Aid).
The Swedish Mission Council Humanitarian Framework, which is a recipient of Swedish government funding, states that EAPPI will receive SEK 6 million per year in2017-2019 (totaling SEK 18 million).
In 2013-2015, the Swedish government (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) transferred $2.5 million to the Swedish Council of Churches for EAPPI ($711,803 in 2015; $874,648 in 2014; $921,206 in 2013).
EAPPI is considered to be the “main project” of Norwegian Church Aid’s (NCA) “Faith Communities and Peace Building program in Israel-Palestine.”8 This NCA program is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Section for Humanitarian Affairs.
In 2017-2018, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided NOK 4,052,534 to NCA for EAPPI.
From 2011-2015, Norway provided NOK 13.7 million to EAPPI and its partner Rabbis for Human Rights.
Support to WCC “plus funding for EAPPI” in 2015 was NOK 2.6 million.
In addition, according to UN-OCHA’s reporting system, in 2015 the Norwegian government granted $287,323 via Save the Children to several organizations and implementing partners, including EAPPI, as well as YMCA, Ma’an Development Center, and the Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution (PCDCR).
Varför får en ledare som betalar lön till terrorister röra sig fritt i västvärlden?
Jag håller med Itamar Marcus och Nan Jacques Zilberdik i det de skriver.
Keep Abbas out of the US (PMW)
Varför tillåts Mahmoud Abbas resa omkring som ett statsöverhuvud trots att han inte representerar någon stat. Och hur är det möjligt att en person (Abbas) som betalar lön till terrorister som mördat judar (och amerikaner) tillåts resa fritt i västvärlden utan att ställas till svars?
If someone paid a terrorist in order to murder an American, the US would certainly prohibit that person's entry into the country. If someone who funded terror against Americans travelled to the US, the US would certainly be expected to arrest him as soon as he set his foot on American soil.
If someone paid a terrorist after he murdered an American, the treatment should be no different. Americans would expect their government to prohibit the entry of that person who rewards killers of Americans, and should he arrive at America's borders they would expect that he be detained for interrogation.
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who plans to come to New York City this week, does exactly that. He pays terrorists after they murder not only Israelis but also Americans.
Abdallah Barghouti built the bombs that murdered 67 people. One of his bombs was planted at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 2002 and also killed five Americans: Janis Ruth Coulter, David Gritz, Marla Bennett, Dina Carter and Benjamin Blutstein. Under PA law from 2004 and regulations instituted by Abbas himself in 2011, terrorist murderer Barghouti has been rewarded with a monthly salary which by today exceeds over $200,000 in payments.
... There are precedents when the United States prohibited the entry of foreigners who wanted to attend UN events, because they had been involved in murder or terror. In addition, Mahmoud Abbas is not the head of a state and therefore has no diplomatic immunity or rights. Moreover, based on the activities of the organizations Abbas heads - the Palestinian Authority, which rewards and glorifies terror, and Fatah, which recently announced they will never "drop the rifle" in their battle against Israel - it is much more accurate to define Abbas as the head of terror organizations than he the head of "a state."...
Keep Abbas out of the US (PMW)
Varför tillåts Mahmoud Abbas resa omkring som ett statsöverhuvud trots att han inte representerar någon stat. Och hur är det möjligt att en person (Abbas) som betalar lön till terrorister som mördat judar (och amerikaner) tillåts resa fritt i västvärlden utan att ställas till svars?
If someone paid a terrorist in order to murder an American, the US would certainly prohibit that person's entry into the country. If someone who funded terror against Americans travelled to the US, the US would certainly be expected to arrest him as soon as he set his foot on American soil.
If someone paid a terrorist after he murdered an American, the treatment should be no different. Americans would expect their government to prohibit the entry of that person who rewards killers of Americans, and should he arrive at America's borders they would expect that he be detained for interrogation.
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who plans to come to New York City this week, does exactly that. He pays terrorists after they murder not only Israelis but also Americans.
Abdallah Barghouti built the bombs that murdered 67 people. One of his bombs was planted at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 2002 and also killed five Americans: Janis Ruth Coulter, David Gritz, Marla Bennett, Dina Carter and Benjamin Blutstein. Under PA law from 2004 and regulations instituted by Abbas himself in 2011, terrorist murderer Barghouti has been rewarded with a monthly salary which by today exceeds over $200,000 in payments.
... There are precedents when the United States prohibited the entry of foreigners who wanted to attend UN events, because they had been involved in murder or terror. In addition, Mahmoud Abbas is not the head of a state and therefore has no diplomatic immunity or rights. Moreover, based on the activities of the organizations Abbas heads - the Palestinian Authority, which rewards and glorifies terror, and Fatah, which recently announced they will never "drop the rifle" in their battle against Israel - it is much more accurate to define Abbas as the head of terror organizations than he the head of "a state."...
söndag 13 januari 2019
Hamas trappar upp våldet vid Gazagränsen igen
Omkring 13.000 personer deltog i upploppen vid Gazagränsen under veckoslutet. Folkmassorna kastade stenar,brandbomber och handgranater mot de israeliska soldaterna som bevakar gränsen.
En raket sköts också mot Israel under lördagsnatten.
Hamas har tydligen beslutat att trappa upp våldet igen. Hamas är pressad från alla håll. Egypten har stängt gränsövergången och palestinska myndigheten har dragit bort personalen från gränsövergången.
