tisdag 3 februari 2015

Hamas utbildar fler terrorister

Hamas har utbildat 15.000 ungdomar och barn mellan 15-21 år för att delta i kriget mot Israel med målet att förinta den judiska staten.
I Egypten har en domstol slagit fast att Hamas militära gren är en terroristorganisation vilket naturligtvis ytterligare försämrat relationeran mellan Egypten och Hamas.
I Egypten anser man att Hamas tar del i terrorattackerna i Sinai.

Här en video från MEMRI som visar hur det går till:
Thousands of Gaza Youth Train at Hamas Military Wing Camp
The Internet, Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) - January 2015 

Hamas fast rebuilding guerrilla-terrorist forces in Gaza 
 “Their aim is to recover the military infrastructure that was damaged and return it to full capabilities and broaden it,...”
To that end, Hamas has allocated the necessary funds, personnel, and equipment, despite the shortages suffered by the civilian sector in the Strip, the study found. Its domestic security bodies are part of the effort.

“This stands out especially against the background of the ongoing delay in the civilian recovery of the Gaza Strip,” the report said, adding that it “illustrates well that, as in the past, Hamas’s priorities clearly lie in rebuilding military capabilities at the expense of civilian needs.”

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