onsdag 2 december 2015

Ännu ett exempel på palestinska ledares inställning till terror

Jibril Rajoub som bland annat är medlem i Fatahs centralkommitté och har ansvar för sport och ungdomsfrågor stöder terrorattacker mot judar och anser att de som utför dem är modiga och han säger sig vara stolt över dem.
Alltid villig att sända andras barn i döden.

 PA school honors two terrorist stabbers with tennis tournament in their names  (PMW)

"These are individual operations (i.e., terror attacks), however, they comprise bravery and composure. They contain a range of values that obligate the political elite and political and national Palestinian powers to see the will of that hero who wrote a blog. It can be a document they could teach in schools, on the meaning of Martyrdom-death... and the meaning of patriotism... These are individual acts of bravery, and I am proud of them. I congratulate everyone who carried them out... the fighter, the prisoner, or the Martyr, they are assets to the entire Palestinian people.”
[emphasis added, Official PA TV, Oct. 17, 2015

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