I den märkliga situationen som nu råder verkar Abbas och den palestinska myndigheten vara en större fiende till Hamas än vad Israel är.
Sirens blare in southern Israel; rocket lands in open field
Abbas planning to widen anti-Hamas push as Palestinian rift grows
To get its cash, Hamas may drag Gaza into yet another fight (TOI)
With little else to offer long-suffering residents of the Strip, the terror group is gunning for piecemeal concessions via the threat of escalating violence
En raket sköts också mot Israel under lördagsnatten.
Hamas har tydligen beslutat att trappa upp våldet igen. Hamas är pressad från alla håll. Egypten har stängt gränsövergången och palestinska myndigheten har dragit bort personalen från gränsövergången.
I den märkliga situationen som nu råder verkar Abbas och den palestinska myndigheten vara en större fiende till Hamas än vad Israel är.
Sirens blare in southern Israel; rocket lands in open field
Abbas planning to widen anti-Hamas push as Palestinian rift grows
To get its cash, Hamas may drag Gaza into yet another fight (TOI)
With little else to offer long-suffering residents of the Strip, the terror group is gunning for piecemeal concessions via the threat of escalating violence
The Religious Side of Europe
Artikel av Tomas Sandell:
The Religious Side of Europe (JCPA)
The battle for Jerusalem is no longer fought in the trenches of the Judean Hills, but in courtrooms in the International Court of Justice in The Hague or UN conference halls in New York and Geneva. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has called the fight “diplomatic terrorism.” Others call it “international lawfare,” and as in any war, the first casualty is the truth.
The Religious Side of Europe (JCPA)
The battle for Jerusalem is no longer fought in the trenches of the Judean Hills, but in courtrooms in the International Court of Justice in The Hague or UN conference halls in New York and Geneva. The Israeli Foreign Ministry has called the fight “diplomatic terrorism.” Others call it “international lawfare,” and as in any war, the first casualty is the truth.
Sjätte Hizbollahtunnel hittad - operation Northern Shield avslutad
IDF har nu hittat sex tunnlar som Hizbollah grävt från Libanon till Israel. Det är inte fråga om några små tunnlar utan tunnlar utrustade för att Hizbollah snabbt ska kunna förflytta stora mängder material och soldater in på israeliskt territorium.
Enligt IDF hade Hizbollah planer på att först starta med ett massivt raketanfall och i skydd av raketerna förflytta tusentals soldater genom tunnlarna för att erövra delar av norra Israel.
Tunneln som senaste hittades var den största, hundratals meter lång och befann sig på 55 meters djup.
Efter att den sjätte tunneln hittades förklarades operation Northern Shield avslutad.
IDF chief: Hezbollah had grandiose attack plan to ‘shake Israel’ (TOI)
Outgoing Eisenkot says terror group believed tunnel assault would be ‘something Israel hasn’t experienced since founding’; dismisses idea that ‘a little more force will end terror’
Israel’s top general said Lebanese terror group Hezbollah planned to use its array of underground attack tunnels to carry out a surprise invasion of Israel that would “throw Israel off balance and cause an earthquake in Israeli society.”
Enligt IDF hade Hizbollah planer på att först starta med ett massivt raketanfall och i skydd av raketerna förflytta tusentals soldater genom tunnlarna för att erövra delar av norra Israel.
Tunneln som senaste hittades var den största, hundratals meter lång och befann sig på 55 meters djup.
Efter att den sjätte tunneln hittades förklarades operation Northern Shield avslutad.
IDF chief: Hezbollah had grandiose attack plan to ‘shake Israel’ (TOI)
Outgoing Eisenkot says terror group believed tunnel assault would be ‘something Israel hasn’t experienced since founding’; dismisses idea that ‘a little more force will end terror’
Israel’s top general said Lebanese terror group Hezbollah planned to use its array of underground attack tunnels to carry out a surprise invasion of Israel that would “throw Israel off balance and cause an earthquake in Israeli society.”
onsdag 9 januari 2019
Regn i Israel
Den här vintern har det regnat mer än på flera år i Israel, och regnet behövs efter fem torra år.
Under två dygn har vattennivån i sjön Genesaret stigit med nästan 20 cm och på berget Hermon finns det på sina ställen 150 cm snö.
Norr om Genesaret har det hittills i vinter regnat 463 mm, normalt för hela vintern är 671 mm och januari och februari är normalt månaderna med mest regn.
Winter rains raise Sea of Galilee level by 19 centimeters in 2 days
Under två dygn har vattennivån i sjön Genesaret stigit med nästan 20 cm och på berget Hermon finns det på sina ställen 150 cm snö.
Norr om Genesaret har det hittills i vinter regnat 463 mm, normalt för hela vintern är 671 mm och januari och februari är normalt månaderna med mest regn.
Winter rains raise Sea of Galilee level by 19 centimeters in 2 days
tisdag 8 januari 2019
Netanyahu talade till folket
På bästa sändningstid talade premiärminister Netanyahu till Israels folk i går kväll.
Talet handlade om korruptionsanklagelserna mot honom. Netanyahu förnekar blankt att han skulle ha gjort något fel men statsåklagaren överväger att väcka åtal mot Netanyahu innan valet i april.
