fredag 13 februari 2015

Plock från Jerusalem Post

Hälften av dem som uppgavs vara palestinska journalister som dog under kriget i Gaza senaste sommar var egentligen medlemmar i Hamas och Islamsk Jihad.Detta har Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center kommit fram till efter omfattande undersökningar.

'Half of names of Gaza journalist casualties are terror operatives, or members of Hamas media' (Jerusalem Post)
“The study, not yet complete, found that eight out of the 17 names were operatives who belonged to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, or who worked in Hamas media outlets,” the report, published Thursday, stated.

“The Palestinian Journalists Union and the Gazan branch of the Information Office tried to hide the military-terrorist identity of the terror operatives, and present them as journalists in every way,” it added.

IDF bedömer att den palestinska myndigheten på västbanken kan kollapsa när som helst.Säkerhetssituationen har försämrats,hets mot Israel förekommer allmänt på sociala media, Hamas försöker stärka sin ställning och terrorattacker som sällan når över nyhetströskeln utförs dagligen, såsom stenkastning och brandbomber.
Vissa områden har tagits över att kriminella gäng.

IDF security assessment: The Palestinian Authority can collapse at any moment (Jerusalem Post)

"The IDF has begun to prepare for this possible deterioration, and with the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) haa been carrying out many operations for the seizure of ammunition in the West Bank. In the process, the army has also seized funds meant to bolster Hamas's standing in the territory. The frequent operations are slated to continue through March. 
The army says its fears of a security deterioration are based on an upswing in terror activity including the throwing of Molotov cocktails and stones and the use of other improvised weapons. Such acts have been carried out recently on a daily basis. The security assessments are also based on a rise in incitement against Israel in the Palestinian social media. Many of the prominent figures inciting against Israel are prisoners who were freed in 2011 in the deal to release IDF soldier Gilad Schalit. "

Två tredjedelar av israelerna anser att USA:s president Obama blandar sig i valet i Israel.
Samma undersökning säger att Netanyahus Likud nu leder över Zionist Union med 24-23. Likud har gått ner från 26 platser och ZU upp från 22.

Israelis think Obama interfering in election, poll finds (Jerusalem Post)
"The proportion of respondents saying they want Netanyahu to remain prime minister fell from 46% last week to 42%, while those saying they do not want him to keep his job rose from 45% to 49%. Nine percent said they did not know."

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