FN:s Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) slår i en rapport fast att Israel är en apartheidstat.
Hur kan man komma till en så felaktig ståndpunkt? Jo när en av författarna är Israelhataren Richard Falk och staterna som sammanställt rapporten är 18 arabstater varav de flesta inte ens erkänner staten Israel.
(Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, The Sudan, The Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, The United Arab Emirates and Yemen.)
FN:s generalsekreterare har tagit avstånd från rapporten och USA kräver att den måste dras tillbaka.
UN Body Promotes Apartheid Libel
US demands UN pull report accusing Israel of apartheid
Report's author Richard Falk, says Haley, 'has repeatedly made biased comments about Israel and espoused ridiculous conspiracy theories'
UN agency published a report on Wednesday accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" of racial discrimination on the Palestinian people, and said it was the first time a UN body had clearly made the charge.
Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesman likened the report, which was published by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), to Der Sturmer - a Nazi propaganda publication that was strongly anti-Semitic.
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