I en ledare i Jerusalem Post förundrar man sig över att det internationella samfundet inte visar någon reaktion på de hotelser som uttalats mot Israel de senaste dagarna från Syrien, Iran och Hizbollah.
Trots att Israel inte är någon part i inbördeskriget i Syrien hotar de ovannämnda med repressalier mot Israel ifall västmakterna vidtar militära åtgärder mot Syrien.
Ledaren för det iranska revolutionsgardet, Mohammad Ali Jafari, sade igår i en intervju för nyhetsbyrån Tasnim att "en attack på Syrien innebär en nära förestående förintelse av Israel".
"Om Damaskus attackeras kommer Tel-Aviv att brinna" sade en syrisk armétalesman tidigare i veckan och
Hizbollah har lovat att ifall Assad är hotad kommer man att skjuta raketer mot Israel.
Israel har gjort väldigt klart att ifall de attackeras kommer de att slå tillbaka hårt.Det kommer alltså inte att bli någon upprepning av Gulfkriget när Israel utsattes för raketbeskjutning från Irak utan att svara på beskjutningen.
IDF chief Gantz: Anyone who fires on Israel will pay stinging price
President Peres addresses the situation in Syria
Threatening Israel (Jerusalem Post)
‘If Damascus is attacked, Tel Aviv will burn,” a Syrian higher-up bristled this
week. Israel, in light of such statements, cannot regard the escalating
situation up north with the equanimity of a detached observer.
There can
be no passivity when a coterie of evil powers hurls deadly threats at Israel in
the context of a struggle in which it is uninvolved.
In a fairer
existence, this alone ought to have unsettled the international community. But
it is futile to expect fair-mindedness where Israel is concerned.
anti-Israel bluster from Damascus, Tehran and Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon
appear to have disturbed none of the foreign statesmen or opinion-molders, whose
alacrity to condemn Israel for any perceived transgression is nothing short of
Moreover, the veiled hints from Moscow about dire
repercussions for the entire region in the event of an American attack on the
Assad regime might imply warnings of punishment for Israel.
Regardless of what eventually happens, all Israelis should be
deeply troubled by the profound indifference abroad to our lot – blameless as we
are in the Syrian strife. The very fact that a neighboring state could be
presumed to be held to ransom for events entirely outside control should shock
world opinion. But it does not.
Israelis might be forgiven for suspecting
the reaction would be radically different had any other country been similarly
threatened for no fault of its own. Sadly we must come to terms with the
likelihood that different criteria are applied to the Jewish state.
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