Netanyahu påstår att anklagelserna och en eventuell rättsprocess bara är ett försök från vänsterkrafter att förmå honom att avgå.
Om statsåklagaren beslutar att väcka åtal måste det finns starka bevis som tyder på att Netanyahu begått brott, men innan han dömts är han naturligtvis oskyldig.
Det är ändå olyckligt för det israeliska samhället att premiärministern inte har förtroende för poliser och domare.
Om Netanyahu har rätt och politiska motståndare lyckats utnyttja polisväsendet och jurister för att komma åt en sittande premiärminister är det illa.
Om Netanyahu ljuger och misstänkliggör polisväsendet och jurister är det lika illa.
In ‘dramatic statement,’ PM demands he be allowed to face his accusers
Netanyahu’s TV broadcast: Rather desperate, and ultimately irrelevant
Talet handlade om korruptionsanklagelserna mot honom. Netanyahu förnekar blankt att han skulle ha gjort något fel men statsåklagaren överväger att väcka åtal mot Netanyahu innan valet i april.
Netanyahu påstår att anklagelserna och en eventuell rättsprocess bara är ett försök från vänsterkrafter att förmå honom att avgå.
Om statsåklagaren beslutar att väcka åtal måste det finns starka bevis som tyder på att Netanyahu begått brott, men innan han dömts är han naturligtvis oskyldig.
Det är ändå olyckligt för det israeliska samhället att premiärministern inte har förtroende för poliser och domare.
Om Netanyahu har rätt och politiska motståndare lyckats utnyttja polisväsendet och jurister för att komma åt en sittande premiärminister är det illa.
Om Netanyahu ljuger och misstänkliggör polisväsendet och jurister är det lika illa.
In ‘dramatic statement,’ PM demands he be allowed to face his accusers
Netanyahu’s TV broadcast: Rather desperate, and ultimately irrelevant
måndag 7 januari 2019
Reaktioner på arresteringen av misstänkta judiska terrorister
Några artiklar som beskriver olika reaktioner på arresteringen av misstänkta judiska terrorister.
En del verkar ha svårt att låta rättsprocessen ha sin gång.
Flag daubed ‘Death to Zionists’ found during arrest of Jewish terror suspects
Rabbis approved Shabbat violation to counter threat of Shin Bet interrogations
Likud lawmaker compares Shin Bet to KGB for treatment of Jewish terror suspects
Tortured reasoning: 8 things to know for January 7
En del verkar ha svårt att låta rättsprocessen ha sin gång.
Flag daubed ‘Death to Zionists’ found during arrest of Jewish terror suspects
Rabbis approved Shabbat violation to counter threat of Shin Bet interrogations
Likud lawmaker compares Shin Bet to KGB for treatment of Jewish terror suspects
Tortured reasoning: 8 things to know for January 7
Raket och ballongbomb mot Israel från Gaza
Söndag morgon flögs en bomb med hjälp av ballonger från Gaza in på israeliskt territorium. Israel svarade på attacken med en helikopterattack mot två av Hamas observationsposter i Gaza.
Under natten mot måndagen sköts en raket mot den israeliska staden Ashkelon, den sköts ner av raketförsvaret och förorsakade ingen skada.
Israel svarade med att bomba några Hamasmål i Gaza.
Air force hits Gaza targets after rocket fired into Israel
Under natten mot måndagen sköts en raket mot den israeliska staden Ashkelon, den sköts ner av raketförsvaret och förorsakade ingen skada.
Israel svarade med att bomba några Hamasmål i Gaza.
Air force hits Gaza targets after rocket fired into Israel
söndag 6 januari 2019
Misstänkta judiska terrorister arresterade
Fem judiska ynglingar har arresterats misstänkta för terrorattacker mot palestinier. I en av terrorattackerna kastades stenar mot en bil och föraren,en palestinsk kvinna dog.
Om man vill se något positiv i nyheten skulle det i så fall vara att Israel är ett samhälle där brottslingar spåras upp, arresteras och ställs till svars inför domstol.
I det palestinska samhället betraktas mord på judar som ett hjältedåd och mördarna får lön av den palestinska myndigheten för resten av sitt liv.
Det är bra att vara medveten om denna enorma skillnad i värderingar.
Detained Jewish teenagers suspected of murdering Palestinian woman — Shin Bet
Fatah: "Blow up the head of the settler" – chant at Fatah rally in Ramallah
Om man vill se något positiv i nyheten skulle det i så fall vara att Israel är ett samhälle där brottslingar spåras upp, arresteras och ställs till svars inför domstol.
I det palestinska samhället betraktas mord på judar som ett hjältedåd och mördarna får lön av den palestinska myndigheten för resten av sitt liv.
Det är bra att vara medveten om denna enorma skillnad i värderingar.
Detained Jewish teenagers suspected of murdering Palestinian woman — Shin Bet
Fatah: "Blow up the head of the settler" – chant at Fatah rally in Ramallah
A unique research project reveals what makes lone wolves tick – and what could discourage future recruits.
“If a group has a motive, no matter what it is, and if they have an operational capability, there will be terror operations. There is also a multiplying factor between these variables. On the other hand, if one of the variables is zero, then there will be nothing,” said Ganor.
... There were three categories of motivations: 1) ideological: whether nationalistic, religious or political 2) personal: which covered economic problems, domestic disputes between spouses and other family stresses and 3) psychological: this covered people with a death wish to be killed through “suicide by [attacking a] cop,” a mental disorder or some other psychological instability.
