Omvärlden anser att när judar bor och bygger i Judéen och Samarien (västbanken) är det ett hinder för fredsprocessen och olagligt.
Men oberoende av vad palestinierna gör låter man det passera obemärkt och utan kommentarer och fördömanden.
Abbas: Palestinians are "still continuing the path” of Arafat and terrorist murderers - “heroic Martyrs who sacrificed for Allah and for the liberation of Palestine”
On the anniversary of the death of former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat, the Fatah Movement once again revealed the essence of its character and emphasized the movement’s adherence to Arafat’s legacy of violence and terror.
On its official Facebook page, Fatah posted an image with a logo for the 15th anniversary of Arafat’s death. The logo (marked by red circle below) displays the number “15” with a bullet as the digit “1”.
The use of a bullet in the logo and the focus on Arafat’s legacy of violence and terror is not surprising. Fatah is careful never to portray Arafat as a man of peace – (and rightfully so) – and never reminds the Palestinian public that he did in fact receive the Nobel Peace Prize for signing the Oslo Peace Accords with Israel. Fatah never promotes photos or footage from any of Arafat’s negotiations with Israel or his signing of the peace treaty at the White House in 1993, but only promotes the image of Arafat as a man of war.
Likewise, PA Chairman Abbas – at an event marking the anniversary of Arafat’s death – chose to focus on “the path” of Arafat and several terrorist murderers who Abbas said died as “heroic Martyrs.” Abbas stressed that Palestinians “are still continuing on their path” and mentioned among others arch-terrorist Abu Jihad, who was responsible for the murder of at least 125 people – including 12 children and 25 adults in the Coastal Road massacre in 1978 - and terrorist Abu Iyad, who led the terror organization Black September and planned, among other attacks, the murder of the 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972:

Abbas: “[Arafat], may Allah have mercy on him, and have mercy on his colleagues and comrades who began and ended with him, but whose struggle will not end… Their memory is still fresh in everyone’s hearts. These martyrs, these commanders, beginning with Abu Jihad, and ending with Abu Said and Abu Iyad – all of the heroic Martyrs who have died for Allah, who sacrificed for Allah and the Palestinian cause. These Martyrs… have died in their thousands for just one goal, which is the liberation of Palestine – and we are still continuing on their path.”
[Official PA TV, Nov. 11, 2019]

On the anniversary of Arafat’s death in 2017, Fatah chose to highlight his call for “
Ribat” –
religious conflict over Islamic land – “until Judgment Day:”
Posted text is a quote by Arafat: “This is my people, the people of giants, which is [engaged] in Ribat (i.e., religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic) until Judgement Day
It is the [people] of which one of its boys or girls will wave the flag of Palestine over the churches of Jerusalem, its towers, and its walls.
They think that this is still far off, but we think that it is near, and we will be the ones who are right, Allah willing.
And we will be victorious despite them.”
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Oct. 24, 2017]
That year, Fatah’s logo for the anniversary used the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas as the digit “1” in the number “13” signifying the years since Arafat’s death. The PA map erasing the entire State of Israel was used the same way in the logo the following year:
Posted text: "The anniversary approaches"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Nov. 2, 2018]
The image shows Arafat wearing a keffiyeh (Arab headdress). In the upper left corner is the Fatah logo that includes a grenade, crossed rifles, and the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas. At the bottom right is the large number 14 – part of the text, with the number 1 formed by the PA map of “Palestine.”
Text on image: "The 14th anniversary of the death as a Martyr (Shahid) of leader Yasser Arafat"
The image posted this year (top above) shows Arafat and in the background a picture of Palestinian refugees. Text on the logo states: “Long live the anniversary,” and below it is written “1929-2004” indicating the years Arafat lived.
Posted text and text on image: “The refugees’ return is a sacred right”
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Nov. 11, 2019]
In addition, the image displays the PLO logo featuring a flame, the Palestinian flag, and the PA map of “Palestine.” Text on logo: “The Palestinian Liberation Organization, National unity, national mobilization, Liberation.” In the upper right corner of the image is yet another map of “Palestine” that erases all of Israel in the colors of the Palestinian flag, and next to it a key symbolizing the Palestinian refugees’ “right of return.”