fredag 19 juni 2015

Skrota FN!

Skrota FN eller ändra åtminstone namnet till "Förenta Nationerna mot Israel"!

Detta är en svart dag för FN sade Israels premiärminister efter att FN:s generalsekreterare kritiserat Israels behandling av barn i senaste sommars krig i Gaza.
Israel var det ena land som generalsekreteraren speciellt lyfte fram i sin kritik.
Israel placerades i en FN-rapport i samma klass som Centralafrikanska republiken, Nigeria, Irak, Syrien och Syd Sudan.
Bara för några dagar sedan konstaterade en grupp generaler m.fl. från väst att Israel följt internationell lag i kriget, men FN:s hyckleri har inga gränser.

Läs också:
Politiseringen av döda barn

UN's Ban 'deeply alarmed' by suffering of children caused by IDF operations in Gaza 
"... The report includes 32 paragraphs on Israel, compared with eight on Iraq, 15 on Afghanistan, 18 on Syria and 11 on Darfur.
Zerrougui's report did not explicitly accuse Hamas of any crimes against children. Several Israeli officials said on condition of anonymity that Israel told Zerrougui's office how Hamas rockets severely damaged Israeli medical centers and schools - details that were not mentioned.

The officials also accused the human rights groups that helped draft the report of bias."

Netanyahu: Ban's criticism of IDF actions in Gaza is a black day for the UN  (Jerusalem Post)
 "...But Israel was the only county he singled out for additional criticism and he made no mention of Hamas.

Netanyahu said, “Instead of mentioning the facts, that Hamas turned Gaza children into hostages by firing [rockets] at Israel.

“It dug terror tunnels in the direction of kindergartens. [But] the UN has chosen to preach to Israel, which has chosen to abide by international standards,” Netanyahu said.

Earlier this week former generals from the US and Europe declared that Israel had abided by international law during the summer, Netanyahu said.

Far from adopting this view, the “UN has granted Hamas immunity even though there is incontestable proof that Hamas committed war crimes when it launched rockets from hospital, mosques and UN facilities,” Netanyahu said.

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely [Likud] added, that such a one sided approach was "very disturbing.”

Hotovely along with politicians from the center and the left of Israel’s political map, including Meretz, immediately took exception to Ban’s listing of Israel with the worst conflict zones.

“At a time when ongoing hostilities are raging throughout the Middle East at an enormous cost in terms of the lives of children and other civilians, this statement drew a comparison between Israel and states that are among the worst systematic violators of human rights," Hotovely said.

Yesh Atid Party head MK Yair Lapid said, “the words of the UN secretary-general are disconnected from reality.”

Ban didn't mention, not even once, that Hamas used Palestinian children as human shields so that it could launch rockets against Israeli children, Lapid said.

Even Meretz MK Ilan Gilon spoke out against Ban and charged that he had “lowered the moral foundation of any criticism the UN and its organization would level against Israel.”

He added that “what Israel has forgotten about human rights, other countries under scrutiny have yet to learn.”

Protecting children in war zones is a moral imperative and legal obligation, Security Council told (UN)

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