För första gången på 25 år kommer Israel att bygga en ny bosättning. Ett dramatiskt beslut? Ja och nej. Det handlar om en ny bosättning för dem som tvingades lämna bosättningen Amona som enligt domstolsbeslut var olaglig och befann sig på privatägd arabisk mark.
I samband med utrymningen av Amona lovade premiärminister Netanyahu att en ny bosättning skulle grundas istället för Amona och han har nu hållit sitt löfte.
Intressant är att USA inte verkar motsätta sig beslutet trots att president Trump har uttryckt en önskan om att Israel skall vara försiktig med byggandet i bosättningarna.
FN:s generalsekreterare fördömde naturligtvis planen på en ny bosättning och upprepade mantrat att bosättningarna är olagliga enligt internationell lag trots att det inte finns fog för ett sådant påstående.
Samtidigt beslutade Israel att byggande i bosättningar skall ske inom de befintliga bosättningarna. Ett beslut som återspeglar verkligheten så som den i praktiken varit under många år.
Frågan nu är om Israel också klart kommer att säga vilka (stora) bosättningar som man får bygga i och vilka (små och isolerade) som man inte får bygga i och som man eventuellt räknar med att överge i framtiden.
Could the US and Israel be on the verge of the first understanding between the two governments of what is, and what is not, considered a settlement bloc? Since the concept was coined by former US president Bill Clinton, Israel has been loath to define the idea of a settlement bloc, lest it prejudice border negotiations with the Palestinians for a two-state solution.
But, it may finally belooking at doing so within the context of President Donald’s Trump’s push to revive the frozen peace process.
Out of the 385,900 settlers who live in 129 settlements, some 296,027, or 77% of the population, lives within the barrier’s route in 55 settlements, according to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics for 2015.
Out of the 77 settlements located outside the barrier, some 50 have a population of under 1,000 and another 16 have a population of only 1,000 to 2,000. Only 11 of them have a population of 2,000 to 7,313, out of which the largest settlement is Kochav Ya’acov.
There are regions in Judea and Samaria – the South Hebron Hills, the Jordan Valley, the Megilot region near the Dead Sea – that are entirely composed of isolated settlements.
Some of the isolated settlements have experienced dramatic growth rates under Netanyahu, especially Tekoa in Gush Etzion and Shiloh in the Binyamin region. The bulk of the communities, however, experienced only minimal growth.
The bulk of the settler population within the barrier – 210,321 as of the year 2015 – is concentrated in nine settlements. All of them, save for Ariel, are presumed to qualify for the criteria of a settlement bloc. Ariel, with a population of 16,123 is one of the more contentious of the blocs, because it is located 16 km. over the pre-1967 lines.
The other eight settlements include: Modi’in Illit, with a population of 64,179; Beitar Illit, 43,343; Ma’aleh Adumim, 37,525; Ariel, 18,717; Givat Ze’ev, 16,123; Oranit, 8,495; Efrat, 8,301; and Alfei Menashe, 7,638.
If Netanyahu were to move forward with a freeze of the isolated blocs, he would be following a pattern that already largely exists.
Den israeliska versionen av vad som händer
- Denhär bloggen förmedlar nyheter om och från Israel och kommenterar nyheter som de finländska medierna förmedlar till oss.Kanske någon blir medveten om den vinkling av nyheterna från Israel som förekommer. Verkligheten ser ofta annorlunda ut än den bild som TV och tidningar förmedlar. Bland annat genom att läsa israeliska tidningar får du en bättre bild av vad som händer i Israel. (se länklistan)
- Här finns Israelnyheter på Facebook
fredag 31 mars 2017
torsdag 30 mars 2017
Arabländerna använder UNESCO som slagträ mot Israel
Arabstaterna planerar att lägga fram en resolution för UNESCO som säger att Israel inte har någon rätt till Jerusalem. Den här gången är det alltså inte fråga om östra Jerusalem utan hela Jerusalem.
Arab states plan to contest Israeli sovereignty over all of Jerusalem at the upcoming UNESCO Executive Board meeting in Paris, according to a draft text obtained by Israeli officials.
The resolution, due for a vote on May 1, states: “any action taken by Israel, the Occupying Power, to impose its laws, jurisdiction, and administration on the City of Jerusalem, are illegal and therefore null and void and have no validity whatsoever.”
Past resolutions approved by UNESCO boards and committees have refused to accept Israel’s annexation of east Jerusalem, including the Old City.
This text marks the first time that the Arab states have asked a UNESCO board to reject Israeli sovereignty over western Jerusalem.
Arab states plan to contest Israeli sovereignty over all of Jerusalem at the upcoming UNESCO Executive Board meeting in Paris, according to a draft text obtained by Israeli officials.
The resolution, due for a vote on May 1, states: “any action taken by Israel, the Occupying Power, to impose its laws, jurisdiction, and administration on the City of Jerusalem, are illegal and therefore null and void and have no validity whatsoever.”
Past resolutions approved by UNESCO boards and committees have refused to accept Israel’s annexation of east Jerusalem, including the Old City.
This text marks the first time that the Arab states have asked a UNESCO board to reject Israeli sovereignty over western Jerusalem.
onsdag 29 mars 2017
13-årigt terroroffer: Palestinska myndigheternas stöd till terrorister måste upphöra
Ayala Shapira, en trettonårig israelisk flicka talade igår i Bryssel i EU parlamentsbyggnaden. För två sedan satt hon bredvid sin pappa i deras bil när en Molotov cocktail kastades mot deras bil. Som en följd av terrorattacken fick Ayala svåra brännskador. Hennes liv efter det förändrades drastiskt, hon kan inte längre leva som andra tonåringar och delta i samma aktiviteter som de.
Den som kastade brandbomben mot Ayala och hennes pappa var en 16-årig palestinsk pojke, också hans och hans familjs liv förändrades.De palestinska myndigheterna betalar lön åt terrorister som utför attacker mot judar. Pojken som utförde attacken visste att om han blir satt i israeliskt fängelse kommer hans familjs ekonomi att vara säkrad.Detta är ett av motiven för terrorattacker.
Eftersom EU betalar stora ekonomiska understöd till de palestinska myndigheterna var Ayala Shapiras budskap att EU bättre måste övervaka så att inte EU pengar går till att betala lön till terrorister och se till att de palestinska myndigheterna upphör med stödet till terrorism.
”Jag vill att ni skall komma ihåg att ibland när ni tror att ni understöder en fredlig sak bidrar ni faktiskt till mord, smärta och krig”, sade Ayala.
"Terror victim Ayala Shapira, 13, on Tuesday urged the European Union to stop the Palestinian Authority from funding terrorism as she spoke in Brussels about the impact of the Molotov cocktail that landed on the car seat next to her in December 2014."
Den som kastade brandbomben mot Ayala och hennes pappa var en 16-årig palestinsk pojke, också hans och hans familjs liv förändrades.De palestinska myndigheterna betalar lön åt terrorister som utför attacker mot judar. Pojken som utförde attacken visste att om han blir satt i israeliskt fängelse kommer hans familjs ekonomi att vara säkrad.Detta är ett av motiven för terrorattacker.
Eftersom EU betalar stora ekonomiska understöd till de palestinska myndigheterna var Ayala Shapiras budskap att EU bättre måste övervaka så att inte EU pengar går till att betala lön till terrorister och se till att de palestinska myndigheterna upphör med stödet till terrorism.
”Jag vill att ni skall komma ihåg att ibland när ni tror att ni understöder en fredlig sak bidrar ni faktiskt till mord, smärta och krig”, sade Ayala.
"Terror victim Ayala Shapira, 13, on Tuesday urged the European Union to stop the Palestinian Authority from funding terrorism as she spoke in Brussels about the impact of the Molotov cocktail that landed on the car seat next to her in December 2014."
tisdag 28 mars 2017
Har EU:s utrikesminister Mogherini tappat förståndet?
I ett uttalande efter att ha träffat palestiniernas ledare Abbas i Bryssel tackade EU:s utrikesminister Federica Mogherini Abbas för hans ledarskap (hans mandatperiod som ordförande för de palestinska myndigheterna har fått ut för många år sedan men han sitter kvar fortfarande, också en form av ledarskap) och för hans engagemang för ickevåld och det svåra arbetet han gör i relation till uppvigling och med att upprätthålla det palestinska folkets och i synnerhet ungdomens engagemang för fred och regionalt samarbete.
Abbas hedar terrorister, hans eget parti Fatah uppviglar till våld och palestinska myndigheterna uppkallar skolor och ungdomsläger efter terrorister och betalar lön till dem som utför terrorattacker mot judar.
Mogherini betraktar honom som bra ledare som engagerar sig för fred!
Om de ledare vi har verkligen inte har bättre omdömesförmåga kommer det att gå riktigt illa för oss.
EU: Israeli-Palestinian peace deal a ‘top priority’ (The Times of Israel)
Addressing reporters in Brussels after a meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Mogherini reiterated the EU’s principled opposition to Israeli West Bank settlements, which it “considers to be illegal under international law.”