Two-thirds of the 45 lone wolves suffered from some form of mental disease or psychosis and had suicidal tendencies. A staggering 54% would have preferred to die during their attack, rather than live. ...
A unique research project reveals what makes lone wolves tick – and what could discourage future recruits.
“If a group has a motive, no matter what it is, and if they have an operational capability, there will be terror operations. There is also a multiplying factor between these variables. On the other hand, if one of the variables is zero, then there will be nothing,” said Ganor.
... There were three categories of motivations: 1) ideological: whether nationalistic, religious or political 2) personal: which covered economic problems, domestic disputes between spouses and other family stresses and 3) psychological: this covered people with a death wish to be killed through “suicide by [attacking a] cop,” a mental disorder or some other psychological instability.
Two-thirds of the 45 lone wolves suffered from some form of mental disease or psychosis and had suicidal tendencies. A staggering 54% would have preferred to die during their attack, rather than live. ...
Abbas: "Jag kan fortfarande säga nej"
Den palestinska ledaren Mahmoud Abbas var i Egypten i fredags, främst för att se om Egypten kan göra något för att förbättra relationerna mellan honom och Hamas.
Inför reportrarna i Kairo konstaterade Abbas att vi har att göra med tre frågor som vi inte kan acceptera: situationen med USA, situationen med Israel och situationen med Hamas.
Abbas sa också att han inte har några vapen men att han inte kommer att sluta sitt liv som en förrädare. Jag kan säga nej och jag har personer vid min sida som kan säga nej, sa Abbas.
Kanske det är något av problemets kärna: allt annat än att säga nej till Israel betraktas som förräderi.
Abbas: ‘I do not have weapons, but I will not end my life as a traitor’ (TOI)
“The doors are closed to the US,” he continued. “As long as it does not retract its decisions against the Palestinian people, no Palestinian should meet with the American leadership, no matter what their role is.”
Abbas went on to state that the Palestinian Authority was reexamining its security coordination and agreements with the Jewish state. “The future is dangerous,” he said. “I do not have weapons, but I will not end my life as a traitor. I can say ‘no,’ and I have a people that can say ‘no’ beside me.”
Inför reportrarna i Kairo konstaterade Abbas att vi har att göra med tre frågor som vi inte kan acceptera: situationen med USA, situationen med Israel och situationen med Hamas.
Abbas sa också att han inte har några vapen men att han inte kommer att sluta sitt liv som en förrädare. Jag kan säga nej och jag har personer vid min sida som kan säga nej, sa Abbas.
Kanske det är något av problemets kärna: allt annat än att säga nej till Israel betraktas som förräderi.
Abbas: ‘I do not have weapons, but I will not end my life as a traitor’ (TOI)
“The doors are closed to the US,” he continued. “As long as it does not retract its decisions against the Palestinian people, no Palestinian should meet with the American leadership, no matter what their role is.”
Abbas went on to state that the Palestinian Authority was reexamining its security coordination and agreements with the Jewish state. “The future is dangerous,” he said. “I do not have weapons, but I will not end my life as a traitor. I can say ‘no,’ and I have a people that can say ‘no’ beside me.”
fredag 4 januari 2019
Fatah firar sin 54 årsdag - våldets väg är i centrum
On 54th anniversary, Fatah celebrates the rifle and violence

Posted text: Fatah's Flowers [Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 1, 2019]
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
As Abbas' Fatah Movement celebrates its 54th anniversary, its dominant messages to its people are celebration of 54 years of violence together with the promise of more violence in the future. Fatah is declaring to Palestinians once again, similar to what Palestinian Media Watch documented in previous years, that Fatah has not and will never "drop the rifle" or abandon terror - what it euphemistically calls "the armed struggle."The image of the rifle is the main theme of this year's celebrations. In the picture above, which Fatah posted on its official Facebook page, two young girls holding assault rifles are shown leading a march of uniformed men, who are also holding assault rifles.
This picture also posted by Fatah includes four assault rifles. In addition to the large rifle, one is part of the logo of the 54th anniversary, and two are in Fatah's regular logo in the upper left.
Fatah's posted text promises more violence: "We will not relinquish our right to resist the occupier using all available ways and means." The expression "all ways and means," particularly when accompanied with the rifles is a reiteration of Fatah's promise of continued violence and terror.
Text on image:
"The Palestinian National Liberation Movement - Fatah
Long live the anniversary of the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution
Jan. 1, 1965"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 27, 2018]
Another post which Fatah labeled "The official logo of the 54th anniversary," includes the four most important symbols for the PA and Fatah.
The first is the map that includes all of Israel covered by the colors of the Palestinian flag symbolizing future destruction of Israel and Palestinian rule over all the land. The second symbol is once again the rifle in the center.
The third symbol is the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.
The fourth is the key symbolizing the future "return" of Palestinian "refugees" to the homes they claim in Israel.
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 26, 2018]
This Fatah post shows PA and Fatah Chairman Mahmoud Abbas holding a piece of paper on which is written "The State of Palestine." Under Abbas is a picture of Yasser Arafat carrying a rifle. The message is that Abbas like Arafat will not drop the rifle:
Posted text: "We have not borne the olive branch in order to drop the rifle; we have borne the olive branch in order to return the identity to the land of the olive trees. Let all those who are mistaken know that Fatah will continue to be a beacon for the [Palestinian] cause."
