onsdag 18 december 2013

Saudi Arabien missnöjd med väst

Saudi-Arabiens ambassadör i Storbritannien ger i New York Times uttryck för det missnöje och den  besvikelse som finns i landet på grund av västvärldens agerande i Syrien och angående Irans kärn(vapen)program.
Saudi-Arabien är en lika mörk fläck på kartan som Iran när det gäller mänskliga rättigheter och landet har också likt Iran gett stöd till terroristorganisationer. Saudi-Arabien tävlar också om inflytande i Mellanöstern med Iran, kanske just därför är det värt att ta saudiernas oro på allvar.

"... We believe that many of the West’s policies on both Iran and Syria risk the stability and security of the Middle East. This is a dangerous gamble, about which we cannot remain silent, and will not stand idly by...

... The Assad regime is bolstered by the presence of Iranian forces in Syria. These soldiers did not enter Syria to protect it from a hostile external occupation; they are there to support an evil regime that is hurting and harming the Syrian people. It is a familiar pattern for Iran, which has financed and trained militias in Iraq, Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon and militants in Yemen and Bahrain...

... This year’s talks with Iran may dilute the West’s determination to deal with both governments. What price is “peace” though, when it is made with such regimes?
The foreign policy choices being made in some Western capitals risk the stability of the region and, potentially, the security of the whole Arab world. This means the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has no choice but to become more assertive in international affairs: more determined than ever to stand up for the genuine stability our region so desperately needs..."

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