Inspirerade av att Muslimska Brödraskapet har störtats från makten i Egypten har aktivister i Gaza gjort en video som utgör startskottet till att störta Hamas från makten i Gaza.
I videon kallas Hamas för medeltida gangsters och tyranner som ägnar sig åt tortyr, smuggling korruption.
Det är svårt att säga om det finns verkliga aktivister bakom videon eller om det är ett utspel i maktkampen mellan Hamas och Fatah.
Activists inspired by ouster of Morsi launch campaign to overthrow Hamas in Gaza
"Following the Egyptian example, a group of activists has launched a
Palestinian version of the Tamarod (rebellion) Campaign to remove Hamas
from power in the Gaza Strip.
The Palestinian group on Monday shared a video announcing a series of anti-Hamas activities as of November 11.
"Repression and tyranny have arched their peak and we can no longer remain silent," the group said in the video.
"The time has come to reject death under Hamas's security club."
"Addressing Hamas, the group said: 'We won't ask you to leave because
you are part of us. But you won't rule after November 11 even if you
finish us off. All our options are open, except for using weapons. We
are different from you. Unlike you, we don't use weapons against our
brothers. Unlike you, we don't kill children, the elderly, women and
youths. Unlike you, we don't destroy mosques. We will face you with bare
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