The EU will recognize any changes to the pre-1967 lines only after they have been agreed upon by the parties, she said, alluding to Israel’s insistence on retaining settlement blocs through land swaps. The union continues to envision Jerusalem as the “future capital of both states,” she added. “And we support Palestinian presence in East Jerusalem, both in political and financial terms.”...
Mogherini thanked Abbas for his leadership and “his commitment when it comes to nonviolence and when it comes to the difficult work he’s doing when it comes to incitement and maintaining Palestinian people, and especially the Palestinian youth, committed to peace and regional cooperation.”
Här ett exempel på Fatahs "fredsarbete" bland ungdomar:
"From the sea of blood of the Martyrs we will create a state"
- Fatah student movement (PMW)
At two Palestinian universities, An-Najah National University in Nablus and Al-Quds Open University, Fatah's student movement Shabiba is sending a clear message as to the path they advocate. On their logos (above and below right), the following text appears:
"From the sea of blood of the Martyrs (Shahids) we will create a state"
[Facebook page of Fatah's student movement Shabiba at Al-Quds Open University, Tulkarem, August 6, 2014]
The logo is a coat of arms featuring on a raised fist in the shape of the PA map of "Palestine" that presents all of Israel as "Palestine" together with the PA areas. The symbol also features an image of the Dome of the Rock and the keffiyeh (Arab headdress) pattern. Both Fatah student movement branches use this logo, while adding the name of their respective universities.
The logo of An-Najah National University recently appeared on Fatah's official Facebook page in an announcement publicizing the upcoming elections for the student union council. [Official Fatah Facebook page, March 21, 2017]
The ideology that "Palestine" is to be created from the blood of "Martyrs" echoes Fatah leaders' promotion and encouragement of terror and glorification of terrorists, which Palestinian Media Watch has recently documented in a report released earlier this month in the American Congress.
Abbas hedar terrorister, hans eget parti Fatah uppviglar till våld och palestinska myndigheterna uppkallar skolor och ungdomsläger efter terrorister och betalar lön till dem som utför terrorattacker mot judar.
Mogherini betraktar honom som bra ledare som engagerar sig för fred!
Om de ledare vi har verkligen inte har bättre omdömesförmåga kommer det att gå riktigt illa för oss.
EU: Israeli-Palestinian peace deal a ‘top priority’ (The Times of Israel)
Addressing reporters in Brussels after a meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Mogherini reiterated the EU’s principled opposition to Israeli West Bank settlements, which it “considers to be illegal under international law.”
The EU will recognize any changes to the pre-1967 lines only after they have been agreed upon by the parties, she said, alluding to Israel’s insistence on retaining settlement blocs through land swaps. The union continues to envision Jerusalem as the “future capital of both states,” she added. “And we support Palestinian presence in East Jerusalem, both in political and financial terms.”...
Mogherini thanked Abbas for his leadership and “his commitment when it comes to nonviolence and when it comes to the difficult work he’s doing when it comes to incitement and maintaining Palestinian people, and especially the Palestinian youth, committed to peace and regional cooperation.”
Här ett exempel på Fatahs "fredsarbete" bland ungdomar:
"From the sea of blood of the Martyrs we will create a state"
- Fatah student movement (PMW)
At two Palestinian universities, An-Najah National University in Nablus and Al-Quds Open University, Fatah's student movement Shabiba is sending a clear message as to the path they advocate. On their logos (above and below right), the following text appears:
"From the sea of blood of the Martyrs (Shahids) we will create a state"
[Facebook page of Fatah's student movement Shabiba at Al-Quds Open University, Tulkarem, August 6, 2014]
The logo is a coat of arms featuring on a raised fist in the shape of the PA map of "Palestine" that presents all of Israel as "Palestine" together with the PA areas. The symbol also features an image of the Dome of the Rock and the keffiyeh (Arab headdress) pattern. Both Fatah student movement branches use this logo, while adding the name of their respective universities.
The logo of An-Najah National University recently appeared on Fatah's official Facebook page in an announcement publicizing the upcoming elections for the student union council. [Official Fatah Facebook page, March 21, 2017]
The ideology that "Palestine" is to be created from the blood of "Martyrs" echoes Fatah leaders' promotion and encouragement of terror and glorification of terrorists, which Palestinian Media Watch has recently documented in a report released earlier this month in the American Congress.
söndag 26 mars 2017
UNHRC fördömde Israel igen
Fem resolutioner som fördömer Israel antogs i fredags i UNHRC. Bara USA och Togo röstade konsekvent emot.
Men också Storbritannien håller på att tappa tålamodet med UNHRC:s fixering vid Israel.
Citat från Storbritanniens uttalande:
“Syria’s regime butchers and murders its people on a daily basis. But it is not Syria that is a permanent standing item on the Council’s agenda; it is Israel.
“We cannot accept the perverse message sent out by a Syria Golan resolution that singles out Israel, as Assad continues to slaughter the Syrian people,” it said.
“Israel is a population of eight million in a world of seven billion,” the statement said. “Yet since its foundation, the Human Rights Council has adopted 135 country-specific resolutions; 68 of which against Israel.
“Justice is blind and impartial. This selective focus on Israel is neither.”
After UNHRC adopts 5 anti-Israel resolutions, UK vows to oppose all future such moves
Men också Storbritannien håller på att tappa tålamodet med UNHRC:s fixering vid Israel.
Citat från Storbritanniens uttalande:
“Syria’s regime butchers and murders its people on a daily basis. But it is not Syria that is a permanent standing item on the Council’s agenda; it is Israel.
“We cannot accept the perverse message sent out by a Syria Golan resolution that singles out Israel, as Assad continues to slaughter the Syrian people,” it said.
“Israel is a population of eight million in a world of seven billion,” the statement said. “Yet since its foundation, the Human Rights Council has adopted 135 country-specific resolutions; 68 of which against Israel.
“Justice is blind and impartial. This selective focus on Israel is neither.”
After UNHRC adopts 5 anti-Israel resolutions, UK vows to oppose all future such moves
Hamas ledare dödad i Gaza
En av ledarna för Hamas terroraktivitet, Mazen Fuqaha,dödades i fredags i Gaza. Fuqaha dömdes 2003 till 9 livstidsstraff för terrorattacker i Israel men frigavs 2011 som en av många i utbyte mot den israeliske soldaten Gilad Schalit.
Enligt villkoren för hans frigivning fick han inte delta i terrorverksamhet men han har trots det varit en av ledarna för Hamas terrorverksamhet på västbanken.
Hamas beskyller Israel för mordet på Fuqaha men det finns inga bevis och enligt Yossi Melman på Jerusalem Post finns det också andra som kan vara skyldiga till mordet.Han pekar på salafister i Gaza som en möjlighet eller en intern uppgörelse inom Hamas eller så naturligtvis israeliska säkerhetstjänsten.
Som svar på mordet har Hamas stängt Erez gränsövergången mot Israel för första gången under den tid de haft makten i Gaza.
Hamas har också hotat med hämndåtgärder och israeliska armén är i hög beredskap vid gränsen till Gaza.
As Israeli forces go on high alert after Faqha killing, Hamas may be looking to avoid a war
Enligt villkoren för hans frigivning fick han inte delta i terrorverksamhet men han har trots det varit en av ledarna för Hamas terrorverksamhet på västbanken.
Hamas beskyller Israel för mordet på Fuqaha men det finns inga bevis och enligt Yossi Melman på Jerusalem Post finns det också andra som kan vara skyldiga till mordet.Han pekar på salafister i Gaza som en möjlighet eller en intern uppgörelse inom Hamas eller så naturligtvis israeliska säkerhetstjänsten.
Som svar på mordet har Hamas stängt Erez gränsövergången mot Israel för första gången under den tid de haft makten i Gaza.
Hamas har också hotat med hämndåtgärder och israeliska armén är i hög beredskap vid gränsen till Gaza.
As Israeli forces go on high alert after Faqha killing, Hamas may be looking to avoid a war
fredag 24 mars 2017
Israelisk tonåring misstänks stå bakom hundratals bombhot
En 18-årig israelisk pojke från Ashkelon har arresterats misstänkt för ett hundratal bombhot mot judiska anläggningar främst i USA.
Enligt pojkens advokat har pojken medicinska problem, han har inte gått i skola och inte heller blivit inkallad till armén.
För en tid sedan arresterades en man i USA som stod för en mindre del av bombhoten.
Jewish Israeli-US teen arrested for phoning in JCC bomb threats
Online slip-up led police to JCC bomb threat suspect
Bomb threat suspect’s arrest brings relief, but US Jews vow to stay vigilant
Enligt pojkens advokat har pojken medicinska problem, han har inte gått i skola och inte heller blivit inkallad till armén.
För en tid sedan arresterades en man i USA som stod för en mindre del av bombhoten.
Jewish Israeli-US teen arrested for phoning in JCC bomb threats
Online slip-up led police to JCC bomb threat suspect
Bomb threat suspect’s arrest brings relief, but US Jews vow to stay vigilant
torsdag 23 mars 2017
Också en form av hyckleri i FN
"Det är vårt ansvar att försvara FN och vad den står för".
