En preliminär undersökning av beskjutningen av en UNRWA skola i Gaza senaste torsdag och de påstådda dödsfallen visar att bland andra YLE presenterade nyhetskonsumenterna med en ren lögn när de påstod att Israel beskjutit skolan och 15 barn dödats.
Enligt undersökningen avfyrade Hamas anti-tank missiler mot israeliska trupper från skolområdet israelerna besvarade elden med granater varav en föll på en gårdsplan som var tom nära skolan.
IDF säger att det enligt undersökningen är uteslutet att någon inne i skolan skulle ha dödats som ett resultat av IDF:s aktivitet.
Man får hoppas, men det är knappast troligt, att YLE slår upp undersökningsresultatet minst lika stort både på webben och i TV sändningarna som de vilseledande nyheterna att Israel dödat 15 barn.
Det är märkligt att nyhetsbyråerna så gärna låter sig utnyttjas av terrorister som Hamas som gång på gång ljuger medan man struntar i att kontrollera fakta med Israel som även i komplicerade fall försöker reda ut vad som hänt.
Preliminary inquiry into the UNRWA school incident in Beit Hanoun (Isr. utr.min.)
In light of the inquiry's findings, the IDF rejects the claims that were
made by various officials immediately following the incident, that
people were killed in the school premises as a result of IDF operational
(Communicated by the IDF Spokesperson)
Since Thursday, 24 July
2014, the IDF has conducted a preliminary inquiry regarding the incident
in which the UNRWA school was fired upon.
The inquiry
concluded that during the intense fighting between IDF forces and Hamas
militants, the militants operated adjacent to the UNRWA school.
preliminary report indicates that militants fired anti-tank missiles at
IDF soldiers, who then responded by firing several mortars in their
The preliminary inquiry and footage indicate that a
single errant mortar landed in the courtyard of the UNRWA school, when
it was completely empty.
The IDF stresses it does not operate or
target international organizations in the Gaza Strip, and the ongoing
coordination conducted via the Coordinator of Government Activities in
the Territories (COGAT) is continuous without change, even during times
of combat.
In light of the inquiry's findings, the IDF rejects
the claims that were made by various officials immediately following the
incident, that people were killed in the school premises as a result of
IDF operational activity.
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