Den "moderate" Abbas är ledare för Fatah men knappast kommer han att bli uppringd av upprörda politiker från västvärlden på grund av budskapet som förs fram av hans organisation. Han är ju en representant för de "moderata och fredsälskande" palestinierna, oberoende av vad han säger och gör, verkar det som.
I videon refereras till Israel som "ockuperat palestinskt territorium".
Fatah publicizes threatsto kidnap, kill, and bomb Israelis by terror organization Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades -the military wing of Fatah
The following is a longer excerpt of the video publicized by Fatah: ( Från PMW )
Text on screen: "Military Information
The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - Palestine"
Song: "Detonate your revolution of rage in their midst
Bombard them with your fire and shoot them..."
Masked terrorist: "The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades... Praise Allah, our Jihad fighters have managed to develop these rockets so they will reach the Zionist depth [Israel], Allah willing, to a distance of 45 km. inside the occupied Palestinian territories. We will strike the Zionist enemy [Israel] on its own ground... Yes, we in the Al-Aqsa Brigades are preparing to kidnap Zionist soldiers to settle accounts with the Zionist enemy properly, to empty out the Zionist prisons..."
Song: "Slap the tyrant's face and rebel
Step over the oppressor's ambitions
Be like Yasser [Arafat] - do not fear them
Death is in your cup - make them drink!...
Masked terrorist: "With these rockets we will liberate our Jerusalem. With these rockets we will crush the Zionist enemy in sensitive areas where it didn't expect us to crush it, Allah willing."
[Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page," Nov. 17, 2013
Al-Aqsa Brigades YouTube channel, Nov. 16, 2013]
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