måndag 1 juli 2013

Stenar som terrorvapen

Det är ganska vanligt att israeliska bilar utsätts för stenkastning i Judéen och Samarien. Om ingen skadas allvarligt når händelsen sällan över nyhetströskeln.
Ronit Shapira och hennes familj (man och barn) utsattes för stenkastning i Samarien i går kväll. Hon berättar på sin facebooksida om händelsen.
Arutz Sheva har en engelskspråkig version av berättelsen:

Latma Satire Star Survives Rock Terror Ambush
Ronit Avrahamof Shapira was in the car with her husband and babies when terror smashed through the window.
"The rock terror has reached us, the Shapira family, too. An Arab terrorist tried to murder us too, tonight.
"We were traveling in our car in Samaria, at 10:00 p.m. Leizi identifies rocks on the road, understands what is happening. He shouts to me, to protect our babies in the back seat, and as fast as the speed of light, a stone (Not just any stone. Think of a large rock, and now think bigger. Something the size of a nice grapefruit) smashes the window next to me.
"Pieces of glass everywhere. On my body, in every possible place, on our babies. They are reclining innocently in their seats and a million bits of glass, large and small, cover them. And a kind of glass dust, that only G-d knows how to clean off of them. And off of me.
"I am injured. Blood. A little, but blood nonetheless. On the face, on the hands. On my baby's leg. We flee for our lives. Scared to death that more rocks may be headed our way. I am not sure what is going on. Are we being fired upon? When the rocks hit the car, the noise is powerful, like gunshots. Plus the flying glass and the blood..."
Läs hela berättelsen här.

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