söndag 24 november 2013

Avtal om Irans kärnprogram

Stormakterna och Iran har kommit överens om ett avtal gällande Irans kärnprogram.
USA:s president Obama betecknar avtalet som "det mest betydande och påtagliga framsteg" som gjorts under hans tid som president.
I verkligheten är avtalet ett interimsavtal som gäller i sex månader och allt hänger på vad som händer under dessa sex månader.
Iran verkar nöjd med avtalet och president Rouhani säger att stormakterna nu har erkänt Irans nukleära rättigheter, det vill säga rätten att anrika uran.En del av sanktionerna mot Iran kommer nu att avslutas.

Syrien, Irak och de palestinska myndigheterna prisar också avtalet vilket  gör att man nog får ställa sig frågande till det.

Israel säger rent ut att det inte är något bra avtal utan ett stort misstag.

Skillnaden i stormakternas och Israels syn på avtalet beror antagligen på att Israel är mera realist (pessimist?) när det gäller ledningen i Iran.
Enligt avtalet verkar Iran inte behöva göra några verkligt stora eftergifter, de köper sig mera tid och efter sex månader kan de köra igång sina anläggningar för fullt igen.
Stormakterna tror, lite blåögt verkar det som, att Iran nu kommer att börja samarbeta, tillåta inspektion av alla anläggningar och avstå från att anrika uran till en grad som kan användas för atomvapen.

Amos Yadlin har antagligen rätt när han säger: Om detta skulle ha varit ett slutligt avtal skulle det ha varit ett dåligt avtal. Men det som hände i natt är inte är så viktigt, det som händer under de kommande sex månaderna är däremot viktigt.

Iran agrees to interim deal completely halting nuclear progress
 "Diplomacy opened up a new path toward a world that is more secure," US President Barack Obama said in a late-night address from the White House, characterizing the deal as the "most significant and tangible progress" since the beginning of his presidency.
"For the first time in nearly a decade, we have halted the progress of the Iranian nuclear program," Obama said. "And key parts of the program will be rolled back."
 "For the first time in nearly a decade, we have halted the progress of the Iranian nuclear program," Obama said. "And key parts of the program will be rolled back."
Rouhani says nuclear deal with West allows Iran to enrich uranium 
"Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday the deal reached with six world powers in Geneva "recognized Iran's nuclear rights" by allowing it to continue to enrich uranium and that Tehran's enrichment activities would proceed similar to before."

Netanyahu says Iran nuclear deal is 'historic mistake'
 PM Netanyahu:"What was agreed last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake," he said. "Today the world has become much more dangerous because the most dangerous regime in the world took a significant step to getting the most dangerous weapon in the world."

Yadlin: Geneva agreement isn't final, Iran is being tested
Amos Yadlin före detta chefen för militära underrättelsetjänsten i Israel:"If this was a final agreement, it would indeed be a very bad deal, but this is not the case."
"The world powers wanted to reach an agreement. I hope that the prime minister is now formulating a strategy to see what happens in the next six months. That, and not what happened last night, is what is important," Yadlin said. "

Despite Israeli protests, experts see nuclear deal as complicating Iran's drive for bomb
 Deal with West eliminates Iran's stock of uranium gas refined to a fissile purity of 20 percent, analysts say.

Ya'alon: World powers surrendered to Tehran's charm offensive
Defense ministers, Ya'alon (Israel) said the agreement "allows Iran to enter the family nations despite being the most active and flourishing activator of terrorism in the world, which sends its deadly and uncurbed deadly arms across the globe, first and foremost against Western states, as regime representative sit at the able in Geneva."
The Iranian nuclear program threatens not only Israel and other Middle East countries, but also world peace, Ya'alon warned. "To leave in the regime's hands capabilities for continuing the nuclear program means that the world today is a less safe place. Instead of rolling the program back, the regime in Tehran has gained time, which will allow it on the one hand to seek a nuclear bomb, and on the other, breathing space due to the lightening of sanctions," the defense minister continued.

Tourism Minister Uzi Landau said the "winds of Munich are blowing from Geneva," and that the government must act immediately to convince the world that the deal signed is a bad one.

"We woke up this morning to a reality in which a bad, very bad deal was signed in Geneva," Economy Minister Naftali Bennett stated. "The bad deal gives Iran exactly what it wanted. It eases sanctions and preserves the most significant parts of its nuclear plan."
Bennett warned that "if a nuclear suitcase explodes in New York of Madrid in five years, it will be because of the agreement signed this morning."

 "Today, Iran is celebrating what the whole world will cry about in the future," Housing and Construction Minister Uri Ariel warned.

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