Text under logo: "The revolution continues"
Text at top of image: "The Palestinian National Liberation Movement - Fatah
Long live the anniversary of the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 25, 2018]
Another post by Fatah shows different images of Fatah members brandishing weapons of all types including many assault rifles, a pistol, and even a crossbow:
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Jan. 2, 2019]
These Fatah pictures commemorate Fatah's first attempted terror attack against Israel on Jan. 1, 1965, when terrorists tried to blow up Israel's National Water Carrier.The following are more examples of Fatah Facebook posts in honor of the anniversary. Rifles are in almost all posts, and many show armed and masked men and the map of Israel included in "Palestine".
This image shows an assault rifle made out of the words "Palestinian National Liberation Movement."
To the left of the rifle are two stripes forming the PA map of "Palestine" that includes all of Israel.
The rifle strap to the right made out of the word "Fatah."
Text on image: "The Palestinian National Liberation Movement - Fatah
The 54th anniversary of the Launch (Intilaqa) [of Fatah] (see note below -Ed.)
Our revolution continues until the liberation of all of Palestine"
Posted text: "The 54th anniversary of the Launch"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 27, 2018]
This image shows armed masked members of the terror organization - the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Fatah's military wing.
Text in upper right of image:"Fatah - revolution until victory"
Text at bottom of image: "The Bethlehem branch of the Fatah Movement - Information Office"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 28, 2018]
This image shows armed masked members of the terror organization the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Fatah's military wing, wearing yellow Fatah headbands.
Text on bottom left of image:"The Bethlehem branch of the Fatah Movement"
Posted text: "Fatah - revolution until victory
The 54th anniversary of the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 28, 2018]
Text on image: "On the anniversary of the Launch (Intilaqa), we do not forget those who recorded Fatah's glorious battles, the generals of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Fatah's military wing- in Nablus
[Fatah] Mobilization and Organization Commission - Information Office"
Posted text: "Your names will remain engraved on our hearts and minds. We will tell the generations about your heroism and about the battles of self-sacrifice and sacrifice in the alleys of the old city [of Nablus]"
[Fatah] Mobilization and Organization Commission - Information Office"
Posted text: "Your names will remain engraved on our hearts and minds. We will tell the generations about your heroism and about the battles of self-sacrifice and sacrifice in the alleys of the old city [of Nablus]"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 30, 2018]
Posted text: "The 54th anniversary of Fatah's Launch
Long live the anniversary of the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 24, 2018]
This logo displays the rifle prominently together coming out of an olive branch with a picture of Yasser Arafat. The text says: "#Fatah54" [Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 29, 2018]
This anniversary logo shows the number "54," with the upper part of the "5" made out of an assault rifle. The entire map of Israel is again presented as "Palestine" next to the flag indicating Palestinian sovereignty over Israel.
Text on image: "The Palestinian National Liberation Movement - Fatah
Algeria branch
The Launch (Intilaqa)
Fifty-four years of struggle
Millions of Martyrs (Shahids) are marching to Jerusalem (a famous quote by Yasser Arafat -Ed.)"
Posted text: "#Fatah54"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 29, 2018]
Another logo for the 54th anniversary an assault rifle (left of the Fatah logo) and the PA map of "Palestine" that includes all of Israel.
Posted text and text at bottom of image: "Fatah - revolution until victory"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 28, 2018]
This anniversary logo shows the number "54" comprised of various elements including the PA map of Israel. Text states: "Jerusalem, the state - the identity"
Text at bottom of image: "The Fatah Movement, roots that will not disappear and a fire that will not be extinguished"
Posted text:
"I am a son of Fatah, I have applauded no one but [Fatah]
And its courageous army, which is preparing my return
As it is the one that has created a revolution for my people
And it is the one that has cleared the path of dignity
Text at bottom of image: "The Fatah Movement, roots that will not disappear and a fire that will not be extinguished"
Posted text:
"I am a son of Fatah, I have applauded no one but [Fatah]
And its courageous army, which is preparing my return
As it is the one that has created a revolution for my people
And it is the one that has cleared the path of dignity
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 27, 2018]
torsdag 3 januari 2019
15.000 judar dödades per dag 1942
Enligt en studie av professor Lewi Stone vi universitetet i Tel Aviv mördades upp till 15.000 judar per dag under perioden augusti - oktober 1942.Omkring 1,5 miljoner judar dödades alltså på tre månader.
Detta hände i Europa för mindre än 80 år sedan.
Israeli study: 1/4 of Jews killed in Holocaust murdered in 100 days in 1942 (TOI)
Prof. Stone analyzes train data to conclude that 1.5 million Jews were slain in 3-month ‘hyperintense’ phase that only slowed because there were few Jews left in occupied Poland
A new Israeli study claims that almost a quarter of the Jews murdered in the Holocaust were killed during 100 days in 1942, making it the period with the highest killing rate in the 20th century.
The killings between August and October 1942 included Jews murdered in the Auschwitz extermination camp, in Ukraine and as part of the infamous Operation Reinhard — an intense mass-slaughter campaign carried out by Nazi Germany between March 1942 and November 1943 in death camps Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor (that operation alone eventually killed some 1.7 million Polish Jews).
