Mahmoud Abbas tal som innehöll många antisemitiska lögner har väckt reaktioner i Israel, och denna gång även i Europa och USA. (Ett liknande tal tidigare i år vägrade EU kommentera)
Vanligtvis brukar Abbas få säga vad som helst utan att någon i Europa reagerar, så icke denna gång.
Tysklands utrikesminister har fördömt talet och EU säger att den innehöll oacceptabla uttalanden om Förintelsen och Israels existensberättigande.
Även FN:s sändebud för Mellanöstern har skarpt fördömt talet liksom USA.
Historikern Deborah Lipstadt som är expert på Förintelsen konstaterade att talet innehöll klassisk antisemitism och försök till att omskriva historien.
Netanyahu: Abbas peddles the ‘most contemptible anti-Semitic slogans’
Germany slams Abbas for ‘anti-Semitic’ remarks; EU, UN call speech unacceptable
American ambassador says Abbas ‘reached new low’ in speech denigrating Jews
Lipstadt: With ‘classic anti-Semitism,’ Abbas ending career the way he started
German Palestinian group slams Abbas Holocaust speech
Jews' usury caused Antisemitism - speech by Mahmoud Abbas (PMW)
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas exposed his antisemitic beliefs in a speech this week opening the 23rd session of the Palestinian National Council, the legislative body of the PLO.
The main antisemitic elements of his talk were:
The Jews brought Antisemitism upon themselves because of their "social roles" connected to "usury and banks"
It was this Jewish behavior that led to "massacres by some state every 10 to 15 years from the 11th century until the Holocaust"
In addition, Abbas denied Jewish history and the connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel. He argued that Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of the Khazar Kingdom - "a Tatar-Turkic state" - who have no connection to the 12 tribes of Jacob in the Bible. He rejected completely any Jewish connection to the land of Israel:
"They are talking about longing for Zion and that's why they are going [there] and so forth. I say - not me, rather history says that these words are baseless."
[Official PA TV, April 30, 2018]
The following are the main parts of Abbas' talk concerning these subjects. Abbas defends his antisemitic claims, citing Jewish sources for some of his remarks. (See below):
"The sons of Jacob were 12. Where did you bring 13 from? They invented it. Where? In the Khazar Kingdom. When? In the 9th century. It was an irreligious kingdom. Afterwards it became a Jewish kingdom. The emperor converted to Judaism and therefore [the kingdom] converted to Judaism. Afterwards it broke apart, and all its residents migrated to Europe, and these are the Ashkenazi Jews (this claim is rejected by experts and genetic testing confirms uniform origin of the different Jewish communities-Ed.). The Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, and they have no connection to Semitism or Abraham, Jacob, or others. It was a Tatar-Turkic state...
Second, these Jews who migrated to eastern and western Europe were subjected to massacres by some state every 10 to 15 years from the 11th century until the Holocaust that took place in Germany. OK, but why did this happen? They say: 'Because we are Jews.'...
The hatred of the Jews is not due to their religion, but rather due to their social role. If so, it's a different issue. And therefore, the Jewish problem that was common in all of the states of Europe against the Jews was not due to their religion, but rather due to their social role that was connected to usury, and banks, and so forth...
Now we are talking about the Jewish homeland. They are talking about longing for Zion and that's why they are going [there] and so forth. I say - not me, rather history says that these words are baseless." ...
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