söndag 15 september 2013

Israeliska sjukhus behandlar patienter från krigsdrabbade Syrien

Eftersom Israel officiellt fortfarande är i krig med Syrien vägrar man ta emot flyktingar från landet, men allt fler skadade syrier behandlas på israeliska sjukhus.
Syrierna vet att de får god vård i Israel men det är farligt att söka hjälp av "fienden". Patienterna uppger att släktingar kan bli dödade om det blir känt att de befinner sig i Israel.
Det är inte heller alldeles riskfritt för Israel att ta emot patienterna, i fickan på en av dem hittade man en handgranat.

Syrian in Israeli hospital: ‘Most fighters know they will get good care here’ 
"...What started this year as a trickle is now a steady flow of Syrians, scores of civilians and fighters wounded in the civil war and being discreetly brought across the Golan front line into Israel.

For all the advantages it brings of excellent medical care, it is a journey fraught with risk for those who fear the wrath of President Bashar Assad’s government.

“There was one man, where I am from, who was treated in Israel. The regime forces killed his three brothers,” the teenage girl’s mother said. “They will kill my sons and my husband if they ever find out we were here.”

...I saw her falling to the floor, in all the blood,” her mother recounted. “I was terrified I was going to lose her. I said, ‘Please, I don’t want to bury my children one by one.’” The girl was rushed to a rebel field hospital, where Syrian medics removed a bullet lodged in a lung. But they could not provide the further care she needed. The girl, they said, should be taken across the border, to Jordan or to Israel.

“We would get Israeli television channels in my village. I knew that medicine here is advanced,” the mother said. “In Jordan I would have to pay for it and we do not have enough money. Here it is free.”

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