Detta hände i Europa för mindre än 80 år sedan.
Israeli study: 1/4 of Jews killed in Holocaust murdered in 100 days in 1942 (TOI)
Prof. Stone analyzes train data to conclude that 1.5 million Jews were slain in 3-month ‘hyperintense’ phase that only slowed because there were few Jews left in occupied Poland
A new Israeli study claims that almost a quarter of the Jews murdered in the Holocaust were killed during 100 days in 1942, making it the period with the highest killing rate in the 20th century.
The killings between August and October 1942 included Jews murdered in the Auschwitz extermination camp, in Ukraine and as part of the infamous Operation Reinhard — an intense mass-slaughter campaign carried out by Nazi Germany between March 1942 and November 1943 in death camps Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor (that operation alone eventually killed some 1.7 million Polish Jews).
Iransk general bekräftar att Israel måste utplånas
Den iranska generalen Mohammed Reza Naqdi konstaterar i en intervju att Israel måste utplånas. Ingen kan hindra Iran från att utföra den uppgiften säger han och generalen hoppas att han själv får vara med och hissa den islamska revolutionen flagga i Jerusalem.
.. och ingen i västvärlden tar hotet från Iran på allvar utom Trump i USA och så tar ingen riktigt Trump på allvar...
IRGC Deputy Commander Mohammed Reza Naqdi: Israel Must Be Wiped Out, Zionists Annihilated; We Can Destroy KSA, U.S. Bases in the Region (MEMRI)
Israel must be destroyed and wiped out. There is no doubt that the Zionists must be annihilated and destroyed. This will definitely happen. Neither Russia nor any other country can intermediate between us and the Zionists. The Islamic Revolution in Iran will not back down even an inch from its position regarding the wiping out of Israel.
We were, we are, and we will continue to be the soldiers of Imam Khamenei, until our last breath and until the last drop of our blood. I, myself, will hoist the flag of the Islamic Revolution in Jerusalem, Allah willing.
Här en video som beskriver Irans och Hizbollahs koppling till narkotikasmuggling:
David Asher and Emanuele Ottolenghi on Hezbollah illicit finance with Al Arabiya
.. och ingen i västvärlden tar hotet från Iran på allvar utom Trump i USA och så tar ingen riktigt Trump på allvar...
IRGC Deputy Commander Mohammed Reza Naqdi: Israel Must Be Wiped Out, Zionists Annihilated; We Can Destroy KSA, U.S. Bases in the Region (MEMRI)
Israel must be destroyed and wiped out. There is no doubt that the Zionists must be annihilated and destroyed. This will definitely happen. Neither Russia nor any other country can intermediate between us and the Zionists. The Islamic Revolution in Iran will not back down even an inch from its position regarding the wiping out of Israel.
We were, we are, and we will continue to be the soldiers of Imam Khamenei, until our last breath and until the last drop of our blood. I, myself, will hoist the flag of the Islamic Revolution in Jerusalem, Allah willing.
Här en video som beskriver Irans och Hizbollahs koppling till narkotikasmuggling:
David Asher and Emanuele Ottolenghi on Hezbollah illicit finance with Al Arabiya
onsdag 2 januari 2019
USA och Israel lämnade UNESCO
Israel har varit medlem i UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizationsedan) sedan 1949, men nu har man lämnat FN-organisationen tillsammans med USA.
Orsaken till att Israel lämnar UNESCO är helt enkelt att organisationen så ensidigt agerat mot Israel.
Israels FN-ambassadör Danny Danon förklarade beslutet såhär:
UNESCO är en organisation som fortlöpande omskriver historien och utplånar judarnas koppling till Jerusalem. Den är korrumperad och manipuleras av Israels fiender, den har gång på gång ensidigt fördömt den enda judiska staten. Vi tänker inte förbli medlem i en organisation som medvetet agerar emot oss.
Som jag tidigare skrivit har Finland genom sitt röstningsbeteende inte gjort något för att förbättra situationen.
I juni i år sade premiärminister Netanyahu:
Sedan 2009 har UNESCO antagit 71 resolutioner som fördömer Israel och bara 2 resolutioner sammanlagt som fördömer något annat land.
Det här är helt enkelt skandalöst.
Tecknet på antisemitism var en gång att man utsatte det judiska folket för förtal och fördömanden.
Tecknet på antisemitism idag är att man utsätter den judiska staten för förtal och fördömanden.
PLO generalsekreteraren Saeb Erekat såg Israels beslut som en seger för palestinsk nationalism och uttryckte förhoppningar om att Israel också drar sig bort från de "ockuperade områdena".
Irans utrikesminister Mohammad Javad Zarif uttryckte en förhoppning om att USA och Israel som nästa steg kunde dra sig bort från planeten jorden.
69 years after joining, Israel formally leaves UNESCO; so, too, does the US
Nikki Haley, the former US ambassador to the United Nations also issued a harsh assessment of UNESCO on Tuesday calling the agency corrupt on Twitter.
"UNESCO is among the most corrupt and politically biased UN agencies. Today the U.S. withdrawal from this cesspool became official. #USStrong,” she tweeted.
Orsaken till att Israel lämnar UNESCO är helt enkelt att organisationen så ensidigt agerat mot Israel.