Arabländerna protesterar mot att rapporten som anklagade Israel för att vara en apartheidstat drogs tillbaka och Palestinierns ambassadör Mansour sade:
“We care about the UN and the secretary-general, and we do not accept methods that are not in the culture of the United Nations,” Mansour said. “You know by that what I mean — some people who are trying to inject bullying tactics and intimidation.”
He stressed that “it is our collective responsibility to do everything we can to defend the UN and what it stands for.”
Arabs protest to UN chief about withdrawal of Israel ‘apartheid’ report
Arabländerna protesterar mot att rapporten som anklagade Israel för att vara en apartheidstat drogs tillbaka och Palestinierns ambassadör Mansour sade:
“We care about the UN and the secretary-general, and we do not accept methods that are not in the culture of the United Nations,” Mansour said. “You know by that what I mean — some people who are trying to inject bullying tactics and intimidation.”
He stressed that “it is our collective responsibility to do everything we can to defend the UN and what it stands for.”
Arabs protest to UN chief about withdrawal of Israel ‘apartheid’ report
onsdag 22 mars 2017
Abbas: Israel orsaken till världen problem
Mahmoud Abbas säger att alla världens problem beror på Israels existens.
"... Israels ockupation av den palestinska staten är orsaken till alla de katastrofer som regionen och världen lider av ... "
Och ockupationen började enligt Abbas 1948.
"... Israels ockupation av den palestinska staten är orsaken till alla de katastrofer som regionen och världen lider av ... "
Och ockupationen började enligt Abbas 1948.
Abbas believes Israel's entire existence is an “occupation”
- since being established in 1948
Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
In a recent speech, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stated that the Israeli “occupation” is the reason for all disasters in the world:
“The international community is becoming more and more convinced that the occupation of the Palestinian state by Israel is the reason for all the disasters that the region and the world are suffering from...”
[Official PA TV, March 12, 2017]
Abbas’ statement echoes the antisemitic teachings of a religious scholar on official PA TV, Imad Hamato, who Abbas has also endorsed by
appointing him dean of a system of schools. Palestinian Media Watch reported on a lesson in Islam where Hamato taught that the Jews are the reason for all of humanity’s problems:
"Humanity will never live in comfort as long as the Jews are causing devastating corruption throughout the land. Humanity will never live in peace or fortune or tranquility as long as they are corrupting the land. An old man told me: If a fish in the sea fights with another fish, I am sure the Jews are behind it."
[Official PA TV, Feb. 27, 2015 and Feb. 25, 2016]
In another interview, Abbas recently clarified what he means by Israeli "occupation" - saying it has lasted “70 years” - i.e., since Israel was established in 1948.
“I told him [US President Donald Trump] that we hope that he will find a solution to the Palestinian issue after 70 years of occupation that will be based on two states, a Palestinian state that will live in security and peace alongside the State of Israel."
[Al-Watan, (Qatar), March 16, 2017]
Hyckleri - Israel fördöms inför UNHRC
Man kunde tro att ett FN organ som behandlar mänskliga rättigheter skulle bestå av visa män och kvinnor som företräder sina stater men i verkligheten är det något helt annat ... hyckleri i kvadrat... Stater som förtrycker sina egna medborgare står på rad för att fördöma den enda demokratin i Mellanöstern.
Hiller Neuer från UN Watch ställer en bra fråga: Var är alla judar som tidigare bodde i arabländerna?
Hiller Neuer från UN Watch ställer en bra fråga: Var är alla judar som tidigare bodde i arabländerna?
måndag 20 mars 2017
Vem är lyckligast i världen?
Enligt FN:s 2017 World Happiness Report är Israel fortfarande på plats nummer 11 när det gäller vilket land som är lyckligast i världen.
Före Israel kommer de nordiska länderna Norge, Danmark, Island, Finland och Sverige, samt Schweiz, Nederländerna Canada, Nya Zeeland och Australien.
Intressant att Israel placerar sig så högt på listan trots att landet har så många svårigheter att kämpa med jämfört med t.ex. de nordiska länderna.
Israel is world’s 11th-happiest country, but…
Före Israel kommer de nordiska länderna Norge, Danmark, Island, Finland och Sverige, samt Schweiz, Nederländerna Canada, Nya Zeeland och Australien.
Intressant att Israel placerar sig så högt på listan trots att landet har så många svårigheter att kämpa med jämfört med t.ex. de nordiska länderna.
Israel is world’s 11th-happiest country, but…
Spänt mellan Israel och Syrien
Under de senaste tre dagarna har Israel utfört tre flygbombningar i Syrien.
Israel har redan tidigare gjort klart att man inte accepterar att avancerade vapen smugglas till Hizzbollah i Libanon från Syrien. Israel kommer inte heller att acceptera att Iran och Hizzbollah upprättar baser vid den syriska gränsen mot Israel.
Flygattackerna har haft till uppgift att förhindra att det ovan nämnda sker.
Vid fredagens flygattack försökte Syrien skjuta ner de israeliska planen med luftvärnsmissiler och den händelsen betraktas som den allvarligaste incidenten mellan Israel och Syrien sedan inbördeskriget i Syrien startade.
Enligt FN-resolutionen som gjorde slut på kriget mellan Israel och Hizzbollah 2006 skall Hizzbollah avväpnas och Libanons armé vara den enda väpnade gruppen i Libanon. Så har inte skett och Hizzbollah är nu bättre rustad än någonsin tidigare. Vapentransporter till Hizzbollah är olagliga och strider mot FN-resolutionen.
Israel said to strike Syria for second time in 24 hours, amid threats from Damascus
IDF chief says Lebanon responsible for next conflict with Hezbollah
Israel har redan tidigare gjort klart att man inte accepterar att avancerade vapen smugglas till Hizzbollah i Libanon från Syrien. Israel kommer inte heller att acceptera att Iran och Hizzbollah upprättar baser vid den syriska gränsen mot Israel.
Flygattackerna har haft till uppgift att förhindra att det ovan nämnda sker.
Vid fredagens flygattack försökte Syrien skjuta ner de israeliska planen med luftvärnsmissiler och den händelsen betraktas som den allvarligaste incidenten mellan Israel och Syrien sedan inbördeskriget i Syrien startade.
Enligt FN-resolutionen som gjorde slut på kriget mellan Israel och Hizzbollah 2006 skall Hizzbollah avväpnas och Libanons armé vara den enda väpnade gruppen i Libanon. Så har inte skett och Hizzbollah är nu bättre rustad än någonsin tidigare. Vapentransporter till Hizzbollah är olagliga och strider mot FN-resolutionen.
Israel said to strike Syria for second time in 24 hours, amid threats from Damascus
IDF chief says Lebanon responsible for next conflict with Hezbollah
söndag 19 mars 2017
FN rapport drogs tillbaka
FN:s generalsekreterare Guterres har bett FN organet Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) att dra tillbaka den rapport som publicerades senaste vecka och rapporten har tagits bort från ESCWA:s hemsida.
ESCWA:s jordanska ordförande Rima Khalaf avgick i protest mot Gueterres beslut.
Palestiniernas ledare Abbas har gratulerat Khalaf och lovat henne palestinska myndigheternas högsta förtjänsttecken.
Rapporten beskrev Israel som en apartheidstat och reaktionerna från Israel, USA och FN:s generalsekreterare visar att ibland kommer det faktiskt en gräns emot för vilka lögner som kan accepteras om Israel i FN.
Palestinian leaders pan UN for scrapping Israel ‘apartheid’ report
Horribel FN rapport slår fast att Israel är en apartheidstat
ESCWA:s jordanska ordförande Rima Khalaf avgick i protest mot Gueterres beslut.
Palestiniernas ledare Abbas har gratulerat Khalaf och lovat henne palestinska myndigheternas högsta förtjänsttecken.
Rapporten beskrev Israel som en apartheidstat och reaktionerna från Israel, USA och FN:s generalsekreterare visar att ibland kommer det faktiskt en gräns emot för vilka lögner som kan accepteras om Israel i FN.
Palestinian leaders pan UN for scrapping Israel ‘apartheid’ report
Horribel FN rapport slår fast att Israel är en apartheidstat
Hamas ledare upprepar: Hela Palestina skall befrias
Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: The Quran Tells Us to Drive the Jews Out of Palestine in Its Entirety (MEMRI)
March 6, 2017 Clip No. 5946
Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: The Quran Tells Us to Drive the Jews Out of Palestine in Its Entirety
Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, one of Hamas's leaders in Gaza, said that "removing the Jews from the land they occupied in 1948 is an immutable principle" appearing in the Quran, and said: "Our position is: Palestine in its entirety, and not a grain of soil less." Speaking on Al-Aqsa TV on March 8, Al-Zahhar advised Hamas and the Islamic Jihad never to mention the 1967 borders, as "this becomes like part of a joint plan."
Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: "Allah says (in the Quran): 'And drive them out from wherever they have driven you out.' How do the linguists interpret the word 'from'? The Quran talks about driving you out 'from where they have driven you out.' From where did the Jews drives us out? From within the 1967 borders or the 1948 borders? From within the 1948 borders. So you should drive them out from within the 1948 borders, like they drove you out. Hence, removing the Jews from the land they occupied in 1948 is an immutable principle, because it appears in the Book of Allah. 'Drive them out from wherever they have driven you out.' So in light of this verse, we say that our dispute with the Palestinian factions that talk about the 1967 borders is one pertaining to faith. On this issue, we base ourselves upon our religion, while you do not.
"(The Quran says:) 'They will enter the mosque as they entered it the first time.' Entering the mosque means entering the capital, and entering the capital means liberating Palestine in its entirety, and the implementation of the decree: 'Drive them out from wherever they have driven you out.'
"Let me advise our brothers and sisters from the Islamic movement – from Hamas and Islamic Jihad – never to use the term '1967 (borders).' When the 1967 borders are mentioned, and then we make certain exceptions, saying, 'so long as we don't relinquish...' and so on, this becomes like part of a joint plan. We have liberated Gaza, part of Palestine, but I am not prepared to accept just Gaza, and later... Our position is: Palestine in its entirety, and not a grain of soil less. (The Quran says:) 'Kill them wherever you may find them' – Allah did not define the 1967 borders or the 1948 borders. We will fight them wherever we can – on the ground, underground, and if we have airplanes, we will fight them from the skies."
March 6, 2017 Clip No. 5946
Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: The Quran Tells Us to Drive the Jews Out of Palestine in Its Entirety
Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, one of Hamas's leaders in Gaza, said that "removing the Jews from the land they occupied in 1948 is an immutable principle" appearing in the Quran, and said: "Our position is: Palestine in its entirety, and not a grain of soil less." Speaking on Al-Aqsa TV on March 8, Al-Zahhar advised Hamas and the Islamic Jihad never to mention the 1967 borders, as "this becomes like part of a joint plan."
Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: "Allah says (in the Quran): 'And drive them out from wherever they have driven you out.' How do the linguists interpret the word 'from'? The Quran talks about driving you out 'from where they have driven you out.' From where did the Jews drives us out? From within the 1967 borders or the 1948 borders? From within the 1948 borders. So you should drive them out from within the 1948 borders, like they drove you out. Hence, removing the Jews from the land they occupied in 1948 is an immutable principle, because it appears in the Book of Allah. 'Drive them out from wherever they have driven you out.' So in light of this verse, we say that our dispute with the Palestinian factions that talk about the 1967 borders is one pertaining to faith. On this issue, we base ourselves upon our religion, while you do not.
"(The Quran says:) 'They will enter the mosque as they entered it the first time.' Entering the mosque means entering the capital, and entering the capital means liberating Palestine in its entirety, and the implementation of the decree: 'Drive them out from wherever they have driven you out.'
"Let me advise our brothers and sisters from the Islamic movement – from Hamas and Islamic Jihad – never to use the term '1967 (borders).' When the 1967 borders are mentioned, and then we make certain exceptions, saying, 'so long as we don't relinquish...' and so on, this becomes like part of a joint plan. We have liberated Gaza, part of Palestine, but I am not prepared to accept just Gaza, and later... Our position is: Palestine in its entirety, and not a grain of soil less. (The Quran says:) 'Kill them wherever you may find them' – Allah did not define the 1967 borders or the 1948 borders. We will fight them wherever we can – on the ground, underground, and if we have airplanes, we will fight them from the skies."
fredag 17 mars 2017
Arabisk Knessetmedlem döms till två års fängelse
Parlamentsledamot Basel Ghattas medlem i ett av de arabiska partierna som är representerad i israeliska parlamentet har gått med på att avgå från parlamentet och sitta två år i fängelse. Han gjorde en överenskommelse med staten för att undvika ett strängare straff.
Ghattas kommer nu att dömas för att ha smugglat in telefoner och dokument till palestinier som sitter i israeliskt fängelse men blir inte åtalad för strängare brott som att ha hjälpt fienden eller terrorister.
Charges filed against Arab MK accused of smuggling phones to prisoners (The Times of Israel)
MK Basel Ghattas of the Joint (Arab) List’s Balad faction was charged with smuggling phones into prison, smuggling documents and breach of trust.
The charges come a day after Ghattas signed a plea deal with state in which he will resign from the Knesset and serve two years in jail. In return he avoided the more serious charges of aiding the enemy and being an accomplice to terror.
He is expected to resign Sunday.
Under the plea, lawyers for both sides will request a jail term of two years and the prosecution will ask that Ghattas be fined.
Ghattas kommer nu att dömas för att ha smugglat in telefoner och dokument till palestinier som sitter i israeliskt fängelse men blir inte åtalad för strängare brott som att ha hjälpt fienden eller terrorister.
Charges filed against Arab MK accused of smuggling phones to prisoners (The Times of Israel)
MK Basel Ghattas of the Joint (Arab) List’s Balad faction was charged with smuggling phones into prison, smuggling documents and breach of trust.
The charges come a day after Ghattas signed a plea deal with state in which he will resign from the Knesset and serve two years in jail. In return he avoided the more serious charges of aiding the enemy and being an accomplice to terror.
He is expected to resign Sunday.
Under the plea, lawyers for both sides will request a jail term of two years and the prosecution will ask that Ghattas be fined.
Dåliga ledare skapar kaos
Bok om antisemitism i dag
Jerusalem Post skriver om boken Antisemitic Mind: The Language of Jew-Hatred in Contemporary Germany av Monika Schwarz-Friesel och Jehuda Reinharz.
Föfattarna har tagit del av 15.000 brev och e-post som riktats till israeliska ambassader i Europa och till Council of Jews i Tyskland.
Boken ger en beskrivning av hur antisemitismen tar sig uttryck i vår tid.
Hat mot den judiska staten Israel står i centrum för antisemitismen oberoende av om den kommer från den politiska högern,centern eller vänstern. Samtidigt grundar den sig på gamla antisemitiska föreställningar om judar som blodtörstiga, giriga människor med låg moral.
The focus of their investigation is on Germany; 14,000 of the communications that were analyzed were addressed to the Israeli embassy in Berlin and the Council of Jews in Germany. According to the authors, they “reveal the shocking truth about the continuity and persistence of the age-old hostility toward Jews,” in spite of all the efforts to erase it after the Holocaust. However, the study also makes clear that antisemitism is far from being a solely German problem.
Besides national boundaries, antisemitism, the study shows, transcends sociocultural categories. Authors of the reviewed antisemitic texts include people with all kind of economic, educational and ideological backgrounds: “As depressing as the crude and violent antisemitic ravings of right-wing extremists were to all of us who worked on the project, we were far more appalled to encounter the hostile utterances by members of mainstream society. Scholars, lawyers, doctors, bank employees, clergymen and students used language that revealed age-old Judeophobic resentments apparently impervious to education or reflection on the experience of Auschwitz.”
Quoting a multitude of examples from the reviewed data, the book conveys a palpable idea of how people from the Right, from the Left and from the Center write things that sound very different on the surface, but, in the end of the day, all convey the same antisemitic messages, dehumanizing Jews as inferior beings. While people from the extreme right are more inclined to curse Jews with vulgar insults such as “dirty Jew,” people from the mainstream use a less explicit language and often take the moral high ground to slander Jews as moral inferior beings that, by extension of being identified with Israel, violate standards of human rights in the Palestinian territories.
Föfattarna har tagit del av 15.000 brev och e-post som riktats till israeliska ambassader i Europa och till Council of Jews i Tyskland.
Boken ger en beskrivning av hur antisemitismen tar sig uttryck i vår tid.
Hat mot den judiska staten Israel står i centrum för antisemitismen oberoende av om den kommer från den politiska högern,centern eller vänstern. Samtidigt grundar den sig på gamla antisemitiska föreställningar om judar som blodtörstiga, giriga människor med låg moral.
The focus of their investigation is on Germany; 14,000 of the communications that were analyzed were addressed to the Israeli embassy in Berlin and the Council of Jews in Germany. According to the authors, they “reveal the shocking truth about the continuity and persistence of the age-old hostility toward Jews,” in spite of all the efforts to erase it after the Holocaust. However, the study also makes clear that antisemitism is far from being a solely German problem.
Besides national boundaries, antisemitism, the study shows, transcends sociocultural categories. Authors of the reviewed antisemitic texts include people with all kind of economic, educational and ideological backgrounds: “As depressing as the crude and violent antisemitic ravings of right-wing extremists were to all of us who worked on the project, we were far more appalled to encounter the hostile utterances by members of mainstream society. Scholars, lawyers, doctors, bank employees, clergymen and students used language that revealed age-old Judeophobic resentments apparently impervious to education or reflection on the experience of Auschwitz.”
Quoting a multitude of examples from the reviewed data, the book conveys a palpable idea of how people from the Right, from the Left and from the Center write things that sound very different on the surface, but, in the end of the day, all convey the same antisemitic messages, dehumanizing Jews as inferior beings. While people from the extreme right are more inclined to curse Jews with vulgar insults such as “dirty Jew,” people from the mainstream use a less explicit language and often take the moral high ground to slander Jews as moral inferior beings that, by extension of being identified with Israel, violate standards of human rights in the Palestinian territories.
torsdag 16 mars 2017
Horribel FN rapport slår fast att Israel är en apartheidstat
FN:s Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) slår i en rapport fast att Israel är en apartheidstat.
