Ett exempel på det fick vi när William Schabas, ordföranden för kommissionen som undersöker "Israels brott" i Gazakriget senaste sommar, sett sig tvungen att avgå efter att det kommit fram uppgifter att han tidigare arbetat för PLO.
Schabas anklagades redan från början för att vara partisk, han har bland annat tidigare sagt att han vill ställa Israels premiärminister Netasnyahu inför Internationella brottmålsdomstolen.
Men som sagt, det är så här mänskorättsrådet fungerar. Denhär gången blev partiskheten bara allt för uppenbar.
"...Rather, Schabas quit because Schabas was caught.
He was caught having penned a legal opinion for the Palestine Liberation Organization in 2012, and getting paid $1,300 for his trouble. It’s one thing to have Israeli leaders yell, based on Schabas’s nasty comments against its leaders in the past, that he is badly biased against the Jewish state, just like the committee that appointed him.
But it is another thing to have compelling evidence of that bias in the form of a contractual agreement between Schabas and the PLO..."
He was caught having penned a legal opinion for the Palestine Liberation Organization in 2012, and getting paid $1,300 for his trouble. It’s one thing to have Israeli leaders yell, based on Schabas’s nasty comments against its leaders in the past, that he is badly biased against the Jewish state, just like the committee that appointed him.
But it is another thing to have compelling evidence of that bias in the form of a contractual agreement between Schabas and the PLO..."
"... The UNHRC’s 47-nation body, which appointed the panel, has proven on
numerous occasions that its perception of justice is distorted. Indeed,
this distortion is built in.
Ostensibly, UN votes are democratic. But this means that countries with horrific human rights records, led by regimes that reject basic democratic principles, get the same vote as liberal democracies. Supporters of the resolution to create a panel of inquiry into Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip, for instance, included such human rights luminaries as China, Cuba, Pakistan, Russia, and Saudi Arabia.
Not only do these countries flagrantly trample the rights of their own citizens, but in a cynical act of reciprocity these autocratic regimes also cover for one another’s crimes by blocking attempts to launch inquiries against fellow dictators.
As a result, while Israel is obsessively castigated – according to the UNHRC’s agenda item 7, Israel’s alleged human rights violations must be discussed every time the UNHRC convenes – regimes which perpetrate real human rights abuses are all but ignored..."
Ostensibly, UN votes are democratic. But this means that countries with horrific human rights records, led by regimes that reject basic democratic principles, get the same vote as liberal democracies. Supporters of the resolution to create a panel of inquiry into Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip, for instance, included such human rights luminaries as China, Cuba, Pakistan, Russia, and Saudi Arabia.
Not only do these countries flagrantly trample the rights of their own citizens, but in a cynical act of reciprocity these autocratic regimes also cover for one another’s crimes by blocking attempts to launch inquiries against fellow dictators.
As a result, while Israel is obsessively castigated – according to the UNHRC’s agenda item 7, Israel’s alleged human rights violations must be discussed every time the UNHRC convenes – regimes which perpetrate real human rights abuses are all but ignored..."
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