onsdag 7 januari 2015

"Detta är Palestina"

Internationella bidragsgivare har understött en utställning i Libanon med anledning av att det gått 50 år sedan den "palestinska revolutionen" startade.Utställningens namn: "Detta är Palestina".
På utställningen kunde man se färgglada kartor ritade av palestinska barn från Libanon.
Det låter bra, men på kartorna finns inte Israel med.De palestinska barnen i Libanon får tydligen lära sig samma sak som barnen på de palestinska myndigheternas område.

 Text på den första kartan:Detta är Palestinas area
 "This is the area of Palestine," and text on the map says the area of "Palestine" is "27,009 square  kilometers," a figure that includes all of Israel.

 Den andra kartan: Detta är Palestinas gränser
 "The borders of Palestine," listing the Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. In this map, Israel is also turned into "Palestine."

Den tredje kartan: Palestinas städer
 A third map displays "the cities of Palestine," and includes the Israeli cities and towns Beer Sheva, Jaffa, Acre, Haifa and Safed.

"The 'Steadfast Children' institute held a paintings exhibition titled 'This is Palestine' at the Al-Burj Al-Shamali refugee camp next to the Lebanese city of Tyre, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the 'Palestinian revolution' (i.e. "the Palestinian Revolution in 1965 when Fatah, headed by Yasser Arafat, carried out its first terror attack against Israel, trying to blow up Israel's National Water Carrier.) 
The exhibition, funded by the Norwegian People's Aid organization, featured brush paintings by our nation's children in Lebanon, which were consistent with the [atmosphere of the] event and the tragic situation of our people in the refugee camps in the diaspora. The exhibition also included six additional paintings - 'the rivers of Palestine', 'the mountains of Palestine', 'the plains of Palestine', 'the cities of Palestine', 'the Palestinian national anthem' and 'the borders of Palestine.'"
From WAFA, official PA news agency

[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 24, 2014]

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