Det här är möjligt eftersom understöd från Storbritannien (och andra EU stater) betalas till de palestinska myndigheternas allmänna budget.
Brittiska myndigheter har försökt försvara sig med att det är fråga om socialhjälp men PMW har visat att så inte är fallet.
De palestinska myndigheterna betalar lön till alla fångar i israeliskt fängelse. Det är fråga om lön som fångarna själva förfogar över och lönen är högre ju längre straff man avtjänat, vilket betyder att ett grövre brott ger högre lön.
Detta är något som bidragsgivare till de palestinska myndigheterna måste få en ändring på.
Informationen har väckt reaktioner bland annat i Wall Street Journal:
Palestinian Terrorists on the Payroll
Palestiniernas respons kan läsas här:
PMW report in UK
Executive Summary:
- The Palestinian Authority is currently paying salaries totaling approximately 17,500,000 shekels (£2,798,825) each month to all Palestinian terrorists in Israeli prisons, including mass murderers.
- The word used in the PA law is Ratib - salary; the law never mentions "social assistance" or "welfare."
- The amount of the salary rises based on number of years in prison, an amount related to the severity of the terror crime and not family need.
- Unmarried terrorists receive the same basic salary as those who are married and have children.
- A separate small stipend is given to married prisoners with children. The average prisoner salary is over 3,000 shekels (£480) a month and can reach as high as 12,000 (almost £2,000) a month for those in prison more than 30 years. The additional stipend for a married prisoner is 300 shekels (£48) and a mere 50 shekels (£8) per child.
- The terrorist prisoner is the only one who can appoint an "authorized agent" to handle his money when he is in prison. He is not obligated to give it to his wife, children, or parents.
- All of these points and more citations in the report refute Minister Duncan's assertion that the money is "social assistance" for families.
- As long as the UK continues funding the PA's general budget, it will be a participant in the payment of these high monthly salaries to terrorist murderers.
Fatah i Libanon gör vad de kan för att det skall finnas villiga terrorister också i fortsättningen. Fotot med modern som klär på sitt barn ett bombbälte finns på Fatahs facebook sida.
Bildtexten översatt till engelska: (PMW)
"My mother dressed me in a strange belt (i.e., a suicide belt).
I asked her: 'What is this, mother?'
She said: 'I will put it on you and you will go to your death!'
I said to her: 'Mother, what have I done that you want me to die?'
She shed a tear that hurt my heart and said: 'The homeland needs you, son. Go and blow up the sons of Zion.'
I said to her: 'Why me and not you?'
She said: 'I will stay in order to give birth to more children for the sake of Palestine.'
I kissed her hand and said to her: 'Keep it up, mother, for you and for Palestine I will kill the impure and the damned.'"
She said: 'I will put it on you and you will go to your death!'
I said to her: 'Mother, what have I done that you want me to die?'
She shed a tear that hurt my heart and said: 'The homeland needs you, son. Go and blow up the sons of Zion.'
I said to her: 'Why me and not you?'
She said: 'I will stay in order to give birth to more children for the sake of Palestine.'
I kissed her hand and said to her: 'Keep it up, mother, for you and for Palestine I will kill the impure and the damned.'"
[Fatah-Lebanon's Facebook
posted Sept. 3, 2012, accessed Oct. 28, 2012
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