torsdag 5 februari 2015

Hamas vill ha mera våld och PA demoniserar judar

Hamas ledare Mahmoud Zahar uppmanar Hamasmedlemmar i de palestinska flyktinglägren i Libanon och Syrien att attackera Israel.

Och i fredagsbönen på de palestinska myndigheternas TV  kallas judar för apor och svin.

Zahar calls for Hamas branches in Lebanon, Syria refugee camps to attack Israel 

 PA TV sermon: Jews are "apes and pigs" (PMW)
 In Friday's sermon on official Palestinian Authority TV, the cleric demonized Jews as "apes and pigs."
"Many Muslims are being harmed these days by a group whose hearts were sealed by Allah. 'He made of them [Jews] apes and pigs and slaves of deities' (Quran, 5:60). They are harming the livelihood of the believers [Muslims]... They withhold their [the Palestinians'] money and collect interest on it."
[Official PA TV, Jan. 30, 2015]

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