Bruce Thornton skriver utgående från boken Crucified Again (av Raymond Ibrahim) att förföljelsen av kristna idag är mer omfattande än någonsin tidigare under historien.
Enligt artikeln uppskattas 100 - 200 miljoner kristna leva under sådana förhållanden att de förföljs för sin tro.
Förföljelsen är vanligast i de muslimska länderna, av de 50 värsta länderna är 42 muslimska eller länder med en betydande muslimsk befolkning.
Förföljelsen av kristna är något som media i väst inte rapporterar om och om man gör det vinklar man ofta rapporteringen så att det skall finnas en logisk orsak till förföljelsen.
När det gäller förföljelse av kristna i den muslimska världen går den tillbaka till koranen och tidig islamsk tradition. Det är tillräcklig orsak till förföljelse att man är kristen och lever som kristen.
"...Unfortunately, as Ibrahim writes, the century-long flourishing of Middle
Eastern Christians “has created chronological confusions and intellectual
pitfalls for Westerners” who take the “hundred-year lull in persecution” as the
norm. In fact, that century was an anomaly, and after World War I, traditional
Islamic attitudes and doctrines began to reassert themselves, a movement that
accelerated in the 1970s. The result is the disappearance of Christianity in the
land of its birth. In 1900, twenty percent of the Middle East was Christian.
Today, less than two percent is.
Having corrected our distorted historical perspective, Ibrahim then lays out
the justifying doctrines of Islam that have made such persecution possible
during the fourteen centuries of Muslim encounters with non-Muslims. The
foundations can be found in the Koran, which Muslims take to be the words of
God. There “infidels” are defined as “they who say Allah is one of three” or
“Allah is the Christ, [Jesus] son of Mary”––that is, explicitly Christian. As
such, according to the Koran, they must be eliminated or subjugated. The most
significant verse that guides Muslim treatment of Christians and Jews commands
Muslims to wage war against infidels until they are conquered, pay tribute, and
acknowledge their humiliation and submission.
In the seventh century, the second Caliph, Omar bin al-Khattab, promulgated
the “Conditions of Omar” that specified in more detail how Christians should be
treated. These conditions proscribe building churches or repairing existing
ones, performing religious processions in public, exhibiting crosses, praying
near Muslims, proselytizing, and preventing conversion to Islam, in addition to
rules governing how Christians dress, comport themselves, and treat Muslims.
“If they refuse this,” Omar said, “it is the sword without leniency.” These
rules have consistently determined treatment of Christians for fourteen
centuries, and Muslims regularly cite violations of these rules as the
justifying motives for their attacks. As a Saudi Sheikh said recently in a
mosque sermon, “If they [Christians] violate these conditions, they have no
protection.” From Morocco to Indonesia, Christians are attacked and murdered
because they allegedly have tried to renovate a church, proselytized among
Muslims, or blasphemed against Mohammed––all reasons consistent with Koranic
injunctions codified in laws and the curricula of school textbooks...)
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