fredag 30 januari 2015

Terrorattacker i Egypten

Åtminstone 27 personer dödades i en rad terrorattacker i Egypten på torsdagen. Den egyptiska avdelningen av IS tog på sig ansvaret för attackerna.
Islamic State's Egypt wing claims credit for terror attacks that killed 27

På Muslimska Brödraskapets TV-kanaler uppmanar man till mord på Egyptens president och journalister rapporterar MEMRI.

Calls to Kill President Al-Sisi and Egyptian Journalists on Muslim Brotherhood TV Channels
In this compilation of video clips from Muslim Brotherhood TV channels, various Egyptian clerics and commentators call to kill Egyptian President Abd Al-Fattah Al-Sisi and the journalists who support him. Cleric Salama Abd Al-Qawi said, on Rabea TV, that anyone who killed Al-Sisi would be doing a good deed, cleric Wagdi Ghoneim told Misr Alan TV that "whoever can bring us the head of one of these dogs and Hell-dwellers" would be rewarded by Allah, and commentator Muhammad Awadh sai, on Misr Alan TV, that the punishment for the "inciting coup journalists" was death. The programs aired on January 10 and 26, 2015.


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