Israels FN-ambassadör Danny Danon förklarade beslutet såhär:
UNESCO är en organisation som fortlöpande omskriver historien och utplånar judarnas koppling till Jerusalem. Den är korrumperad och manipuleras av Israels fiender, den har gång på gång ensidigt fördömt den enda judiska staten. Vi tänker inte förbli medlem i en organisation som medvetet agerar emot oss.
Som jag tidigare skrivit har Finland genom sitt röstningsbeteende inte gjort något för att förbättra situationen.
I juni i år sade premiärminister Netanyahu:
Sedan 2009 har UNESCO antagit 71 resolutioner som fördömer Israel och bara 2 resolutioner sammanlagt som fördömer något annat land.
Det här är helt enkelt skandalöst.
Tecknet på antisemitism var en gång att man utsatte det judiska folket för förtal och fördömanden.
Tecknet på antisemitism idag är att man utsätter den judiska staten för förtal och fördömanden.
PLO generalsekreteraren Saeb Erekat såg Israels beslut som en seger för palestinsk nationalism och uttryckte förhoppningar om att Israel också drar sig bort från de "ockuperade områdena".
Irans utrikesminister Mohammad Javad Zarif uttryckte en förhoppning om att USA och Israel som nästa steg kunde dra sig bort från planeten jorden.
69 years after joining, Israel formally leaves UNESCO; so, too, does the US
Nikki Haley, the former US ambassador to the United Nations also issued a harsh assessment of UNESCO on Tuesday calling the agency corrupt on Twitter.
"UNESCO is among the most corrupt and politically biased UN agencies. Today the U.S. withdrawal from this cesspool became official. #USStrong,” she tweeted.
tisdag 1 januari 2019
Fler överraskningar inför valet
Ledaren för arbetarpartiet och Sionist Unionen Avi Gabbay meddelade i dag att han säger upp samarbetet med Sionist Unionens andra parti Hatnua och dess ledare Tzipi Livni. Han hade inga vackra ord att säga om Livni och även medlemmarna i Gabbays eget parti verkade överraskade av hans beslut.
Tzipi Livnis karriär är ganska märklig och ett exempel på hur förvirrande israelisk politik kan vara för utomstående.
Hon började sin karriär högerpartiet Likud. När Ariel Sharon bröt med Likud år 2005 och bildade partiet Kadima följde hon Sharon. Kadima betraktades som ett centerparti och Livni ledde partiet i valet 2009.
2012 bildade Livni ett nytt parti, Hatnua, som i det nuvarande parlamentet samarbetat med arbetarpartiet under namnet Sionist Unionen.
Zionist Union disbands as Gabbay abruptly ends partnership with Livni
Tzipi Livnis karriär är ganska märklig och ett exempel på hur förvirrande israelisk politik kan vara för utomstående.
Hon började sin karriär högerpartiet Likud. När Ariel Sharon bröt med Likud år 2005 och bildade partiet Kadima följde hon Sharon. Kadima betraktades som ett centerparti och Livni ledde partiet i valet 2009.
2012 bildade Livni ett nytt parti, Hatnua, som i det nuvarande parlamentet samarbetat med arbetarpartiet under namnet Sionist Unionen.
Zionist Union disbands as Gabbay abruptly ends partnership with Livni
PMW om domen mot palestiniern som sålde mark till judar
Här är PMW:s rapport om domen mot palestiniern som påstås ha sålt mark till judar.
The PA's Apartheid land laws
- American-Palestinian sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor for selling land to Jews.
- In 2014, Mahmoud Abbas passed legislation raising the punishment for selling land to Jews to life imprisonment with hard labor.
- 64.4% of Palestinians support the death sentence for selling land to Jews
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv.
An American-Palestinian, Isaam Akel, was convicted of selling land in East Jerusalem to Jews and sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor by a Palestinian court:
"In accordance with the instructions of clause 2/274 of the [PA] criminal procedures law, the [PA] Grand Criminal Court, which convened in Ramallah, convicted the accused I.A. on the charges attributed to him - an attempt to cut off part of the Palestinian territories and annex them to a foreign state [as described in] Penal Code Number 16 of 1960. Relying on the conviction and in accordance with the instructions of clause 2 of Decision with Legislative Force Number 20 of 2014, the court sentenced him to life with hard labor.
The lawsuit was submitted to the court on Dec. 23, 2018, and the verdict was given approximately a week later."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Dec. 31, 2018]
The basis for the PA's prosecution of Palestinians for selling land to Jews is article 114 of the Jordanian Criminal Code (1960), which the PA later adopted. The original Jordanian provision stated that a person who attempts to sever any part of the Jordanian territory in order to annex it to a foreign state will be subject to at least five years of hard labor.
In 2014, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas passed an amendment to the law - Government Decision with Legislative Effect (No. 20), 2014 - in which he raised the maximum sentence to life imprisonment with hard labor.
The prosecution of Palestinians for selling land to Jews is not new and enjoys overwhelming Palestinian support.