Hur kan man komma till en så felaktig ståndpunkt? Jo när en av författarna är Israelhataren Richard Falk och staterna som sammanställt rapporten är 18 arabstater varav de flesta inte ens erkänner staten Israel.
(Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, The Sudan, The Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, The United Arab Emirates and Yemen.)
FN:s generalsekreterare har tagit avstånd från rapporten och USA kräver att den måste dras tillbaka.
UN Body Promotes Apartheid Libel
US demands UN pull report accusing Israel of apartheid
Report's author Richard Falk, says Haley, 'has repeatedly made biased comments about Israel and espoused ridiculous conspiracy theories'
UN agency published a report on Wednesday accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people, and said it was the first time a UN body had clearly made the charge.
Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman likened the report, which was published by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), to Der Sturmer - a Nazi propaganda publication that was strongly anti-Semitic.
Hur kan man komma till en så felaktig ståndpunkt? Jo när en av författarna är Israelhataren Richard Falk och staterna som sammanställt rapporten är 18 arabstater varav de flesta inte ens erkänner staten Israel.
(Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, The Sudan, The Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, The United Arab Emirates and Yemen.)
FN:s generalsekreterare har tagit avstånd från rapporten och USA kräver att den måste dras tillbaka.
UN Body Promotes Apartheid Libel
US demands UN pull report accusing Israel of apartheid
Report's author Richard Falk, says Haley, 'has repeatedly made biased comments about Israel and espoused ridiculous conspiracy theories'
UN agency published a report on Wednesday accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people, and said it was the first time a UN body had clearly made the charge.
Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman likened the report, which was published by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), to Der Sturmer - a Nazi propaganda publication that was strongly anti-Semitic.
Rapport om Fatahs stöd för terror
För några månader sedan valde Fatah nya ledare till sina ledande organ. Palestinian Media Watch har skrivit en rapport om vad ledarna står för när det gäller inställningen till terror mot Israel.
Enligt rapporten var det ingen av de valda ledarna som fördömde terrorattackerna mot Israel under terrorvågen 2015-2016. Många av dem visade stöd för terrorattackerna.
PMW Special Report
Fatah Votes for Terror
Special Report on Members Elected
to the Fatah Central Committee in December 2016
Enligt rapporten var det ingen av de valda ledarna som fördömde terrorattackerna mot Israel under terrorvågen 2015-2016. Många av dem visade stöd för terrorattackerna.
PMW Special Report
Fatah Votes for Terror
Special Report on Members Elected
to the Fatah Central Committee in December 2016
The Seventh Fatah Conference ended in December 2016 with elections for the 18-member
governing body, the Fatah Central Committee. Twelve members were reelected and six new
members joined the committee. In addition, Mahmoud Abbas was reelected separately as
chairman, and he also has the right to appoint four additional members. This report examines
Fatah’s attitudes to terror during the wave of Palestinian terror 2015-2016, and focuses on the
attitudes of those elected members of the Central Committee who have spoken publicly, including
Mahmoud Abbas, as well as Fatah leaders who were Central Committee members during the terror
wave, but were not reelected at the Seventh Fatah Conference.
This report documents how the Fatah Movement responded to individual Palestinians murdering
Israeli civilians in stabbings, shootings, and car ramming attacks, during the terror wave from
September 2015 to mid-2016. 40 people were murdered in these attacks (36 Israelis, 1 Palestinian,
2 Americans, and 1 Eritrean) and hundreds wounded.
The report also includes Fatah’s responses to the terror on the Fatah-run TV station Awdah and its
official social media.
When examining the chances for peace and whether the Palestinian Authority, with the Fatah
Movement as its leading party, can be seen as a peace partner at all, there is paramount
importance to the attitudes to terror by these Fatah leaders. These are the people who will be
determining the policy of Mahmoud Abbas’ party and through it the policy of the Palestinian
Authority in the coming years. Will they lead the Palestinian people toward peace or continued
animosity and terror?
During the Palestinian terror wave (2015-2016), the Fatah Movement and prominent Fatah Central
Committee members actively supported the terror carried out by individual Palestinians and
publicly encouraged more attacks.
Reelected Fatah Central Committee members actively supported, encouraged, and
glorified the terrorists and their attacks during the 2015-2016 wave of terror.
None of the reelected or new members condemned even one murder during the terror
wave. Mahmoud Abbas even refused US Vice President Joe Biden’s request that he
condemn the murder of American tourist Taylor Force.
Some supported the terror by participating in or sponsoring activities honoring
murderers of civilians. Others justified the murders of Israelis as acceptable defense
of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which they claimed was “in danger”. Still others claimed that
those Palestinian terrorists who were killed while attacking Israelis were innocents
murdered in cold blood and for no reason by the Israeli police who “fabricated” the
None of the Fatah leaders at any time condemned even one terror attack or murder, even when the
victims were children, because they insisted and continue to insist that the term “terror” can never
be applied to any Palestinian attack or murder of Israelis. Even Mahmoud Abbas himself
repeatedly justified these murders, saying after 14 Israelis had already been killed and dozens
“We want peaceful popular uprising, and that’s what this is. That’s what this is.”
[Official PA TV, Nov. 16, 2015]
onsdag 15 mars 2017
Fatah fortsätter hedra terrorister trots löften om det motsatta
När Mahmoud Abbas idag träffade USA:s sändebud Jason Greenblatt lovade han att bekämpa hatpropagandan mot Israel och judarna men i verkligheten fortsätter hans parti Fatah att hedra personer som utför terrorattacker mot judar och dödar dem.
Här PMW:s senaste rapport:Fatah leaders: Role model for Palestinian women is terrorist Dalal Mughrabi who led murder of 37, including 12 children
Här PMW:s senaste rapport:Fatah leaders: Role model for Palestinian women is terrorist Dalal Mughrabi who led murder of 37, including 12 children
Fatah leaders:
Role model for Palestinian women
is terrorist Dalal Mughrabi
who led murder of 37, including 12 children
Nan Jacques Zilberdik
On the March 11 anniversary
of the most lethal attack in Israel's history, the Coastal Road
massacre in which 37 civilians were murdered, among them 12 children,
members of Fatah's Central
Committee praised the female terrorist who led the attack, Dalal
Mughrabi, as a role model for Palestinians. As the anniversary of the
attack coincides with International Women's Day on March 8, some Fatah
leaders emphasized the female terrorist's importance as an example for
women in particular.
At a ceremony honoring women "fighters"
and "creators" held under the auspices of Jibril Rajoub, Secretary of
Fatah's Central Committee, who Palestinian Media Watch has shown is a blatant terror promoter,
Rajoub praised terrorist Mughrabi as "prime among" female "Martyrs,"
and suggested that Palestinian women of today let themselves inspire by
Mughrabi and the female plane hijacker Laila Khaled:
"[Rajoub] noted that the
women of Palestine draw from the giving and struggle of the first
female Martyrs of Palestine, and prime among them Dalal Mughrabi and
Laila Khaled, who succeeded in raising the Palestinian voice high and sounding it for the whole world."
[PNN, independent Palestinian news agency, March 12, 2017]
the occasion of International Women's Day, the head of Palestinian
Women's Union, and former Fatah Central Committee member Amal Hamad
seconded this. She stated on PA TV that Dalal Mughrabi was "a role
model" who "excelled in her leadership":
Head of Palestinian Women's Union Amal Hamad:
"Dalal Mughrabi who was a role model led men and stood in the front
line. Dalal established a state inside a bus, and waved a flag over the
bus. She killed as many as she killed from among the occupation's
soldiers, not from among civilians (sic., all of the victims were
civilians). She excelled in her leadership, her pioneering and her
[Official PA TV, I Call You, March 6, 2017]
the same program, the director of a women's research center agreed on
Palestinian women's central role, pointing out three female terrorists:
PFLP political bureau member and Director of the Women's Research Center Maryam Abu Daqqa:
"The Palestinian women created a triangle of horror: Laila Khaled from
the air, Shadia Abu Ghazaleh from the land and Dalal Mughrabi from the
Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi presented Mughrabi as an example
to follow, "a school", praised her for "scattering her soul on the
soil," and posted a photo of her holding an assault rifle:
"Concerning Dalal Mughrabi, a
daughter of the land who scattered her soul on the soil of the land of
peace and constitutes for us a Palestinian school for the supreme love
of the homeland. The lady of complete giving for the freedom of the land
and man. May her soul rest in our skies, a true rainbow of freedom."
