Jerusalem Post skriver att Tyskland tar avstånd från EU:s direktiv som förbjuder EU stater att medverka i projekt utanför den Gröna linjen.
Germany backs away from EU settlement directives
"In a statement
issued by MP Philipp Missfedler, the Bundestag spokesman for German chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian
Democratic Union party and its coalition partner the Bavarian Christian Social
Union, he stated the guidelines are “pure ideology and symbolic politics” and will
not contribute to finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict...
"...Israel is the recognized
administrative power in the territories without which approved development
projects like solar energy or sewage works could not be installed," Missfelder stated.
continued that an implementation of the new EU guidelines could mean an “end of
research cooperation with the Hebrew University in Jerusalem because some of
their academics have an address in East Jerusalem."
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