söndag 18 januari 2009

Fatahmedlemmar dödade av Hamas

Fiendskapen mellan Hamas och Fatah verkar inte ha minskat under kriget i Gaza. Det rapporteras att flera Fatahmedlemmar har skjutits.

Palestinian Media Watch rapporterar:
Hamas has murdered "dozens of Fatah members" in the Gaza Strip for merely violating the Hamas-imposed house arrest. According to the Palestinian daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida the atrocities, which also included shooting people in the legs, has created a backlash in the West Bank and caused "anger, which influenced the level of popular activities carried out in solidarity with the Gaza residents in the towns Ramallah and El-Bira." In addition, the popular Palestinian singer, Jamal Najar, condemned Hamas as "gangs of anarchic security forces," describing how Hamas murdered his cousin right in front of his children for simply stepping outside. [PA TV (Fatah)]

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