[Facebook page of Tawfiq Tirawi, March 11, 2017]
Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki also venerated Dalal Mughrabi on occasion of her attack. He said her attack "spread the spirit of victory in the hearts of the Palestinians and struck the Israeli occupation like lightning." He added that Mughrabi had become "a legend" and that her "soul is constantly floating in the skies of Palestine." [Website of Fatah's Information and Culture Commission, March 11, 2017]
Fatah's glorification of the Coastal Road attack and murderer Dalal Mughrabi is not new. PMW has documented that the Palestinian Authority and Fatah have turned Mughrabi into a role model for
society. Earlier this year, Fatah included huge posters of Mughrabi
alongside posters of chairman Abbas at a military parade:
At a
Fatah event in honor of Mughrabi and her attack, the stage was adorned
with two large photos of Mughrabi next to the Fatah logo. Speaking at
the event, Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki called the
terrorist murderer a "Martyr", "fighter," and "one of the most famous
Palestinian self-sacrificing fighters." [Facebook page of Abbas Zaki,
March 12, 2017]
A PA official, District Governor of Ramallah
and El-Bireh Dr. Laila Ghannam, likewise spoke at the "eulogy ceremony
for Martyr Dalal Mughrabi." [Official Facebook page of Ramallah & Al-Bireh Governorate, March 11, 2017]
PA National Security Forces honored terrorist Mughrabi with the title
"the bride of Jaffa" in a post on Facebook commemorating "the 39th
anniversary of her death as a Martyr." An image of Dalal wearing a beret
adorned the post. [Facebook page of the PA National Security Forces,
March 11, 2017]
"The bride of Palestine" is how a
branch of Fatah in Gaza referred to the murderer, posting her photo and
her "will" on Facebook, encouraging violence against Israel:
Text on image: "Fatah Movement - East Gaza branch
Information Commission
The will of the bride of Palestine
Martyr (Shahida) Dalal Mughrabi
will to all of you, O my rifle-bearing brothers, begins with freezing
the secondary conflicts and intensifying the main conflict against the
Zionist enemy and turning the rifles - all of the rifles - toward the
Zionist enemy. This is because the independence of the Palestinian
decision-making is defended by the rifles of the revolutionaries [who
shoot] continuously.'"
[Facebook page of Fatah Information and Culture Commission,
March 11, 2017]
Information and Culture Commission posted a long but untrue description
of the attack and its results on its website, claiming that the victims
were all Israeli soldiers when they were in fact all civilians. (See
full article below). The attack was praised as "a quality and brave
operation" that was able to "strike the Zionist occupation in the heart
of its capital," and the attackers were "10 self-sacrificing fighters...
[and] Palestinian hero Dalal Mughrabi." The terrorists went ashore
"successfully" on the Israeli coast because "Israel did not expect that
the Palestinians would have the courage." [Website of Fatah's
Information and Culture Commission, March 11, 2017]
article in the official PA daily, likewise full of "alternative facts"
denying that all victims were civilians, presented terrorist Mughrabi as
brave and loyal:
"She was known for her courage, her high national sentiment, and her devotion to Palestine and Fatah." (See full article below).
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 11, 2017]
Fatah wrote on its official Facebook page that Dalal Mughrabi is "the legend that will not die."
[Official Fatah Facebook page, March 12, 2017]
tisdag 14 mars 2017
Abbas bekräftade sitt stöd till antisemitisk ledare för utbildning
Senaste vecka träffade Mahmoud Abbas Imad Hamato i sitt högkvarter i Ramallah och uttryckte sitt stöd för honom och den rätta tolkningen av islam som Hamato står för. I oktober 2016 utnämnde Abbas Hamato till ledare för Gaza’s Al-Azhar institute, ett system av skolor som förbereder studenter för studier vid Al-Azhar universitetet i Gaza.
Palestinian Media Watch har dokumenterat hur Imad Hamato gång på gång gett antisemitiska uttalanden.
Några exempel:
Mänskligheten kommer aldrig att leva i välstånd, så länge som judarna förorsakar förödande korruption i landet ...
En gammal man sa till mig: Om en fisk i havet kämpar med en annan fisk, är jag säker på att judarna ligger bakom det ...
Lögner, förvrängning av sanningen, och motvilja mot sanningen flödar i deras blod ... Det är så judarna alltid handlar. De skapar krig ...
Läs mera här:Abbas appoints Antisemitic PA TV host
as dean of Gaza Al-Azhar schools
Headline: "[PA] presidential decision: Sheikh Hamato was appointed dean of the Al-Azhar institutes"
"[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decision regarding the appointment of preacher Sheikh Dr. Imad Yaqub Hamato as dean of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine."
[Ma’an, independent Palestinian news agency, Oct. 25, 2016]
Headline: "The [PA] president receives the dean of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine"
"[PA] President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas received Dean of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine Sheikh Imad Hamato this evening, (Monday) [March 6, 2017], at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah.
Hamato briefed His Honor the President on the situation of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine, on the challenges they are dealing with, and on the development plans.
He emphasized that the institutions are committed to the respectable message of Al-Azhar, the moderate message of Islam...
The president emphasized his full support of the Al-Azhar institutes and praised their large role in conveying the correct message of Islam. His Honor [Abbas] blessed the dean of the Al-Azhar institutes on his entry into the [new] role, and wished him success in the future.
Secretary-General of the Presidential Office Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim and the president's advisor on religious and Islamic affairs and Supreme Shari'ah Judge of Palestine Mahmoud Al-Habbash were present at the meeting."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, March 6, 2017]
"Humanity will never live in comfort as long as the Jews are causing devastating corruption throughout the land. Humanity will never live in peace or fortune or tranquility as long as they are corrupting the land. An old man told me: If a fish in the sea fights with another fish, I am sure the Jews are behind it."
[Official PA TV, Feb. 27, 2015 and Feb. 25, 2016]
"They [the Jews] are usurers. See, the usury money and usurer banks, those who control the money in the world can be counted on one hand - a few individuals - and all of them belong to the Jewish world. They control the media, the money, the press, the resources, the plans."
“They [the Jews] are the slayers of the prophets and the slayers of the innocent.There is a falsified Biblical base to their path of blood ... [Israel] erases the Islamic traces and fingerprints in Jerusalem... Then they began to Judaize education by flooding the media, as was written in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: 'We have to strive that the Westerner, the Arab, the American and the Australian will hear only what the Jews want him to hear.'"
Palestinian Media Watch har dokumenterat hur Imad Hamato gång på gång gett antisemitiska uttalanden.
Några exempel:
Mänskligheten kommer aldrig att leva i välstånd, så länge som judarna förorsakar förödande korruption i landet ...
En gammal man sa till mig: Om en fisk i havet kämpar med en annan fisk, är jag säker på att judarna ligger bakom det ...
Lögner, förvrängning av sanningen, och motvilja mot sanningen flödar i deras blod ... Det är så judarna alltid handlar. De skapar krig ...
Läs mera här:Abbas appoints Antisemitic PA TV host
as dean of Gaza Al-Azhar schools
Headline: "[PA] presidential decision: Sheikh Hamato was appointed dean of the Al-Azhar institutes"
"[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decision regarding the appointment of preacher Sheikh Dr. Imad Yaqub Hamato as dean of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine."
[Ma’an, independent Palestinian news agency, Oct. 25, 2016]
Headline: "The [PA] president receives the dean of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine"
"[PA] President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas received Dean of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine Sheikh Imad Hamato this evening, (Monday) [March 6, 2017], at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah.
Hamato briefed His Honor the President on the situation of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine, on the challenges they are dealing with, and on the development plans.
He emphasized that the institutions are committed to the respectable message of Al-Azhar, the moderate message of Islam...
The president emphasized his full support of the Al-Azhar institutes and praised their large role in conveying the correct message of Islam. His Honor [Abbas] blessed the dean of the Al-Azhar institutes on his entry into the [new] role, and wished him success in the future.
Secretary-General of the Presidential Office Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim and the president's advisor on religious and Islamic affairs and Supreme Shari'ah Judge of Palestine Mahmoud Al-Habbash were present at the meeting."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, March 6, 2017]
"Humanity will never live in comfort as long as the Jews are causing devastating corruption throughout the land. Humanity will never live in peace or fortune or tranquility as long as they are corrupting the land. An old man told me: If a fish in the sea fights with another fish, I am sure the Jews are behind it."
[Official PA TV, Feb. 27, 2015 and Feb. 25, 2016]
"They [the Jews] are usurers. See, the usury money and usurer banks, those who control the money in the world can be counted on one hand - a few individuals - and all of them belong to the Jewish world. They control the media, the money, the press, the resources, the plans."
“They [the Jews] are the slayers of the prophets and the slayers of the innocent.There is a falsified Biblical base to their path of blood ... [Israel] erases the Islamic traces and fingerprints in Jerusalem... Then they began to Judaize education by flooding the media, as was written in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: 'We have to strive that the Westerner, the Arab, the American and the Australian will hear only what the Jews want him to hear.'"
måndag 13 mars 2017
Två poliser knivhöggs i Jerusalem
Två poliser knivhöggs tidigt i dag på morgonen i närheten av Lejonporten i Jerusalem. En ung arab från östra Jerusalem anföll poliserna och skadade dem men de lyckades skjuta terroristen.
"A Palestinian terrorist was shot dead early Monday morning at a police checkpoint near the Old City’s Lion’s Gate after following two Border Police officers into a small security station and stabbing them in the upper bodies.
According to Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, the Muslim Quarter attack took place shortly after 4 a.m.
