Palestinierna har nu en samlingsregering tillsatt av Hamas och Fatah.Hamas anses vara en terroristorganisation av både USA och EU. Men Hamas är inte bara vilken terroristorganisation som helst utan en organisation vars mål förutom att utplåna staten Israel också är att utplåna judarna.Det har Hamas ledare också låtit förstå under de senaste veckorna.
Detta är ändå inget som stör världsledarna utan de försäkrar att de kommer att fortsätta att samarbeta med den palestinska regeringen och därmed understöda terrorister.
Vad kan man säga?
Inget har förändrats, så länge judarna är det tilltänkta offret verkar ingen bry sig.
International community extends support to Palestinian unity government
Analysis: Palestinian unity gov’t leaves explosive issues hanging in the air
Hamas leader: Resistance can liberate West Bank and the rest of "Palestine"
Israel's official position regarding the new Fatah-Hamas government
1. By establishing a government with Hamas, President Mahmoud Abbas has said yes to terrorism and no to peace. He has made a pact with an organization responsible for the murder of more than 1,000 innocent Israelis and the launching of thousands of rockets at Israeli cities.
2. Hamas has been declared a terrorist organization by the U.S., Europe, Egypt and others around the world. It totally rejects the conditions of the international community and therefore the international community should totally reject it.
3. Even in the past few days, the leaders of the Hamas terrorist organization have once again emphasized its commitment to the path of terrorism and the destruction of Israel.
4. Israel will not conduct negotiations with a Palestinian government that is backed by Hamas and will consider the imposition of sanctions on it.
5. A terrorist organization such as Hamas should not be allowed to take part in elections.
6. Israel considers the Palestinian government and President Abbas as bearing responsibility for any activities which harm the security of Israel, and which are carried out from the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
7. This is a direct continuation of the policy of peace rejectionism by President Abbas. While Israel has carried out a number of brave and painful steps to advance the peace process and continues to be committed to peace, President Abbas refuses to continue the negotiations; rejected the American framework document; continues to incite against Israel; has unilaterally joined UN conventions; and has now made a pact with the Hamas terrorist organization.
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