Michael Lynk är specialutredare för FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter gällande Israel. Precis som rådets majoritet av arab- och andra diktaturstater hatar han Israel.
Nu föreslår han att Israel skall isoleras ekonomiskt, akademiskt och politiskt. Han vill att Israels ockupation av vissa områden inte längre skall betraktas som en laglig ockupation utan som illegal ockupation vilket skulle ge FN större befogenheter att straffa Israel.
Hans uttalanden skulle vara obegripliga om man inte skulle veta att han tillsats av UNHRC och då kan han (och vill han) inte annat än skada Israel.
Om FN organ skulle ha lagt ner en bråkdel av den energi de gjort för att skada Israel på att förmå palestinierna att avstå från terrorism och annat våld och erkänna den judiska staten skulle palestinierna antagligen redan länge levt i fred på egna självstyrelseområden.
Men eftersom det är araberna/muslimerna som har makten i de flesta FN organ är det demokratin Israel som angrips.
“Israel is not North Korea,” in that its economy is dependent on international trade, particularly the US and Europe, Lynk said. This fact can empower the global community to force change, he added.
What if, “all of a sudden Israelis wanting to travel abroad needed to have visas” or “if all of a sudden Israel wouldn’t get preferential trade agreements with the EU?” Lynk posited.
What if the many forms of military, economic or academic cooperation with Israel would now end? Lynk asked.
If that would come to pass, there would be sea change in Israel’s attitude toward the Palestinians, he said.
... “Now we regard Israel as the lawful occupant of the Palestinian territories, albeit with a range illegal features to it,” Lynk said.
“If we now change that from being a lawful occupant to an illegal occupant, that raises the pressure on what the international community would now be obliged to do under its [new] obligation on non-cooperation with Israel in the continuation,” Lynk said.
...Lynk is a Canadian legal expert who holds the post of special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories for the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and is mandated to solely look at Israeli actions, not Palestinian ones.
Israel accuses UN human rights official of hateful incitement (Fox News)
Anne Bayefsky, professor and director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and Holocaust, told Fox News that Lynk’s title gives the opposite impression of what he actually does.
“Link demonstrates how dangerous the U.N. Human Rights Council really is,” she said. “The Council gave him the misleading title of U.N. human rights expert investigator, knowing in advance he had made up his mind about the subject he was to investigate. Lynk went into the U.N. job wildly anti-Israel, and voilà, he now produces statements and reports containing wild anti-Israel pronouncements, starting with analogies to apartheid South Africa.”
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