In October, Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction stated:
"The Fatah Movement emphasized that the sale of properties and lands to the occupation or their illegal transfer to dubious sources constitutes high treason against the religion, the homeland, and the people, and that 'whoever does this decrees upon himself shame and disgrace in this world and in the world to come.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 14, 2018]
This position is also reflective of the general opinion of the Palestinians. In a recent study, 87.8% of those surveyed said they would call Palestinians who sell land to Jews "traitors" while 9.1% would call them "corrupt/despicable/non-patriotic." [Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, Dec. 18, 2018]
According to the survey, notwithstanding the arrests and the prosecutions, 77.5% of Palestinians believe that the PA is not doing enough to deter people from selling land to Jews. Despite Abbas' 2014 amendment, 74.8% of Palestinian believe that there are not sufficient penalties to deter Palestinians from selling land to Jews. An incredible 64.4% of Palestinians support the death sentence for selling land to Jews.
While the PA and BDS organizations falsely accuse Israel for being an "Apartheid State", the fact of the matter is that it is the PA who is more comparable to the Apartheid regime than Israel.
Even though the South African policy of Apartheid was officially adopted in 1948, the reality is that the practice started many years before. Already in 1913, the South African government passed the Natives Land Act. According to this law, black South Africans were prohibited from buying or renting land in 93% of South Africa. This law was one of the foundation stones of the later adopted official policy.
With the exception of a handful of individuals, no Jews live in the areas under the control of the PA (Areas A and B as defined in the Oslo Accords). This area comprises 40% of Judea and Samaria/the West Bank. The entrance of Jews into these areas is particularly hazardous and has often resulted in their murder. The land registry in these areas is controlled by the PA and thus the prohibition is easily enforced.
As regards to area C and East Jerusalem, the PA's approach is clearly expressed - the sale of any land to Jews is prohibited and punishable with life imprisonment with hard labor.
If black South Africans were only prohibited from owning 93% of the land in South Africa, in the ideal view of Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority, Jews would be prohibited from owning any land in Judea and Samaria/the West Bank or East Jerusalem.
The PA's Apartheid land laws
- American-Palestinian sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor for selling land to Jews.
- In 2014, Mahmoud Abbas passed legislation raising the punishment for selling land to Jews to life imprisonment with hard labor.
- 64.4% of Palestinians support the death sentence for selling land to Jews
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv.
An American-Palestinian, Isaam Akel, was convicted of selling land in East Jerusalem to Jews and sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor by a Palestinian court:
"In accordance with the instructions of clause 2/274 of the [PA] criminal procedures law, the [PA] Grand Criminal Court, which convened in Ramallah, convicted the accused I.A. on the charges attributed to him - an attempt to cut off part of the Palestinian territories and annex them to a foreign state [as described in] Penal Code Number 16 of 1960. Relying on the conviction and in accordance with the instructions of clause 2 of Decision with Legislative Force Number 20 of 2014, the court sentenced him to life with hard labor.
The lawsuit was submitted to the court on Dec. 23, 2018, and the verdict was given approximately a week later."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Dec. 31, 2018]
The basis for the PA's prosecution of Palestinians for selling land to Jews is article 114 of the Jordanian Criminal Code (1960), which the PA later adopted. The original Jordanian provision stated that a person who attempts to sever any part of the Jordanian territory in order to annex it to a foreign state will be subject to at least five years of hard labor.
In 2014, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas passed an amendment to the law - Government Decision with Legislative Effect (No. 20), 2014 - in which he raised the maximum sentence to life imprisonment with hard labor.
The prosecution of Palestinians for selling land to Jews is not new and enjoys overwhelming Palestinian support.
In October, Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction stated:
"The Fatah Movement emphasized that the sale of properties and lands to the occupation or their illegal transfer to dubious sources constitutes high treason against the religion, the homeland, and the people, and that 'whoever does this decrees upon himself shame and disgrace in this world and in the world to come.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 14, 2018]
This position is also reflective of the general opinion of the Palestinians. In a recent study, 87.8% of those surveyed said they would call Palestinians who sell land to Jews "traitors" while 9.1% would call them "corrupt/despicable/non-patriotic." [Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, Dec. 18, 2018]
According to the survey, notwithstanding the arrests and the prosecutions, 77.5% of Palestinians believe that the PA is not doing enough to deter people from selling land to Jews. Despite Abbas' 2014 amendment, 74.8% of Palestinian believe that there are not sufficient penalties to deter Palestinians from selling land to Jews. An incredible 64.4% of Palestinians support the death sentence for selling land to Jews.
While the PA and BDS organizations falsely accuse Israel for being an "Apartheid State", the fact of the matter is that it is the PA who is more comparable to the Apartheid regime than Israel.
Even though the South African policy of Apartheid was officially adopted in 1948, the reality is that the practice started many years before. Already in 1913, the South African government passed the Natives Land Act. According to this law, black South Africans were prohibited from buying or renting land in 93% of South Africa. This law was one of the foundation stones of the later adopted official policy.
With the exception of a handful of individuals, no Jews live in the areas under the control of the PA (Areas A and B as defined in the Oslo Accords). This area comprises 40% of Judea and Samaria/the West Bank. The entrance of Jews into these areas is particularly hazardous and has often resulted in their murder. The land registry in these areas is controlled by the PA and thus the prohibition is easily enforced.
As regards to area C and East Jerusalem, the PA's approach is clearly expressed - the sale of any land to Jews is prohibited and punishable with life imprisonment with hard labor.
If black South Africans were only prohibited from owning 93% of the land in South Africa, in the ideal view of Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority, Jews would be prohibited from owning any land in Judea and Samaria/the West Bank or East Jerusalem.
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