tisdag 8 oktober 2013

Största begravningen i Israels historia

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef dog 93 år gammal på måndagen. Han var sefardisk chefrabbi  från 1973 till 1983 och andlig ledare för det religiösa Shas partiet.
Det uppges att över 800.000 människor deltog i begravningen i Jerusalem, bland dem både president Peres och premiärminister Netanyahu.
Ovadia Yosef var omtyckt av många och mindre omtyckt av andra men en stor personlighet och påverkare inom det israeliska samhället. Han gjorde mycket för att förbättra de sefardiska judarnas ställning.

At least 800,000 fill streets for largest funeral in Israel’s history 

 Hundreds of thousands turn out for funeral of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef 
Rabbi Yosef’s legacy  (Jerusalem Post, ledare)
" Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s death marks the passing of one of the most creative and original halachic minds of the modern era. In nearly every possible field of Jewish law, Yosef left his mark."

 Netanyahu, Peres remember ‘Torah giant’ 
 “Rav Ovadia was a giant in Torah and Halacha and a spiritual leader for tens of thousands,” Netanyahu said. “He worked hard to enhance Jewish heritage, and at the same time his rulings took into consideration the times and the realities of renewed life in the State of Israel. He was imbued with a love of Torah and his people. I very much appreciated his warm personality and his direct manner.”

 "...Speaking about his final encounter with Yosef, Peres said that his throat had been constricted with tears as he squeezed Yosef’s hand.
“The hand that was still warm and I kissed his forehead which to me looked more noble than ever. When I squeezed his hand, I felt that I was squeezing the hand of history and when I kissed his forehead, I thought that I was kissing the majesty of Israel,” he said.

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