Den 82-åriga Mahmoud Abbas har återvalts till ledare för PLO trots, eller kanske på grund av sina antisemitiska uttalanden.
Att det inte verkar finnas något alternativ till Abbas visar på tillståndet inom PLO.
Abbas re-elected head of PLO executive amid furor over anti-Semitic speech (TOI)
The Palestine Liberation Organization’s executive committee unanimously reelected Mahmoud Abbas as its leader, the PLO said early Friday, giving the Palestinian Authority president political backing amid an international uproar over remarks he made earlier this week deemed anti-Semitic.
The decision to keep Abbas as the head of the PLO’s Executive Committee came at the end of a four-day meeting by the Palestinian National Council in Ramallah, the first such summit in decades. Abbas has led the PLO since the death of Yasser Arafat in November 2004.
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