“What we know is the terrorist arrived in the area and parked his vehicle while police officers were stationed at that checkpoint as part of general security,” said Rosenfeld.
“He then took the opportunity to follow them when they entered the entrance to the police point and stabbed both of the officers, moderately wounding them. The officers responded in a life-threatening situation and opened fire and shot and killed the terrorist.”
"A Palestinian terrorist was shot dead early Monday morning at a police checkpoint near the Old City’s Lion’s Gate after following two Border Police officers into a small security station and stabbing them in the upper bodies.
According to Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, the Muslim Quarter attack took place shortly after 4 a.m.
“What we know is the terrorist arrived in the area and parked his vehicle while police officers were stationed at that checkpoint as part of general security,” said Rosenfeld.
“He then took the opportunity to follow them when they entered the entrance to the police point and stabbed both of the officers, moderately wounding them. The officers responded in a life-threatening situation and opened fire and shot and killed the terrorist.”
söndag 12 mars 2017
Också en form av Israelhat
Två tyska tidningar (Hamburger Morgenpost och Berliner Kurier) har publicerat en artikel där Israels premiärminister Netanyahu beskrivs som en galen diktator i samma klass som bland andra Irans ledare Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Syriens ledare Bashar Assad och Nord Koreas Kim Jong-un.
Premiärminister Netanyahu är en av väldigt få demokratiskt valda ledare i Mellanöstern och att sätta honom i samma grupp som mer och mindre galna diktatorer visar på ett stort judehat eller inga som helst kunskaper om situationen i världen idag.
Two German tabloids in Hamburg and Berlin wrote on Friday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the world’s seven most insane dictators, prompting the Israeli Embassy to slam the report as antisemitic.
In unsigned articles titled “The seven looniest leaders of the world,” the papers included Netanyahu on a list with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Syria’s Bashar Assad, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, and Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe.
The headline used the word "Führer" to label Netanyahu; a term routinely reserved for Adolf Hitler.
The Israeli Embassy in Berlin told The Jerusalem Post: “The fact that the elected prime minister of a Western democracy – that has been struggling for its life ever since it was founded – is placed in the same category as some of the worst dictatorships in the world, bears witness more than anything to the newspaper’s level of understanding about what is happening in the world today or about something much worse, that should have disappeared from the world long ago: antisemitism.”
Premiärminister Netanyahu är en av väldigt få demokratiskt valda ledare i Mellanöstern och att sätta honom i samma grupp som mer och mindre galna diktatorer visar på ett stort judehat eller inga som helst kunskaper om situationen i världen idag.
Two German tabloids in Hamburg and Berlin wrote on Friday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the world’s seven most insane dictators, prompting the Israeli Embassy to slam the report as antisemitic.
In unsigned articles titled “The seven looniest leaders of the world,” the papers included Netanyahu on a list with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Syria’s Bashar Assad, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, and Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe.
The headline used the word "Führer" to label Netanyahu; a term routinely reserved for Adolf Hitler.
The Israeli Embassy in Berlin told The Jerusalem Post: “The fact that the elected prime minister of a Western democracy – that has been struggling for its life ever since it was founded – is placed in the same category as some of the worst dictatorships in the world, bears witness more than anything to the newspaper’s level of understanding about what is happening in the world today or about something much worse, that should have disappeared from the world long ago: antisemitism.”
Jordansk soldat som dödade sju israeliska flickor har frigetts
Den jordanska soldaten Ahmad Daqamseh som 1997 sköt ihjäl sju israeliska skolflickor har nu avtjänat sitt straff och frigetts från fängelse i Jordanien.
Eftersom Daqamseh av rätten inte ansågs vara fullt tillräknelig dömdes han till livstidsfängelse (vilket i praktiken betyder tjugo år) i stället för dödsstraff.
Daqamseh har aldrig visat någon ånger för att han mördade flickorna, tvärtom så sa han i en intervju 2004 att han skulle göra på samma sätt om han fick uppleva tillfället på nytt. Om inte Daqamsehs vapen hade krånglat skulle antagligen många fler ha dödats av honom.
Ahmad Daqamseh har betraktats som en hjälte av jordanska grupper som motsätter sig fredsavtalet med Israel.
Han mottogs också idag som en hjälte i sin hemby Ibdir i norra Jordanien.
Säkerhetsstyrkor har stängt av området kring byn så att inga journalister skall kunna bevittna firandet.
Jordanian who killed Israeli girls says Israeli ‘human waste’ must be eradicated
Eftersom Daqamseh av rätten inte ansågs vara fullt tillräknelig dömdes han till livstidsfängelse (vilket i praktiken betyder tjugo år) i stället för dödsstraff.
Daqamseh har aldrig visat någon ånger för att han mördade flickorna, tvärtom så sa han i en intervju 2004 att han skulle göra på samma sätt om han fick uppleva tillfället på nytt. Om inte Daqamsehs vapen hade krånglat skulle antagligen många fler ha dödats av honom.
Ahmad Daqamseh har betraktats som en hjälte av jordanska grupper som motsätter sig fredsavtalet med Israel.
Han mottogs också idag som en hjälte i sin hemby Ibdir i norra Jordanien.
Säkerhetsstyrkor har stängt av området kring byn så att inga journalister skall kunna bevittna firandet.
Jordanian who killed Israeli girls says Israeli ‘human waste’ must be eradicated
torsdag 9 mars 2017
Arabförbundet varnar USA för att flytta ambassaden till Jerusalem
I ett uttalande i onsdags klargjorde arabförbundet sin inställning till en eventuell flyttning av USA:s ambassad till Israels huvudstad Jerusalem.
Arabförbundet säger att etableringen av en diplomatisk beskickning i Jerusalem, eller flyttning av en till staden, uttryckligen är ett angrepp på det palestinska folkets rättigheterna och på alla muslimer och kristna, och en allvarlig kränkning av internationell lag".
"Det skulle innebära ett allvarligt hot mot fred och säkerhet i regionen, samt bidra till luften går ur tvåstatslösningen, och främja extremism och våld."
Här har vi ett exempel på en av huvudorsakerna till att det inte blir fred mellan Israel och araberna. Araberna vägrar erkänna fakta, att Jerusalem i årtusenden varit judarnas religiösa och politiska huvudstad.
Muslimerna håller fast vid att det som en gång erövrats av islam skall för alltid förbli islamsk.
Arabförbundet har absolut ingen rätt att uttala sig på de kristnas vägnar så som de gör. Jag är kristen och det är inget angrepp på mig eller min tro om Jerusalem accepteras som Israels huvudstad. Tvärtom jag ser med glädje på att rättvisa skipas och det är helt i enlighet med min tro kristna tro och vad Bibeln lär att judarna har rätt till Jerusalem.
“The establishment of any diplomatic mission in Jerusalem, or transfer of one to the city, is an explicit assault on the rights of the Palestinian people and all Muslims and Christians, and a serious violation of international law,” the League said.
“It would constitute a serious threat to peace and security in the region, as well as contribute to an implosion of the two-state solution, and the promotion of extremism and violence.”
Arabförbundet säger att etableringen av en diplomatisk beskickning i Jerusalem, eller flyttning av en till staden, uttryckligen är ett angrepp på det palestinska folkets rättigheterna och på alla muslimer och kristna, och en allvarlig kränkning av internationell lag".
"Det skulle innebära ett allvarligt hot mot fred och säkerhet i regionen, samt bidra till luften går ur tvåstatslösningen, och främja extremism och våld."
Här har vi ett exempel på en av huvudorsakerna till att det inte blir fred mellan Israel och araberna. Araberna vägrar erkänna fakta, att Jerusalem i årtusenden varit judarnas religiösa och politiska huvudstad.
Muslimerna håller fast vid att det som en gång erövrats av islam skall för alltid förbli islamsk.
Arabförbundet har absolut ingen rätt att uttala sig på de kristnas vägnar så som de gör. Jag är kristen och det är inget angrepp på mig eller min tro om Jerusalem accepteras som Israels huvudstad. Tvärtom jag ser med glädje på att rättvisa skipas och det är helt i enlighet med min tro kristna tro och vad Bibeln lär att judarna har rätt till Jerusalem.
“The establishment of any diplomatic mission in Jerusalem, or transfer of one to the city, is an explicit assault on the rights of the Palestinian people and all Muslims and Christians, and a serious violation of international law,” the League said.
“It would constitute a serious threat to peace and security in the region, as well as contribute to an implosion of the two-state solution, and the promotion of extremism and violence.”
söndag 5 mars 2017
Uttalanden från PLO representanter
Saudiarabien finansierade den andra intifadan säger före detta palestinske utrikesministern Nabil Shaath. Ljuger han? Palestinska ledare är inte kända för att hålla sig till sanningen så det är svårt att säga vad sanningshalten är i uttalandet.
Former Palestinian FM and Chief Negotiator Nabil Shaath: Saudi King Abdullah Financed the Second Intifada (MEMRI)
Former Palestinian Foreign Minister and chief negotiator Nabil Shaath said that in 2000, Saudi King Abdullah, then the Crown Prince, had given the Palestinians half a billion dollars and had collected another half a billion from the Arab League in order to keep the Intifada going. "That was the money that enabled us to survive in the three years of the Intifada," said Shaath in the ON TV interview, which aired on February 7.
