måndag 17 mars 2014

Varför måste Abbas erkänna Israel som judarnas hemland?

Här följer två artiklar som förklarar varför palestinierna måste erkänna Israel som judarnas hemland.

The debate is about our right to exist (Dror Eydar)

Why Abbas thinks Jewish state is a ‘delusional myth’  (Itamar Marcus)

De palestinska myndigheterna och PLO (för att inte tala om Hamas) förnekar judarnas historia och deras rätt till ett eget land.
-När nya arkeologiska fynd visar att judarna bott i området i tusentals år skyndar palestinska ledare att förklara att det är fråga om förfalskningar.
-Palestinska ledare talar om judarnas "påstådda tempel" osv.
-PLO stadga säger att judarna inte är ett folk utan en religion och därför inte har rätt till en egen stat. -Israel är ockuperat palestinskt land som skall återvinnas, det är vad som lärs ut i de palestinska skolorna.

Om inte det palestinska ledarna accepterar att Israel är judarnas hemland och om de inte ändrar på undervisning och mediainformation så att den överensstämmer med detta faktum blir det ingen fred.
Ett erkännande löser inte alla problem men vägran att erkänna Israel som judarnas hemland förhindrar effektivt en fredlig lösning.

Det är en skillnad på att erkänna att Israel existerar och att erkänna att Israel har rätt att existera.

Itamar Marcus:
"...What must therefore be understood is that the PA’s refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state is not a mere technicality, but part of an overarching policy of denying thousands of years of Jewish history in Israel, and thereby denying Israel’s right to exist. And although in the Oslo Accords in 1993 the PLO recognized the existence of Israel, the PA differentiates between recognizing that Israel exists and recognizing Israel’s right to exist.The PA’s ambassador to India, Adli Sadeq, explained that Israelis who believe the PA recognizes Israel’s right to exist are deluding themselves: “[Israelis] fool themselves, assuming that Fatah accepts them and recognizes the right of their state to exist... There are no two Palestinians who disagree over the fact that Israel exists, and recognition of it is restating the obvious. But recognition of its right to exist is something else, different from recognition of its existence.” (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, November 26, 2011).
 Palestinian children are also educated to distinguish between Israel’s existence and right to exist, as an official PA schoolbook teaches: “Palestine’s war [in 1948] ended with a catastrophe that is unprecedented in history, when the Zionist gangs stole Palestine... and established the so-called State of Israel.” (Arabic Language, Analysis, Literature and Criticism, grade 12, published by the PA Ministry of Education)..."

Dror Eydar:
"...Kerry should read the Palestinian National Charter, the founding document of the "moderate" Fatah. It was ratified by the Sixth General Assembly of the Fatah Movement in Bethlehem in August 2009, when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was again elected head of the organization. This conference approved a plan that included the principle of "absolute irrevocable opposition to recognition of Israel as a 'Jewish state' to protect the rights of refugees and the rights of our people [Israeli Arabs] beyond the Green Line."
Here, Mr. Kerry, is the rationale for the Palestinian refusal to recognize a Jewish state: They will continue to demand that refugees return even after a deal is signed and turn the parts of Israel around the Green Line into a binational state. Abbas and Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat both voted in favor of the plan.
And here is a quote from the Palestinian platform that thus far, despite repeated promises, has not been changed: "Claims of historical or religious ties of Jews with Palestine are incompatible with the facts of history and the true conception of what constitutes statehood. Judaism, being a religion, is not an independent nationality. Nor do Jews constitute a single nation with an identity of its own; they are citizens of the states to which they belong." The Jews are not a people but a religion, and therefore have no national rights. Clear and simple. Just read it.."

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