onsdag 23 juli 2014


Hamas ledaren Khaled Mashaal säger att Hamas inte är redo för någon vapenvila om de inte får igenom sina krav.
Hamas kommer inte heller gå med på att avväpnas om inte också Israel avväpnas och ockupationen upphör. (Enligt Hamas är hela Israel ockuperat palestinskt område)

I striderna i Gaza dödades idag 3 soldater, sammanlagt har nu 32 israeliska soldater dödats sedan markoperationen inleddes.

Raketattackerna mot Israel fortsatte även i dag. (bl.a. mot Ashkelon, Ashdod, Beersheva, mfl.)

Många flygbolag har inhiberat sina flygningar till Israel med ytterligare ett dygn trots att Israel säger att det är tryggt att flyga till Ben Gurion flygfältet.

Hamas har under de senaste dagarna använt al-Wafa sjukhusets byggnad i Gaza för att beskjuta de israeliska soldaterna. Efter att Israel kontrollerat att inga civila fanns i byggnaden bombades den idag.

Report: Hamas Terror Activity in Gaza

En läsvärd artikel av Alan Dershowitz:
How selective body counts incite more violence 
 The media has obsessively counted every dead body in the conflict between Hamas and Israel. They rarely explain why so many more Palestinians than Israelis have been killed: Hamas does not allow Palestinian civilians into their shelters, while using civilian areas from which to fire their rockets; Israel, on the other hand, devotes its resources to building shelters and Iron Dome protection.
Put another way, while Israel uses shelters and Iron Dome to protect its civilians, Hamas uses its civilians to protect its rockets and its terrorists...

"... During a two day period this past week while dozens of Palestinians and several Israelis were killed, the media failed to report that in neighboring Syria, 700 Arabs and Muslims were killed in just two days of fighting. This constitutes only a tiny fraction of the 160,000 people killed in Syria during the ongoing civil war. According to the Britain- Based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 53,978 civilians have been killed including 8,607 children and 5,586 women. Many if not most of these deaths were deliberate— part of calculated efforts on both sides of the conflict to maximize civilian casualties. Yet this body count has received little notice compared to the far smaller body count in Israel and Gaza. Why is this?

Is it because when Arabs and Muslims deliberately kill other Arabs and Muslims, that deserves less attention than when Israelis kill Arabs and Muslims, even in self-defense and in an effort to prevent the murder of their own civilians?

LIVE BLOG: Israel's Operation Protective Edge in Gaza

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