När terrororganisationen Hamas som vill utplåna Israel medverkar i bildandet av den palestinska regeringen uttrycker USA, EU och FN sitt gillande.
När Israel meddelar att man planerar bygga nya bostäder i Jerusalem,Samarien och Judéen uttrycker samma stater sitt missnöje.
Det behövs ingen kommentar.
EU om Fatahs och Hamas samarbete:
"We welcome ... the declaration by President Abbas that this new
government is committed to the principle of the two state solution based
on the 1967 borders, to the recognition of Israel's legitimate right to
exist," the EU said in a statement.
"The EU's engagement with the new Palestinian government will be based on its adherence to these policies and commitments,"
EU om Israels byggande av bostäder:
"We are deeply disappointed that the Israeli Land Administration has published new tenders
for 1,466 housing units in settlements in east Jerusalem and the rest of
the West Bank," the statement read. "This move is unhelpful to peace
"We call on the Israeli authorities to reverse this decision and to
direct all their efforts towards an early resumption of the peace
Fredsförhandlingar med Hamas om hur Israel skall utplånas???
Läs också: Vad ska man förhandla om?
USA om Fatahs och Hamas samarbete:
“based on what we know now, we intend to work with this government.”
USA om Israels bostadsbyggande:
"We oppose construction in the settlements and this type of announcement about building."
Tyskland:"The German government is very worried about this report because this
step poses the threat of making efforts to continue peace negotiations
between Israel and the Palestines even harder," German government
spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz said.
EU calls for 'reverse' to settlement building plans
US envoy pans Israeli approval of settlements in response to Palestinian unity gov't
International community welcomes Palestinian unity government
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