De påstår att Klagomuren är en del av Al-Aqsa moskén och därmed har judarna ingen rätt att be där.
Sheikh Tayseer Al-Tamimi: "Allah påbjöd att Al-Aqsa moskén är islamsk och tillhör enbart muslimer...judarna har ingen rätt till den eller att be i någon del av den...till Al-Aqsa moskén hör speciellt Västra muren."
Religionsminister Mahmoud Al-Habbash:
"...Västra muren är en del av Al-Aqsa moskén...och ingen annan än muslimer kommer att be i den..."
Mahmoud Abbas har tidigare sagt Jerusalem är något som Allah har anförtrott till muslimerna och det är varje muslims skyldighet att försvara staden.
Det här är en påminnelse att den konflikt Israel är inblandad i egentligen är en religionskonflikt eller rättare sagt en andlig konflikt.
Det är Bibelns Gud och de löften han gett till sitt egendomsfolk judarna som bekämpas först och främst av islam och dess gud men också med hjälp av i stort sett alla världens nationer.
"Sheikh Tayseer Al-Tamimi, former Chief Justice of PA Religious Court:
"Allah decreed that the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque is Islamic and belongs to Muslims alone... It is part of the religious belief of a billion and a half Muslims, and the Jews have no right to it.
No party, no matter how much power and international support it has,
can change this established fact by giving the Jews any right to it, or the right to pray in any part of it. The Al-Aqsa Mosque includes all its courtyards... and specifically, its western wall." [Al-Hayyat Al-Jadida, Feb. 17, 2014]
The Minister of Religious Affairs clarified last month that he holds the
same extreme opinion. In December his religious teaching about the PA
prohibiting or permitting Jews to pray at the Western Wall was somewhat
ambiguous. He started his talk with the radical PA view that "Jerusalem
is religion's trust and history's trust in the hands of all Muslims,"
and that the Western Wall "is an authentic part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque only...
it is our right, it is our permanent right." He then moderated his
statement: "... without harming the rights of others. Freedom of worship
in our Jerusalem is guaranteed to all". But then he reversed again: "We
do not dispute anyone's religion. Nonetheless, we have rights,
principles and positions that cannot possibly be altered." [Official PA
TV, Dec. 6, 2013]
The ambiguity of Minister Al-Habbash's December sermon was clarified last month, when he was explicit about the prohibition:
"The Al-Aqsa Mosque will remain, by divine decree, a Muslim mosque, will not be shared with anyone, will not be forfeited, and no one besides Muslims will pray in it."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 28, 2014
The ambiguity of Minister Al-Habbash's December sermon was clarified last month, when he was explicit about the prohibition:
"The Al-Aqsa Mosque will remain, by divine decree, a Muslim mosque, will not be shared with anyone, will not be forfeited, and no one besides Muslims will pray in it."
För Mahmoud Abbas är det inte fråga om enbart Al-Aqsa moskén utan Jerusalem.
"I say to the leaders of our Arab nation
and to its peoples: Jerusalem and its environs are a trust that Allah
entrusted to us. Saving it from the settlement monster and the danger of
Judaization and [land] confiscation is a personal [Islamic] commandment
[Arabic: fard ayn] incumbent on all of us."
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