onsdag 14 december 2022

Antisemitiska uttalanden av Francesca Albanese från FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter

Francesca Albanese som på uppdrag av FN:s mänskorättsråd undersöker Israels "brott" mot mänskliga rättigheter har upprepade gånger gjort antisemitiska uttalanden visat sympatier för palestinska terrorister och jämfört Israel med Nazityskland.

UN Palestinian rights official’s social media history reveals antisemitic comments

...Francesca Albanese, an Italian lawyer, was appointed earlier this year as the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories. The rapporteur is an independent expert appointed by the UN Human Rights Council tasked with investigating human rights in Palestinian areas, publishing public reports and working with governments and other groups on the issue....

...A review of her past social media posts, media appearances and talks with activist groups found that aside from inveighing against a “Jewish lobby,” she has also sympathized with terror organizations, dismissed Israeli security concerns, compared Israelis to Nazis and accused the Jewish state of potential war crimes.

Then, as now, she refers to Israel as a settler-colonial enterprise and to Jews in Israel and the pre-state British mandate as foreign interlopers subjugating an indigenous Palestinian population. In her first official report to the UN this year, she urged a rejection of the conflict paradigm, describing Israel solely as an oppressor and legitimizing Palestinian “resistance.” She rarely acknowledges Palestinian terrorism...

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