Medborgarna i USA har rätt att välja den person till president som de tycker passar bäst för uppgiften. Omvärlden måste acceptera deras val. Men när jag såg och läste om hur president Donald Trump reagerade på en artig och saklig fråga om antisemitismen i USA av en journalist vid en frågestund i torsdags blir jag nog mycket förundrad.
Många anser att Trump har märkliga åsikter men vad som jag tycker är ännu allvarligare är vissa drag i hans personlighet. Utgående från vad man ser i videon från frågestunden har Trump ingen stresstålighet, han förstår inte en enkel fråga och han måste genast försvara sig själv utan att någon ens har anklagat honom för något. Dessutom befaller han frågeställaren att sitta ner och vara tyst. Ingen får tydligen ifrågasätta honom eller ens ställa frågor som Trump kan uppfatta som att han i ifrågasätts.
Jag bara undrar, hur skall den mannen reagera i en verklig kris som kräver klara tankar och is i magen. Det kommer vi tyvärr antagligen att få se i framtiden.
Trump shouts down ultra-Orthodox reporter who asks about anti-Semitism (The Times of Israel)
"Trump, towards the end of a contentious news conference on Thursday and fielding questions about the multiple scandals and mishaps afflicting his young administration, said he wanted to take a question from a friendly reporter.
Jake Turx, an ultra-Orthodox reporter for Ami Magazine, volunteered, saying “I’m friendly,” and prefaced his question by saying that his community did not regard Trump as anti-Semitic.
“I haven’t seen anyone in my community accuse you or anyone on your staff of being anti-Semitic,” Turx said. “We understand that you have Jewish grandchildren, you are their zayde,” or grandfather.
Trump appeared to understand what Turx was saying, thanking him.
“What we haven’t really heard being addressed is an uptick in anti-Semitism and how the government is planning to take care of it,” Turx continued, citing dozens of bomb threats called into Jewish community centers in recent weeks.
Trump interrupted and accused Turx of dishonesty.
“It’s not a simple question, not a fair question,” he said. “I am the least anti-Semitic person that you have ever seen in your entire life.” He also said he was the “least racist person.”
Turx interrupted, saying he did not believe Trump was anti-Semitic, and Trump shouted him down, “Quiet, quiet, quiet.”
“See, he lied about, he was going to get up and ask a straight simple question, so, you know, welcome to the world of the media,” Trump said, as if speaking to himself.
“I hate the charge, I find it repulsive, I hate even the question,” he said. He then cited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement a day earlier at a joint press conference that “there is no greater supporter of the Jewish people and the Jewish state than President Donald Trump.”
At first he appeared to forget the Israeli prime minister’s name, pausing for a few seconds before combining “Bibi” and “Netanyahu” coming up with “Betanyahu.”
“You heard the prime minister, you heard Betanyahu yesterday, did you hear him? Bibi,” Trump said. “He said, ‘I’ve known Donald Trump for a long time,’ and then he said, ‘Forget it,’ so you should take that instead of having to get up and ask a very insulting question like that.”
Tensions over Trump deepen fractures among American Jews
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