Abbas föreslår också att NATO styrkor skall placeras i Jordandalen och de israeliska styrkorna dras bort inom fem år.
En israelisk kommentar till detta säger att av erfarenhet vet man att utländska styrkor finns kvar så länge det är lugnt, blir det kris flyr de fältet. Så i praktiken är de till ingen nytta när det verkligen gäller.
Poll: Huge majority of Israelis believe Abbas must recognize Jewish state (Jerusalem Post)
An overwhelming majority of Israelis support Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's insistence that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, according to a poll released Tuesday by the Israel Democracy Institute and Tel Aviv University.
Samtidigt som Abbas pratar om fred för västerländska journalister är verkligheten på de palestinska självstyrelseområdena något helt annat. Invånarna förbereds på inget sätt för fred,tvärtom.
Skolor uppkallas efter terrorister och skolungdomar ser terroristerna som sina förebilder.
PA schools named after terrorists raise generation of terror-admiring youth
"What do you know about Shadia Abu Ghazaleh?" the PA TV host asked students.
"Truly, Shadia was a model for us and will remain a model for us and we'll follow her path," one girl responded, while others described the terrorist as "a patriotic woman," "a wonderful fighter," and "a model" to be followed:
Läs också:
"Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat claimed at the Munich Security Conference on Jan. 31 that the Palestinians cannot accept Israel as the Jewish state because they lived in the region long before the Jews.
In the context of the current debate over the Jordan Valley, Erekat claimed that his ancestors were the real descendants of the Canaanites and lived in the area for “5,500 years before Joshua Bin-Nun.”1
In effect, Erekat was promoting the well-known Palestinian narrative that they are the native population, while the Jews are latecomers who only arrived in the last hundred years. Since the Muslim Arab conquest of Palestine occurred only in 634CE, the credibility of this Palestinian claim is questionable, to say the least..."
Why the Palestinians Refuse to Recognize Israel as a Jewish State (Gatestone Institute Ali Salim)
"The core of the problem is that Palestinian recognition of Israel as the state of the Jewish People would not only end the dream of the return to Palestine, but also of the destruction of Israel currently being implemented through the incitement and terrorist campaign waged by the Palestinian People in their institutions, mosques, schools, terrorist organizations and foreign propaganda centers. Their strategic intention is to perpetuate the conflict, not end it.
The real reason Mahmoud Abbas wants control of the bridges and crossings, and refuses to leave them in Israeli hands, is to duplicate the terrorism of the Gaza Strip -- to smuggle in arms and establish terrorist squads. Crossings left in Israel's hands would mean greater security for Jordan as well..."
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