torsdag 8 januari 2015

Förföljelse av kristna

Open Doors har publicerat World Watch list 2015 som visar var i världen det är svårast att leva som kristen.
Radikal islam är ett stort problem både i Afrika och i Mellanöstern. Stora problem finns också i Asien (Nord Korea, Kina, Indien, Pakistan).
Uppgifterna finns här:
World Watch List 2015

In most of the 50 countries on the World Watch List, daily life for the Christian is getting more difficult.
In Syria, for example, some 40 per cent of the Christian population has fled the country; while in Nigeria, Boko Haram militants have attacked Christian communities and abducted their schoolchildren. In Iraq the ultra-violent jihadist 'Islamic State' group has destroyed long-established Christian communities. In Sudan, a pregnant woman was sentenced to death on charges of adultery and apostasy from Islam and only released after serious international pressure.
Then there is North Korea – number 1 in the list for the 13th consecutive year – where purges have seen tens of thousands of people banished, arrested, tortured and/or killed and where the kidnapping and arrest of South Korean missionary Kim Jeong-Wook saw dozens of people (presumably Christians) rounded up, tortured and murdered.
This is what Open Doors experts call the 'smash' type of persecution – the violence and murder that grab the headlines. But there is another more pernicious type, the 'squeeze' - the subtle, less obvious pressures of being excluded from the family, losing your job, even being rejected from a more traditional church community. In Pakistan, for example, Christians are socially excluded, and permanently in fear of trumped-up blasphemy charges. Or Djibouti, where converts have been forced into marrying a Muslim, and one convert's house was looted by his relatives after he refused to return to Islam.
Yet it is not all bad news. Li Tien En, a famous house church Christian in China, used to say, "Persecution is two parts opportunity, one part crisis – God always brings opportunities out of a crisis." So along with the darkness, there is also light; there is violence and injustice, but there is also hope.
A number of current persecution trends emerge from the data gathered during 2014.

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