Det sägs att det är den värsta attacken från Gaza på södra Israel någonsin.
Det var ett uppehåll i raketbeskjutningen under natten men den har återupptagits på morgonen.
En person har dödats i Ashkelon och flera har skadats, en del av dem har livshotande skador.
Det pågår alltså ett krig nu och det är fullt tänkbart att Israel sätter in marktrupper inom kort men hur situationen utvecklas vet man inte.
Från Hamas och Islamsk Jihad kommer det hotfulla uttalanden om kommande attacker mot israeliska städer.
Det är viktigt att notera att attackerna från Gaza riktar sig mot civila mål, bostadsområden. Attackerna kan därmed utan desto mer undersökningarna klassas som krigsförbrytelser. Annat kan man naturligtvis inte vänta sig av terroristorganisationer.
Israel å sin sida bombar militära mål, olika anläggningar som tillhör Hamas och andra terrororganisationer.
Gaza rocket fusillade on southern Israel resumes after brief overnight lull (TOI)
IDF says 370 missiles fired since Monday, including 70 after midnight; some 100 intercepted by Iron Dome; over 150 sites targeted in Gaza; sides warn of heavier fighting to come.
The fresh barrage came after several hours of relative quiet in Israel following an unprecedented and deadly bombardment on Israeli towns near the Gaza border that forced most Israelis in the region to spend the night in bomb shelters and brought the sides back to the brink of war.
The Israel Defense Forces said before the fresh barrage Tuesday that about 370 rockets and mortar rounds had been shot at Israel since Monday, including 70 rockets fired at Israeli towns since midnight, in what was being called the largest-ever barrage on southern Israel.
In light of the barrage from the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military ordered residents of communities near the Gaza Strip to remain inside bomb shelters until further notice. That included residents of the towns of Netivot and Ofakim, which are not typically as affected by Gaza rockets as communities closer to the border.
Residents of the cities of Beersheba, Ashkelon and Ashdod were told to stay within close proximity of bomb shelters and protected spaces.
A run-off election scheduled for Tuesday in the Hof Ashkelon region was postponed.
The military also preemptively canceled school for Tuesday in the Gaza border region and in the central Negev and Lachish regions, including in Israel’s fourth largest city Beersheba.
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