fredag 17 mars 2017

Bok om antisemitism i dag

Jerusalem Post skriver om boken Antisemitic Mind: The Language of Jew-Hatred in Contemporary Germany av Monika Schwarz-Friesel och Jehuda Reinharz.
Föfattarna har tagit del av 15.000 brev och e-post som riktats till israeliska ambassader i Europa och till  Council of Jews  i Tyskland.

Boken ger en beskrivning av hur antisemitismen tar sig uttryck i vår tid.
Hat mot den judiska staten Israel står i centrum för antisemitismen oberoende av om den kommer från den politiska högern,centern eller vänstern. Samtidigt grundar den sig på gamla antisemitiska föreställningar om judar som blodtörstiga, giriga människor med låg moral.

The focus of their investigation is on Germany; 14,000 of the communications that were analyzed were addressed to the Israeli embassy in Berlin and the Council of Jews in Germany. According to the authors, they “reveal the shocking truth about the continuity and persistence of the age-old hostility toward Jews,” in spite of all the efforts to erase it after the Holocaust. However, the study also makes clear that antisemitism is far from being a solely German problem.

Besides national boundaries, antisemitism, the study shows, transcends sociocultural categories. Authors of the reviewed antisemitic texts include people with all kind of economic, educational and ideological backgrounds: “As depressing as the crude and violent antisemitic ravings of right-wing extremists were to all of us who worked on the project, we were far more appalled to encounter the hostile utterances by members of mainstream society. Scholars, lawyers, doctors, bank employees, clergymen and students used language that revealed age-old Judeophobic resentments apparently impervious to education or reflection on the experience of Auschwitz.”

Quoting a multitude of examples from the reviewed data, the book conveys a palpable idea of how people from the Right, from the Left and from the Center write things that sound very different on the surface, but, in the end of the day, all convey the same antisemitic messages, dehumanizing Jews as inferior beings. While people from the extreme right are more inclined to curse Jews with vulgar insults such as “dirty Jew,” people from the mainstream use a less explicit language and often take the moral high ground to slander Jews as moral inferior beings that, by extension of being identified with Israel, violate standards of human rights in the Palestinian territories.

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