fredag 27 juni 2014

Tragisk fars i FN igen

Flera arab- och muslimländer tillkännagav i går i FN att de kommer att kräva att säkerhetsrådet sammanträder för att fördöma Israels agerande på västbanken i samband sökandet efter de kidnappade pojkarna.
Israel har inte hittat pojkarna men arresterat många terrorister, personer som stöder terrorister och antagligen också en del oskyldiga samt beslagtagit mängder av vapen.
Uttalandet visar på problemet med att allt för många av medlemsländerna i FN är mer eller mindre diktaturer som inte har mycket till övers för mänskliga rättigheter och som hellre stöder terroristorganisationer som kidnappar barn än demokratiska stater som söker efter kidnappningsoffren och arresterar terrorister.

Israel tillkännagav i går identiteten på de två huvudmisstänkta för kidnappningen: Marwan Kawasme och Amar Abu Aysha, båda från Hebron och långvariga Hamasmedlemmar.

Arab states at United Nations deplore ‘Israeli aggression’
Kommentar från Israels FN ambassadör Ron Prosor:
“Rather than denouncing this appalling attack, the Arab nations have the audacity to stand before you today and criticize Israel,” he said. “Even after Palestinian [Authority] President [Mahmoud] Abbas condemned the kidnapping, the Palestinian representative did not have the courage and dignity to denounce and attack on three schoolboys.

“The Arab nations give the world mostly oppression and aggression,” he continued.

“Remind me of a single innovation from an Arab nation in medicine or technology.

The only innovation here at the UN is coming together to criticize Israel, harassing UN officials, and wasting this body’s time and resources.”

Shin Bet reveals identity of two main suspected kidnappers

Security and Defense: Switching gears in West Bank operation  (Jerusalem Post)
 "... Also this week, Israel received yet another painful reminder of the very heavy cost it continues to pay for having released 1,200 security prisoners in the Schalit exchange with Hamas in 2011.
The fact that Hamas member Ziad Awad, released in that deal, was able to take an automatic weapon, head to a road and fire on Israeli vehicles near Tarkumiya on Passover eve, killing police officer Baruch Mizrahi and injuring his wife and child, is a clear warning about the predictable consequences of wholesale releases of terrorists from prison.
Israelis can take some comfort in knowing that 54 Hamas prisoners in the West Bank, also released in the deal, have been rearrested over the past two weeks. The damage caused to national security from the Schalit deal can now be mitigated to some degree by keeping them behind bars."

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