måndag 1 mars 2010

Ahmadinejad om Israel

Irans president Ahmadinejad talade igår inför en konferens i Teheran. (International Conference on National and Islamic Solidarity for Future of Palestine)
Bland deltagarna kan nämnas Hamasledaren Khaled Mashaal, ledaren för Islamisk Jihad Ramadan Abdullah Shalah och ledaren för Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Ahmed Jibril.
Ahmadinejad sade i sitt tal att sionistregimen är en förolämpning av hela mänskligheten och att den är orsaken till alla krig, folkmord, terror och brott mot mänskligheten.De är en rasistisk grupp som inte accepterar mänskliga principer.

Detta säger alltså presidenten för Iran, landet där de som kritiserar regimen fängslas och i värsta fall avrättas.

'Zionist regime seeks world control'

Från The Guardian:


Iran's fight for press freedom
"More than 100 journalists and bloggers have been imprisoned in Iran since the disputed election last June, making it the world's leading enemy of free expression. At least 65 remain in jail – more than any single country has imprisoned since 1996."

The truth about Iran's campus attack
"Last night the BBC Persian service broadcast for the first time a very disturbing video of the attack by the Basij militia and riot police on Tehran University's campus just two days after the stolen election last June. The attack was one of the seminal events of Iran's post-election unrest in which the police broke locks and then bones as they rampaged through the dormitories, carted off more than 100 students and killed five."

Iran tops new terror finance blacklist
"Financial Action Taskforce says Middle Eastern state is major centre of money laundering and terrorist funding as it names and shames countries"

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