söndag 10 november 2013

En liten glimt av grymheterna i Syrien

Human Rights Watch säger i en rapport att syriska flygvapnet har använt brandbomber i tiotals attacker som drabbat civilbefolkningen hårt. Bland annat mot en skola i provinsen Aleppo där 37 personer dödades.

HRW: Syria has used incendiary bombs in dozens of attacks
"...HRW said that since last November, when it documented one of the first cases of incendiary bomb use in the Damascus suburb of Daraya, Syrian jets and helicopters had dropped incendiary bombs at least 56 times. All of the weapons were made in the Soviet Union, it said.
The organization quoted Saleyha Ahsan, a British emergency doctor who treated patients from the Aleppo school attack on Aug. 26, as saying most of them were covered in burns.
One victim arrived with what she described as 90 percent, third degree burns. "The clothes had been burned off him. It was the most horrific injury I have ever seen in a live patient. Only his eyes moved."
He died before he could be evacuated to Turkey, HRW said..."

Photographer: "Go ahead."
Sheikh Omar Raghba: "Allah willing, Allah alone will be worshipped in the Levant, which will be ruled only by the law of Allah. The idols will be worshipped no more in the Levant, Allah willing.
"We shall accept nothing but Allah, His religion, and the Sunna of His prophet."
Smashes the statue of the Virgin Mary that he was holding
Say: "Allah Akbar."
People around him: "Allah Akbar." [...]

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