måndag 22 juni 2015

UNHRC:s Gazarapport

Efter varje krig Israel utkämpar tillsätter FN:s mänskorättsråd en utredning som i princip inte har någon annan uppgift än att anklaga Israel för krigsbrott.
Den senaste rapporten som behandlar kriget senaste sommar har nu publicerats.
Israel specialbehandlas av FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter och vid varje session har man en punkt på programmet där Israels behandlas och fördöms. Inget annat land behandlas på samma sätt.
Rapporten i sig är därför egentligen inte intressant. Det är ett beställningsarbete och levererar vad uppdragsgivarna förväntar sig.
Hamas välkomnade i dag i ett uttalande rapporten och det säger en hel del om dess saklighet.
De israeliska politikerna ger inte mycket för rapporten och Israel har inte heller samarbetat med undersökningsgruppen.
Här några citat:
Försvarsminister Moshe Ya'alon:
Describing the UN Human Rights Council as a "biased and hypocritical body," Ya'alon said its report is "distorted, and has one aim: To tarnish the face of the state of Israel, and add fuel to the fire of delegitimization against it."

"The State of Israel acted in accordance with international laws in Operation Protective Edge, and did all it could to prevent harm to civilians. Hamas and [the other] terror organizations are the ones who chose to place weapons and missile launchers in the heart of civilian areas, in mosques, hospitals, educational institutions, and other places, and in more than a few cases, IDF soldiers refrained from operating against these weapons caches out of concern of harming noncombatants," Ya'alon stated.

"The attempt to compare Israel to Hamas, or to present Israel as committing war crimes, is despicable. We will not tolerate the attempt to tarnish the soldiers and commanders of the IDF, who operate in a complex reality, but ensure that they safeguard moral values. In places that we felt that there was a need to carry out checks by commanding officers, or launch criminal investigation, we did not hesitate to do so, out of our own initiative, and we have tried those who broke the law," Ya'alon said.

Premiärminister Netanyahu:
"The report is biased. The commission that wrote it is under a committee that does everything but protect human rights," Netanyahu said at the opening of a Likud faction meeting.
 "Israel defends itself according to international law and we are not the only ones to say so," he added. "That statement is backed by a report by senior generals from the US and Europe. One general said no other country [than Israel] makes such efforts to uphold the law."

Israels viceutrikesminister Hotovely:
The Human Rights Council is a body which has completely discredited itself. From the outset, the purpose of this report was to vilify the State of Israel and the IDF, with the ultimate aim of undermining Israel’s right to defend its citizens from attack.
 "From the outset, the purpose of this report was to vilify the State of Israel and the IDF, with the ultimate aim of undermining Israel’s right to defend its citizens from attack.

The Human Rights Council is a body which has completely discredited itself through its obsessive and prejudicial preoccupation with Israel, whilst turning a blind eye to genuine violations of human rights around the world.

The State of Israel and the IDF scrupulously abide by the highest standards of international law. Israel’s robust legal system ensures strict oversight of military operations. The measures Israel took during the Gaza Conflict to protect the lives of Israeli and Palestinian civilians are without parallel among other military forces.

Israel is exceptionally proud of its principled conduct and will maintain its unswerving commitment to human rights and international law, irrespective of the well-orchestrated campaign to besmirch its name."

Utbildningsminister  Naftali Bennett:
" ...the report "is born in sin and will be buried in shame."

Kulturminister Miri Regev said the only good decision the UN ever made was on November 29, 1947 - recognizing a Jewish State - and since then it forgot its purpose, to stop wars and help bring peace.

"I would expect from the UN to call on Hamas to lay down its weapons for the good of its own people, but, unfortunately, that did not happen," she stated. "Meanwhile, the UN chooses to ignore the massacre of the Syrian people and the Iranian nuclear threat." "The IDF is the most moral army in the world, and Israel will continue doing everything to protect its citizens, despite the UN's biased reports," Regev added.

Opositionsledaren Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union) said that he does not need an international report or committee to tell him that the IDF is a moral army.

"For Hamas, killing innocent people is the main goal, and I can say from my experience in many cabinet meetings that the question of harming uninvolved and innocent people always comes up and it is a heavy consideration in Israel's decisions," he said. 

Ordförande för Yisrael Beytenu Avigdor Liberman said that "Israel does not commit war crimes. The UNHRC and its committees are biased and made up o people who constantly commit crimes against humanity, rewrite history and distort reality in which there is a country fighting to protect its children who are attacked by rockets by a terrorist organization who shoots from concentrations of children."  

Obama administration rejects further consideration of UN Gaza report (Jerusalem Post)

 “We challenge the very mechanism which created it,” John Kirby, the State Department spokesman, said Tuesday, a day after the report’s publication.

“And so we’re not going to have a readout of this,” he said. “We’re not going to have a rebuttal to it. We’re certainly going to read it, as we read all UN reports. But we challenge the very foundation upon which this report was written, and we don’t believe that there’s a call or a need for any further Security Council work on this.”

The UN Human Rights Council, a body that Israel and the United States say is biased and targets Israel more than any other country, commissioned the report.

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