Så gott som alla pratar om en tvåstatslösning som enda möjligheten till fred mellan Israel och araberna. Med en tvåstatslösning menar man då att det skall bildas ännu en arabisk stat i Mellanöstern, Palestina väster om Jordanfloden.
Denna lösning är så gott som omöjlig att uppnå av flera orsaker men man håller ändå krampaktigt fast vid den.
Här kan man läsa en artikel som behandlar tvåstatslösningen ur en annan synvinkel.
Palestinian State in Jordan 'Inevitable'
"Jordanian-Palestinian activist Mudar Zahran is not a man who minces his
words. In fact, his outspokenness against the Jordanian regime has made
him a persona-non-grata in his own country, forcing him to seek asylum
in the UK...
... He posited that the establishment of a Palestinian state in what is
today Jordan would essentially solve the Arab-Israeli conflict in a way
that was both practical and "historically just" for both peoples, and
further claimed that such an eventuality was "inevitable," given what he
saw as the increasing instability of the ruling Hashemite regime...
...Zahran pointed to a number of international treaties, including the
Faisal-Weitzmann agreement and the San Remo Declaration, which sought to
establish a Jewish state west of the Jordan River, and an Arab one to
the east (in addition to almost two dozen other independent Arab
"We [Arabs] got 77% [of the land originally allocated for a Jewish
state], you barely got 22%" he said, referring to the San Remo
Declaration, which saw more than three quarters of the land allocated
for a Jewish state by the Balfour Declaration separated as an Arab
"This is one of the very few occasions we outsmarted the Jews," he
quipped, but went on to lament the fact that instead of handing control
to the local Arabs in "Transjordan," the British installed the Hashemite royal family, which hailed from the Hejaz, in what is today Saudi Arabia..."
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