fredag 23 december 2016

Fyra stater hotar med att lägga fram resolution inför säkerhetsrådet

Det verkar som om USA:s nyvalda president Trump lyckades förmå Egypten att dra tillbaka sin resolution om de israeliska bosättningarna.
Det rapporteras också att Obama skulle ha beslutat att som "avskedspresent" till Israel avvika från USA:s tidigare linje och avstå från att använda sin vetorätt.
Tyvärr visar FN igen sin fokusering vid Israel genom att fyra stater som sitter i säkerhetsrådet har gett ett ultimatum till Egypten att lägga fram resolutionen annars kommer de att göra det.

Egypt confirms: Sissi, Trump agreed in call to delay UN vote on settlements (The Times of Israel)
“In the event that Egypt decides that it cannot proceed to call for vote on 23 December or does not provide a response by the deadline, those delegations reserve the right to table the draft … and proceed to put it to vote ASAP,” wrote New Zealand, Venezuela, Malaysia and Senegal in a note they presented to Egyptian officials, according to Reuters.

ANALYSIS: UN saga shows sands shifting (Jerusalem Post)
Trump released the following statement:

“The resolution being considered at the United Nations Security Council regarding Israel should be vetoed. As the United States has long maintained, peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians will only come through direct negotiations between the parties, and not through the imposition of terms by the United Nations. This puts Israel in a very poor negotiating position and is extremely unfair to all Israelis,” he said.

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