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PLO Ambassador To Iran: We Will Liberate Palestine 'From The River To The Sea' – With Everything From Stabbing And Vehicular Attacks To Launching Rockets (MEMRI)
He added: 'Certainly, everyone should fight in their own way, from carrying out stabbing and vehicular attacks to launching rockets. That is how we will liberate Palestine from the river to the sea... Some [types of?] jihad aredictated by geography, and everyone should contribute from where they are, using the means at their disposal and in accordance with their various situations. All means of combat are legitimate in order to realize Allah's promise for liberation: From [the traditional dance] Dabke to armed struggle.'
"Providing a political analysis of what is happening with the Palestinian cause today, Al-Zawawi said: 'We are not facing an ordinary enemy, or a small-scale plan. Rather, we are fighting the most dangerous international plan, especially after the U.S. adopted the [idea the Palestinians must recognize Israel as] a Jewish state. The U.S. transitioned from one phase to the next, fully aware of what its next step will be, and we were deceived.' He added: 'The ethnic and sectarian conflicts taking place today – their purpose is to take over and dismantle the region's resources and spark wars among the Arabs in order to distance them from Palestine – [all this] promotes the establishment of Greater Israel.'
"The Palestinian ambassador no longer believes in the Oslo Accords. Moreover, he says: 'When the PLO signed the agreement, a Palestinian state was supposed to be established in the West Bank and Gaza in 1999, but it did not happen.' Eighteen years have passed since then, and therefore Al-Zawawi determines that Israel and the U.S. will not allow the establishment of a Palestinian state. He said decisively: 'Oslo is bankrupt. U.S. President Donald Trump is the Zionist face of this enterprise. Additionally, the futility of dialogue with the enemy is now becoming clear.'
"For the Palestinian ambassador, the internal [i.e. intra-Palestinian] division adds fuel to the fire: 'Can you believe how divided we are and how we are unable to unite[?] I do not accept any excuses whatsoever [for this] from the factions.' He added: 'At this time, we have no choice but to unite because the enemy is taking advantage of our division to Judaize Palestine, which is slipping away before our very eyes.'
PLO names youth camp after terrorist
who led murder of 37 (PMW)
The PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports has announced it is naming a youth camp after terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi. Mughrabi led the 1978 Coastal Road massacre, in which terrorists hijacked a bus and killed 37 civilians, including 12 children.
District Governor of Ramallah Laila Ghannam, a Palestinian Authority official, praised the initiative for "remembering the pure-hearted Martyrs":
Former Palestinian FM and Chief Negotiator Nabil Shaath: Saudi King Abdullah Financed the Second Intifada (MEMRI)
Former Palestinian Foreign Minister and chief negotiator Nabil Shaath said that in 2000, Saudi King Abdullah, then the Crown Prince, had given the Palestinians half a billion dollars and had collected another half a billion from the Arab League in order to keep the Intifada going. "That was the money that enabled us to survive in the three years of the Intifada," said Shaath in the ON TV interview, which aired on February 7.
Se video
PLO Ambassador To Iran: We Will Liberate Palestine 'From The River To The Sea' – With Everything From Stabbing And Vehicular Attacks To Launching Rockets (MEMRI)
He added: 'Certainly, everyone should fight in their own way, from carrying out stabbing and vehicular attacks to launching rockets. That is how we will liberate Palestine from the river to the sea... Some [types of?] jihad aredictated by geography, and everyone should contribute from where they are, using the means at their disposal and in accordance with their various situations. All means of combat are legitimate in order to realize Allah's promise for liberation: From [the traditional dance] Dabke to armed struggle.'
"Providing a political analysis of what is happening with the Palestinian cause today, Al-Zawawi said: 'We are not facing an ordinary enemy, or a small-scale plan. Rather, we are fighting the most dangerous international plan, especially after the U.S. adopted the [idea the Palestinians must recognize Israel as] a Jewish state. The U.S. transitioned from one phase to the next, fully aware of what its next step will be, and we were deceived.' He added: 'The ethnic and sectarian conflicts taking place today – their purpose is to take over and dismantle the region's resources and spark wars among the Arabs in order to distance them from Palestine – [all this] promotes the establishment of Greater Israel.'
"The Palestinian ambassador no longer believes in the Oslo Accords. Moreover, he says: 'When the PLO signed the agreement, a Palestinian state was supposed to be established in the West Bank and Gaza in 1999, but it did not happen.' Eighteen years have passed since then, and therefore Al-Zawawi determines that Israel and the U.S. will not allow the establishment of a Palestinian state. He said decisively: 'Oslo is bankrupt. U.S. President Donald Trump is the Zionist face of this enterprise. Additionally, the futility of dialogue with the enemy is now becoming clear.'
"For the Palestinian ambassador, the internal [i.e. intra-Palestinian] division adds fuel to the fire: 'Can you believe how divided we are and how we are unable to unite[?] I do not accept any excuses whatsoever [for this] from the factions.' He added: 'At this time, we have no choice but to unite because the enemy is taking advantage of our division to Judaize Palestine, which is slipping away before our very eyes.'
PLO names youth camp after terrorist
who led murder of 37 (PMW)
The PLO Supreme Council for Youth and Sports has announced it is naming a youth camp after terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi. Mughrabi led the 1978 Coastal Road massacre, in which terrorists hijacked a bus and killed 37 civilians, including 12 children.
District Governor of Ramallah Laila Ghannam, a Palestinian Authority official, praised the initiative for "remembering the pure-hearted Martyrs":
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Organizers of the camp pose beside photo of terrorist Dalal Mughrabi |
En annan sida av Gaza
BBC TV Report on Gaza Restaurants Shows Another Side to Life in Gaza
BBC Arabic recently broadcast a TV report on restaurants in Gaza, in which it showed "an aspect of luxury, vibrancy, and riches" to life in Gaza. Restaurant owners and patrons talked to the reporter about eating out, describing the menus and the prices. A group of women sitting at a restaurant said that they would often come for "a coffee and a chat," and that dinner would come to 250-300 dollars. The report aired on December 20, 2016.
BBC Arabic recently broadcast a TV report on restaurants in Gaza, in which it showed "an aspect of luxury, vibrancy, and riches" to life in Gaza. Restaurant owners and patrons talked to the reporter about eating out, describing the menus and the prices. A group of women sitting at a restaurant said that they would often come for "a coffee and a chat," and that dinner would come to 250-300 dollars. The report aired on December 20, 2016.
torsdag 2 mars 2017
Ensidigt av Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict
Jag är så trött på organisationer som påstår sig bevaka mänskliga rättigheter men när det kommer till Israel låter politik och Israelhat bestämma hur de agerar. I mina ögon förlorar de därmed sin trovärdighet trots att de kanske gör ett gott arbete på annat håll.
Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict vill att FN skall placera israeliska armén på "svarta listan" över länder och grupper som utför allvarlig brott mot barn.
Gruppens rapport om Israel är 9 sidor lång. De palestinska myndigheterna behandlas inte alls trots att deras ledare och skolor uppmanar barn att delta i våldshandlingar.
Med några rader behandlas Hamas och PFLP.
Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict vill att FN skall placera israeliska armén på "svarta listan" över länder och grupper som utför allvarlig brott mot barn.
Gruppens rapport om Israel är 9 sidor lång. De palestinska myndigheterna behandlas inte alls trots att deras ledare och skolor uppmanar barn att delta i våldshandlingar.
Med några rader behandlas Hamas och PFLP.
Facebook stängde Fatahs Facebooksida - och öppnade den igen
För några dagar sedan stängde Facebook Fatahs sida där man öppet uppmanar till och understöder terror. Men efter protester från de palestinska myndigheterna öppnades sidan igen.
De som har ansvar för Facebooks innehåll har alltså inget emot att Facebook används till att uppmuntra till mord på judar eller att man hedrar sådana som utfört terrorattacker.
Palestinian Media Watch har dokumenterat 130 fall där Fatah på sin Facebooksida gör just detta.
Facebook enables Fatah terror promotion
by reopening their terror promoting page
The following are examples of the terror and murder promotion that Facebook has reopened for public viewing:
De som har ansvar för Facebooks innehåll har alltså inget emot att Facebook används till att uppmuntra till mord på judar eller att man hedrar sådana som utfört terrorattacker.
Palestinian Media Watch har dokumenterat 130 fall där Fatah på sin Facebooksida gör just detta.
Facebook enables Fatah terror promotion
by reopening their terror promoting page
Three days ago, Facebook shut down Fatah's terror promoting account. The Palestinian Authority protested the closure as evidence of unfair collaboration between Israel and Facebook against the Palestinians (see below). Yesterday, Facebook reinstated the account, without removing any of the terror promoting material that is regularly posted on the page by Fatah. In 2016 alone, Palestinian Media Watch documented over 130 postsglorifying individual terrorist murderers and terror attacks, and posts encouraging violence and terror.
The following are examples of the terror and murder promotion that Facebook has reopened for public viewing:
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