torsdag 22 november 2018

Internationella brottmålsdomstolen slösar med resurser och bedriver politik

Domarna i ICC har beslutat att åklagaren Fatou Bensouda måste återuppta fallet Mavi Marmara.
Internationella brottmålsdomstolens åklagare Fatou Bensouda har redan 2014 konstaterat att "det finns ingen rimlig grund att gå vidare med en undersökning" om vad som hände när israeliska soldater bordade fartyget Mavi Marmara med främst turkiska aktivister i maj 2010.

Eftersom politik och inte juridik gäller när det är fråga om Israel krävde de tre domarna i domstolen år 2015 att Bensouda omprövar sitt beslut.
Bensouda överklagade domarnas beslut men förlorade.

I november 2017 lade hon fram vad hon hoppades var ett slutligt beslut i frågan och konstaterade att hon fortfarande var av den åsikten att det inte finns någon rimlig grund att fortsätta med en utredning. Fallet borde därför avslutas.
Nu har de tre domarna ändå beslutat att hon måste fortsätta med fallet.

ICC prosecutor ordered to reexamine Gaza flotilla incident — for the third time (TOI)
"...Although Israel was not directly involved in the legalistic back-and-forth, officials in Jerusalem have followed with great disdain the efforts and resources the ICC has invested in this particular case.

They argue that the flotilla incident has no place in a court created to deal with tragedies of a much greater scope than the case, which occurred more than eight years ago and which has already been probed by an Israeli committee headed by jurist Jacob Turkel with the participation of international observers.

“The ICC was established to deal with mass atrocities of concern to the international community as a whole,” the Israeli official told The Times of Israel, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“Instead, it has wasted more than five years of its time and resources on an incident that has already been thoroughly reviewed and brought to a close by national and international panels of inquiry, including twice by the court’s own prosecutor.” ...

...The official also noted with chagrin that the three judges who ordered Bensouda to review the Marmara case — Péter Kovács, Marc Perrin de Brichambaut and Reine Adélaïde Sophie Alapini-Gansou — in July launched a campaign to reach out to victims of alleged Israeli human rights violations in the Palestinian territories.

“It is worth noting that this is a decision by the same panel of judges that only a few months ago inexplicably ordered ‘outreach’ to victims in the so-called ‘Situation in Palestine,’ before even the question of the court’s jurisdiction had been determined,” the official said." ...

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